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I have read many posts these past few days about the club, management and the owners. Comments have also been passed onto me by telephone and third parties.


The Trust gets its unsual bashing to add to the mix and again I am accused of being so pro club that I do not represent the fans.


I am not going to justify my own position any longer but suffice to say that whatever I do I do in the best interest of Oldham Athetic and its supporters.


To those who call for demonstrations and sackings where do you really think that will get anyone. Absolute rubbish in my opinion


Everyone at the club is aware of our plight and the remedies we shall be seeking. No I am not going to go into this in any reply.


Some people now question and attack the motives and actions of the owners. Get real please. These people have Oldham Athletic at heart and as I write we are certainly not in the position that Crystal Palce are entering. If the board at the club are guilty of anything it is good financial management. Futhermore their private finances are no ones business. Looking on the site lately you could not blame them if they lost interest and if they left who do you believe would finance the club.


I have spoken to one of the owners who invites you to say if you want them to leave and if you feel that is the way forward then just say so. My own word of warning is before doing so, consider who may want to buy the club at the moment and if they left who do your believe will finance football at our club. Gate money will certainly not achieve that. I know that is not everyone's view and I am sure they are thankful to those who support them.Those who think the opposite stand up and be counted so that if we know you are in the minority we can get on with working as a team including supporters to fight for the success of our club.


I do not defend our league position nor do I suggest that people enjoy the football at the club at the moment. But, the real fans stick through the bad times as well as the good.


Nobody is taking our current problems lightly and eveybody is pulling togather as a team. We need the fans to be onboard as well. That plea I know will fall on many deaf ears on this site.


I also believe that people have forgetten the times we nearly went out of business and nobody wants that to occur again. Many mistakes have been made along the way and we learn from them.


Our owners are real people doing a real job trying to keep a club with low attendances afloat. The facts are the facts and there is no magic wand or massive pot to raid.


I will be acccused of patroning the three owners but believe me they back the club up with hard cash when it has been necessary. There is however a limit and they do not need to justify themselves in that respect.


I was talking to a fan from Darlington the other week and I asked how the fan base was reacting at the moment. He said there was no problem because they where just glad they had survived as a football club. A real response I thought.


I agree we are all disappointed and frustrated with eveything that is happening but I personally believe we will see some improvements.


I woiuld finally add that I am writing this mail as a club director and have to accept that they might not necessarily be does of my other colleagues who are Trust Directors. If they agree or disagree with me I am sure they will say so.








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I have read many posts these past few days about the club, management and the owners. Comments have also been passed onto me by telephone and third parties.


The Trust gets its unsual bashing to add to the mix and again I am accused of being so pro club that I do not represent the fans.


I am not going to justify my own position any longer but suffice to say that whatever I do I do in the best interest of Oldham Athetic and its supporters.


To those who call for demonstrations and sackings where do you really think that will get anyone. Absolute rubbish in my opinion


Everyone at the club is aware of our plight and the remedies we shall be seeking. No I am not going to go into this in any reply.


Some people now question and attack the motives and actions of the owners. Get real please. These people have Oldham Athletic at heart and as I write we are certainly not in the position that Crystal Palce are entering. If the board at the club are guilty of anything it is good financial management. Futhermore their private finances are no ones business. Looking on the site lately you could not blame them if they lost interest and if they left who do you believe would finance the club.


I have spoken to one of the owners who invites you to say if you want them to leave and if you feel that is the way forward then just say so. My own word of warning is before doing so, consider who may want to buy the club at the moment and if they left who do your believe will finance football at our club. Gate money will certainly not achieve that. I know that is not everyone's view and I am sure they are thankful to those who support them.Those who think the opposite stand up and be counted so that if we know you are in the minority we can get on with working as a team including supporters to fight for the success of our club.


I do not defend our league position nor do I suggest that people enjoy the football at the club at the moment. But, the real fans stick through the bad times as well as the good.


Nobody is taking our current problems lightly and eveybody is pulling togather as a team. We need the fans to be onboard as well. That plea I know will fall on many deaf ears on this site.


I also believe that people have forgetten the times we nearly went out of business and nobody wants that to occur again. Many mistakes have been made along the way and we learn from them.


Our owners are real people doing a real job trying to keep a club with low attendances afloat. The facts are the facts and there is no magic wand or massive pot to raid.


I will be acccused of patroning the three owners but believe me they back the club up with hard cash when it has been necessary. There is however a limit and they do not need to justify themselves in that respect.


I was talking to a fan from Darlington the other week and I asked how the fan base was reacting at the moment. He said there was no problem because they where just glad they had survived as a football club. A real response I thought.


I agree we are all disappointed and frustrated with eveything that is happening but I personally believe we will see some improvements.


I woiuld finally add that I am writing this mail as a club director and have to accept that they might not necessarily be does of my other colleagues who are Trust Directors. If they agree or disagree with me I am sure they will say so.








i am not happy with on field matters at the moment but i dont you can question tta motives and intentions with our club

Edited by palmer1
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Barry, thanks for posting.


Although I suspect it may feel a little like sticking your head out of a trench when there's a likelihood of enemy fire at times, I for one would welcome more contributions to owtb from all the directors.


While it may be a tough ask, I would encourage you to do this more often!

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I have read many posts these past few days about the club, management and the owners. Comments have also been passed onto me by telephone and third parties.


The Trust gets its unsual bashing to add to the mix and again I am accused of being so pro club that I do not represent the fans.


I am not going to justify my own position any longer but suffice to say that whatever I do I do in the best interest of Oldham Athetic and its supporters.


To those who call for demonstrations and sackings where do you really think that will get anyone.


Everyone at the club is aware of our plight and the remedies we shall be seeking. No I am not going to go into this in any reply. Just when the thought you couldn't alienate an alienated fanbase further...


Some people now question and attack the motives and actions of the owners. Get real please. These people have Oldham Athletic at heart and as I write we are certainly not in the position that Crystal Palce are entering. If the board at the club are guilty of anything it is good financial management. Futhermore their private finances are no ones business. Looking on the site lately you could not blame them if they lost interest and if they left who do you believe would finance the club.


I have spoken to one of the owners who invites you to say if you want them to leave and if you feel that is the way forward then just say so. We want genuine ambition Barry, everything coming out of the club at EVERY level is austere, the make do and mend mentality will see us into oblivion


My own word of warning is before doing so, consider who may want to buy the club at the moment and if they left who do your believe will finance football at our club. Gate money will certainly not achieve that. I know that is not everyone's view and I am sure they are thankful to those who support them.Those who think the opposite stand up and be counted so that if we know you are in the minority we can get on with working as a team including supporters to fight for the success of our club. TTA have been thanked by many on here time and time again, but just how long can you be grateful when the club is clearly going backwards under their tenure and has been for some time, mitigating circumstances or not some justifiably, some unjustifiably the club is in a mess


I do not defend our league position nor do I suggest that people enjoy the football at the club at the moment. But, the real fans stick through the bad times as well as the good. That I agree with, even when I had a stroke in October, I was back supporting the team vs Yeovil withon two days, then set my recovery back several weeks by stupidly going to CharltonNobody is taking our current problems lightly and eveybody is pulling togather as a team. We need the fans to be onboard as well. That plea I know will fall on many deaf ears on this site.


I also believe that people have forgetten the times we nearly went out of business and nobody wants that to occur again. Many mistakes have been made along the way and we learn from them. Remember it well Barry, I was stood in the pissing rain with a bucket


Our owners are real people doing a real job trying to keep a club with low attendances afloat. The facts are the facts and there is no magic wand or massive pot to raid.


I will be acccused of patroning the three owners but believe me they back the club up with hard cash when it has been necessary. There is however a limit and they do not need to justify themselves in that respect.


I was talking to a fan from Darlington the other week and I asked how the fan base was reacting at the moment. He said there was no problem because they where just glad they had survived as a football club. A real response I thought. You've been getting your 'real' responses on here Barry, be grateful there's still 3,000 of us turning up week in week out, the time for just been grateful to have a club has long since passed, if we're not going to compete what's the point and that's why so many are voting with their feet


I agree we are all disappointed and frustrated with eveything that is happening but I personally believe we will see some improvements. I hope so, but I believe that to be more hope than judgement


I woiuld finally add that I am writing this mail as a club director and have to accept that they might not necessarily be does of my other colleagues who are Trust Directors. Do we expect anything else?If they agree or disagree with me I am sure they will say so.








We know you'd be a club director with or without your involvement in the Trust, perhaps you should concentrate on being a club director and allow someone else to Chair the Trust, by relinquishing control perhaps the Trust can gain new impetus and rise out of the stale mess it has become.

Edited by oafcprozac
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My response to you prozac is for to put all those energies you have into doing something positive for the club and stop trying to be so destructive. You may have your views about what I do or don't do but as I say I do everything in the best interests of the club and fans. We might never agree !!!!!.


As a Trust we work with the club not against it. I suspect if you had your way that relationship would immediately be destroyed.



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I'm a bit confused.


It doesn't really say anything (*), so it's either just a rant or it's a resignation speech.



* And what it does say completely misses the point. in fact, it displays the mentality that anyone who disagrees with the owners on specific issues, like Failsworth, is against them. If they're honestly saying, "You're either with us or agin us, no negotiation," then they're not going to like the answer.

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My response to you prozac is for to put all those energies you have into doing something positive for the club and stop trying to be so destructive. You may have your views about what I do or don't do but as I say I do everything in the best interests of the club and fans. We might never agree !!!!!.


As a Trust we work with the club not against it. I suspect if you had your way that relationship would immediately be destroyed.




Destructive? I don't think so, I want what's best for the club, I want forward momentum not indifference, what I don't want is the status quo and anyone who disagrees being chastised like a naughty child. You have not and never will represent the majority of Oldham Athletic fans. The fanbase has become so disaffected over the last three years (since the play off failure) that our crowds are at their lowest ebb for decades (certainly the lowest I have known in my 24 years as a supporter) Simply telling dissenters to shut it, and everything is ok will not do and if that is being destructive then so be it. The suggestion of a protest was an attempt to bring some of the stayaways back, to bring a fractured fanbase together, to show the owners it is worth putting their hands in their pockets because there are thousands of people who care and will not stand idly by whilst the ground, the team and the club are run into the ground over the owners last chance saloon exit strategy.


Oldham Athletic are struggling in the here and now and should not be allowed to stagnate and regress further and I will not simply shut up and sit there politely nodding waiting for Failsworth Utopia to come to fruition before we may be able to compete. If that makes me ungrateful and a 'destructor' then so be it!

Edited by oafcprozac
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I'm a bit confused.


It doesn't really say anything (*), so it's either just a rant or it's a resignation speech.



* And what it does say completely misses the point. in fact, it displays the mentality that anyone who disagrees with the owners on specific issues, like Failsworth, is against them. If they're honestly saying, "You're either with us or agin us, no negotiation," then they're not going to like the answer.

Spot on!


I'm told I have to accept Failsworth......I will....but at what cost??? I don't see us having a future down at Failsworth anyway. I see it as the end of OAFC! Am I happy about this....not at all. I want to be proven I'm wrong. But with what is happening at Boundary Park before we even leave, I see the end of OAFC coming even sooner if we've sod all to go down to Failsworth with!


Unless the owners realise they've a decent man who with a proper budget...maybe not as much as John King gave him at Donny, but significantly higher than it is, after all, this WILL be recouped in the long run as TTA have never come here to make a loss!...then fans like myself will be disgruntled all over the place! I'm hoping Hardy's words today ring true and that Penney does get some of the O'G money to bring higher end calibre....not the car-boot-sale job Penney's been asked to do!

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I don't think you are doing the trust or yourself any favours by coming on the board slating the fans for showing concern. You should be more visible as the 'fans representative' and not fleeting visits to try and batter us back into our holes. If there is no reason for concern, you should be in the public eye saying so before it gets to boiling point. Us fans pay lots of money and have a right to show concern.

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Our owners are real people doing a real job trying to keep a club with low attendances afloat. The facts are the facts and there is no magic wand or massive pot to raid.


If the product on the pitch was anything approaching interesting the low attendances wouldn't be quite so low.


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Barry, I don't comment much on this site but I feel compelled to now. It is difficult to defend the situation we are in as a football team. I think Dave Penny was the right choice at the time he was appointed and we need to give him time to establish his own team (including the foundations). He has not had a lot of luck this season and the players are obviously not responding to his methods as quickly as he would have liked. It must also be difficult for players coming in to prove themselves when their audience is as critical as it is - this cannot help their confidence. I agree with you that nobody would touch us with a barge pole if the club went up for sale. It simply isn't a viable business like most football clubs in the UK. So if TTA walk we are in no better a position, in fact we will be in a worse position. Fans need to think about the finances of the club - we don't have the pulling power of clubs like Manchester United - we are a relatively small club with little money coming in. You have to cut your cloth accordingly regardless of ambition. Regarding Dave Penney's position then the decision to keep him or sack him is the decision of the club owners alone. We have to put our faith in them to make the decision here taking into account what they see day to day as well as on matchdays. From all accounts Dave is a hard working person and this generally gets you a long way to achieving your goals. I sincerely hope that things turnaround soon and the hard work pays off. I like many other fans don't have a lot of faith that we can turn it around but what little faith we have we must and will hold on to. Fingers crossed for a bit of luck on Saturday!


I have read many posts these past few days about the club, management and the owners. Comments have also been passed onto me by telephone and third parties.


The Trust gets its unsual bashing to add to the mix and again I am accused of being so pro club that I do not represent the fans.


I am not going to justify my own position any longer but suffice to say that whatever I do I do in the best interest of Oldham Athetic and its supporters.


To those who call for demonstrations and sackings where do you really think that will get anyone. Absolute rubbish in my opinion


Everyone at the club is aware of our plight and the remedies we shall be seeking. No I am not going to go into this in any reply.


Some people now question and attack the motives and actions of the owners. Get real please. These people have Oldham Athletic at heart and as I write we are certainly not in the position that Crystal Palce are entering. If the board at the club are guilty of anything it is good financial management. Futhermore their private finances are no ones business. Looking on the site lately you could not blame them if they lost interest and if they left who do you believe would finance the club.


I have spoken to one of the owners who invites you to say if you want them to leave and if you feel that is the way forward then just say so. My own word of warning is before doing so, consider who may want to buy the club at the moment and if they left who do your believe will finance football at our club. Gate money will certainly not achieve that. I know that is not everyone's view and I am sure they are thankful to those who support them.Those who think the opposite stand up and be counted so that if we know you are in the minority we can get on with working as a team including supporters to fight for the success of our club.


I do not defend our league position nor do I suggest that people enjoy the football at the club at the moment. But, the real fans stick through the bad times as well as the good.


Nobody is taking our current problems lightly and eveybody is pulling togather as a team. We need the fans to be onboard as well. That plea I know will fall on many deaf ears on this site.


I also believe that people have forgetten the times we nearly went out of business and nobody wants that to occur again. Many mistakes have been made along the way and we learn from them.


Our owners are real people doing a real job trying to keep a club with low attendances afloat. The facts are the facts and there is no magic wand or massive pot to raid.


I will be acccused of patroning the three owners but believe me they back the club up with hard cash when it has been necessary. There is however a limit and they do not need to justify themselves in that respect.


I was talking to a fan from Darlington the other week and I asked how the fan base was reacting at the moment. He said there was no problem because they where just glad they had survived as a football club. A real response I thought.


I agree we are all disappointed and frustrated with eveything that is happening but I personally believe we will see some improvements.


I woiuld finally add that I am writing this mail as a club director and have to accept that they might not necessarily be does of my other colleagues who are Trust Directors. If they agree or disagree with me I am sure they will say so.








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I think the common thread with the vast majority of fans both on here and at the games is that they really do care about the club.


Many have different ways of showing it (especially with some of the ridiculous posts we get on here) but the common theme running through most of the threads is the fans concern for the club both short term, with relegation a very real threat, and long term with the possible move to Failsworth and what that might bring.


I myself have been supporting the club since I was 8 years old, I am now 46 and if I'm honest I'm very worried about the future of the club.

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I have read many posts these past few days about the club, management and the owners. Comments have also been passed onto me by telephone and third parties.


The Trust gets its unsual bashing to add to the mix and again I am accused of being so pro club that I do not represent the fans.


I am not going to justify my own position any longer but suffice to say that whatever I do I do in the best interest of Oldham Athetic and its supporters.


To those who call for demonstrations and sackings where do you really think that will get anyone. Absolute rubbish in my opinion


Everyone at the club is aware of our plight and the remedies we shall be seeking. No I am not going to go into this in any reply.


Some people now question and attack the motives and actions of the owners. Get real please. These people have Oldham Athletic at heart and as I write we are certainly not in the position that Crystal Palce are entering. If the board at the club are guilty of anything it is good financial management. Futhermore their private finances are no ones business. Looking on the site lately you could not blame them if they lost interest and if they left who do you believe would finance the club.


I have spoken to one of the owners who invites you to say if you want them to leave and if you feel that is the way forward then just say so. My own word of warning is before doing so, consider who may want to buy the club at the moment and if they left who do your believe will finance football at our club. Gate money will certainly not achieve that. I know that is not everyone's view and I am sure they are thankful to those who support them.Those who think the opposite stand up and be counted so that if we know you are in the minority we can get on with working as a team including supporters to fight for the success of our club.


I do not defend our league position nor do I suggest that people enjoy the football at the club at the moment. But, the real fans stick through the bad times as well as the good.


Nobody is taking our current problems lightly and eveybody is pulling togather as a team. We need the fans to be onboard as well. That plea I know will fall on many deaf ears on this site.


I also believe that people have forgetten the times we nearly went out of business and nobody wants that to occur again. Many mistakes have been made along the way and we learn from them.


Our owners are real people doing a real job trying to keep a club with low attendances afloat. The facts are the facts and there is no magic wand or massive pot to raid.


I will be acccused of patroning the three owners but believe me they back the club up with hard cash when it has been necessary. There is however a limit and they do not need to justify themselves in that respect.


I was talking to a fan from Darlington the other week and I asked how the fan base was reacting at the moment. He said there was no problem because they where just glad they had survived as a football club. A real response I thought.


I agree we are all disappointed and frustrated with eveything that is happening but I personally believe we will see some improvements.


I woiuld finally add that I am writing this mail as a club director and have to accept that they might not necessarily be does of my other colleagues who are Trust Directors. If they agree or disagree with me I am sure they will say so.









Why is there always a threat accompanying no answers? People are co9ncerned Barry at what appears currently that the club is crumbling away before our very eyes. Hard core fans are now walking away due to it.

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I have read many posts these past few days about the club, management and the owners. Comments have also been passed onto me by telephone and third parties.


The Trust gets its unsual bashing to add to the mix and again I am accused of being so pro club that I do not represent the fans.


I am not going to justify my own position any longer but suffice to say that whatever I do I do in the best interest of Oldham Athetic and its supporters.


To those who call for demonstrations and sackings where do you really think that will get anyone. Absolute rubbish in my opinion


Everyone at the club is aware of our plight and the remedies we shall be seeking. No I am not going to go into this in any reply.


Some people now question and attack the motives and actions of the owners. Get real please. These people have Oldham Athletic at heart and as I write we are certainly not in the position that Crystal Palce are entering. If the board at the club are guilty of anything it is good financial management. Futhermore their private finances are no ones business. Looking on the site lately you could not blame them if they lost interest and if they left who do you believe would finance the club.


I have spoken to one of the owners who invites you to say if you want them to leave and if you feel that is the way forward then just say so. My own word of warning is before doing so, consider who may want to buy the club at the moment and if they left who do your believe will finance football at our club. Gate money will certainly not achieve that. I know that is not everyone's view and I am sure they are thankful to those who support them.Those who think the opposite stand up and be counted so that if we know you are in the minority we can get on with working as a team including supporters to fight for the success of our club.


I do not defend our league position nor do I suggest that people enjoy the football at the club at the moment. But, the real fans stick through the bad times as well as the good.


Nobody is taking our current problems lightly and eveybody is pulling togather as a team. We need the fans to be onboard as well. That plea I know will fall on many deaf ears on this site.


I also believe that people have forgetten the times we nearly went out of business and nobody wants that to occur again. Many mistakes have been made along the way and we learn from them.


Our owners are real people doing a real job trying to keep a club with low attendances afloat. The facts are the facts and there is no magic wand or massive pot to raid.


I will be acccused of patroning the three owners but believe me they back the club up with hard cash when it has been necessary. There is however a limit and they do not need to justify themselves in that respect.


I was talking to a fan from Darlington the other week and I asked how the fan base was reacting at the moment. He said there was no problem because they where just glad they had survived as a football club. A real response I thought.


I agree we are all disappointed and frustrated with eveything that is happening but I personally believe we will see some improvements.


I woiuld finally add that I am writing this mail as a club director and have to accept that they might not necessarily be does of my other colleagues who are Trust Directors. If they agree or disagree with me I am sure they will say so.









Working with the club?

As chairman of the trust, fans representative, shouldnt you also be working with the FANS and putting forward their concerns to the owners?

I must say though, your doing a cracking job at what your doin representing the fans, 52 posts in 2 and a half years as a member?

Everyone on here is thankful for what they did for us, and as a fan of OAFC surely you can see why some are calling for the managers head?

The majority on here would mind our results so much if we would actualyy attack! Okay the first half performance against millwall was best for a while, but we only seem motivated once they go down to ten men, which is unacceptable. We pay good hard earned money every week & to see that :censored: football DP serves us is disgraceful.

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I was talking to a fan from Darlington the other week and I asked how the fan base was reacting at the moment. He said there was no problem because they where just glad they had survived as a football club. A real response I thought.


Ahh that old chestnut.


*awaits Corp*

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Looking on the site lately you could not blame them if they lost interest and if they left who do you believe would finance the club.


I have spoken to one of the owners who invites you to say if you want them to leave and if you feel that is the way forward then just say so.




please tell me the owners don't take the views of an extremely vocal, melodramatic minority on a messageboard that seriously??



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Why is there always a threat accompanying no answers? People are co9ncerned Barry at what appears currently that the club is crumbling away before our very eyes. Hard core fans are now walking away due to it.

i know a few loyal fans who have been watching latics for over 30years ,who have told me they are not going to watch latics for much longer ,as they said that they have never seen such a bunch of players who carn't even kick a ball and don't even put 10% into the game .

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There is no doubt that the TTA have been saviours to this club and some of the people suggesting that they go are living in a fantasy land. Who else is going to come in and fund our ongoing losses? There is hardly a massive queue of people waiting to spend a fortune on third tier football. We would be in administration in short order and probably without a football club. We have to just ride out this temporary decline in our playing fortunes and wait for the good times again.

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My response to you prozac is for to put all those energies you have into doing something positive for the club and stop trying to be so destructive. You may have your views about what I do or don't do but as I say I do everything in the best interests of the club and fans. We might never agree !!!!!.


As a Trust we work with the club not against it. I suspect if you had your way that relationship would immediately be destroyed.






Your comment about Darlington tells us everything we need to know about the club's current thinking, I fear.

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