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Did I miss something today?


Because it seems that the first half the guy was out on the wing and no-one wanted to pass to him. Not only that, back him up either?


Can't say have noticed the guy really, but today he was asking for the ball an no-one wanted to give to him yet, the opposite side, Taylor was more in field and we lost the wing on that side until after the second half sub was made?


I even saw him at one point remonstrating with Penney and he just pointed back on to the wing


Do we have a player who has been ostrisized by his own team mates?








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Did I miss something today?


Because it seems that the first half the guy was out on the wing and no-one wanted to pass to him. Not only that, back him up either?


Can't say have noticed the guy really, but today he was asking for the ball an no-one wanted to give to him yet, the opposite side, Taylor was more in field and we lost the wing on that side until after the second half sub was made?


I even saw him at one point remonstrating with Penney and he just pointed back on to the wing


Do we have a player who has been ostrisized by his own team mates?


Collbeck is :censored:e and the quicker he goes the better.


It is fooking disgrace that he can wear the 28 jersey, he aint fit to clean the real number 28's boots.



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Did I miss something today?


Because it seems that the first half the guy was out on the wing and no-one wanted to pass to him. Not only that, back him up either?


Can't say have noticed the guy really, but today he was asking for the ball an no-one wanted to give to him yet, the opposite side, Taylor was more in field and we lost the wing on that side until after the second half sub was made?


I even saw him at one point remonstrating with Penney and he just pointed back on to the wing


Do we have a player who has been ostrisized by his own team mates?

It wouldnt suprise me he is crap. Worst signing we have ever made IMO.

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beer 3am maybe why



Oh dear....well if that's the case then the manager should sort it and not the players.


just could not get my head round the fact he was out there today and no-one seems to want get the ball out wide to him - okay he got a little mixed up with JJ price and Abbot but not even I can get a grip which one of them is our point man. Just a little caotic up front until that partnership settles on that one.


Get the inmpression he plays better away(meaning footy that is) than at home (did he not have a hand in the Swindon goals the other week?, I though the did okay away at High Wycombe too).


Just felt he was "billy no mates" out there today that's all.

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Oh dear....well if that's the case then the manager should sort it and not the players.


just could not get my head round the fact he was out there today and no-one seems to want get the ball out wide to him - okay he got a little mixed up with JJ price and Abbot but not even I can get a grip which one of them is our point man. Just a little caotic up front until that partnership settles on that one.


Get the inmpression he plays better away(meaning footy that is) than at home (did he not have a hand in the Swindon goals the other week?, I though the did okay away at High Wycombe too).


Just felt he was "billy no mates" out there today that's all.


More like "billy no talent".

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loads of people are asking why penney wasnt playing colbeck etc

when he does play (and alright he didnt play that well, but i agree with underdog, no-one wanted to give it him,) everyone starts saying he is sh*t

make up your bloody minds!


taken over the mantly of brill boo boy brigade...


he is far from our worse player but he wont be given a chance...put more sweat and effort in than taylor did today...

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I think the term you are looking for is 'the first touch of a baby elephant'


Not going to knock him for effort but I think league two is the lads level at the mo


I am one of those who has been championing Colbeck on this board - today he let us all down bigtime - he just contributed nothing whatsoever and I am surprised he lasted as long as he did - should have come off after 30 minutes.

So disappointed :disappointed:

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As mentioned. He is willing, his first touch lets him down.


He also hurt himself twice by running straight into a guy twice his size. Go round Joey.


I've backed him this far on the basis that he is young and can be nurtured to improve. I'd like to see this happening. Penney should be working hard on him as he is another of his signings that he has to take responsibility for.

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Anyone who has the front to come onto this message board and state that Colbeck is a non-league player or "the worst Latics player ever" is talking complete and utter drivel from out of their poo-chutes. The guy has rough edges, but he has some talent and can deliver as good a ball as I have seen from a Latics winger for some time - he needs to work on his positional sense and taking on his man, but those can come with time.


I've not got the heart to try and fight against the overwhelming tide of idiocy that is rising across the OWTB message boards...

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