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Do you trust The Trust?

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If you are going to have a pop at him could you at least be constructive please.


Mods defending him!!. The guy preens himself like a peacock playing his role of club "director". Resign and let your mates on the board bring you in - if you really think that will happen - and let some one with more passion and drive who wont play the lapdog role take over.

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Mods defending him!!. The guy preens himself like a peacock playing his role of club "director". Resign and let your mates on the board bring you in - if you really think that will happen - and let some one with more passion and drive who wont play the lapdog role take over.


What so just because I'm a mod on this board means I am not allowed an opinion on this matter, well excuse me.

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Mods defending him!!. The guy preens himself like a peacock playing his role of club "director". Resign and let your mates on the board bring you in - if you really think that will happen - and let some one with more passion and drive who wont play the lapdog role take over.


And all is I said was can you please be constructive, instead of taking snide little pops. Barry does not need me to defend him.

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The Trust is made up of some fantastic supporters who work very hard.




I will start by paying £10 per month. Oh and by the way I am not on any perks at the club and actually lose money over a season. Why, because I an a fan. my wife and other family members will consider the same.







Good to see you poke your head over the parapets. Just as a passing thought, would it be a good idea for you to start a blog of some sort to give the fans some idea of what goes on in your Latics life. You wouldn't have to disclose sensitive information, but it would be good, I think, to see what issues take up your time and attention, and you could, where appropriate, give some detail too.


Surely the official website even could be used for this, as I believe the Trust site is a bit poor still.


I certainly think it would be good for the Latics fanbase to see the work you are doing, and maybe put an end to any pointless sniping and get us moving in a positive direction. Anyway, it's just a thought

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Good to see you poke your head over the parapets. Just as a passing thought, would it be a good idea for you to start a blog of some sort to give the fans some idea of what goes on in your Latics life. You wouldn't have to disclose sensitive information, but it would be good, I think, to see what issues take up your time and attention, and you could, where appropriate, give some detail too.


Surely the official website even could be used for this, as I believe the Trust site is a bit poor still.


I certainly think it would be good for the Latics fanbase to see the work you are doing, and maybe put an end to any pointless sniping and get us moving in a positive direction. Anyway, it's just a thought


Nope, we have a brand new one now, but I think that is certainly a good idea.

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The Trust is made up of some fantastic supporters who work very hard.


In more recent times invitation have been made for fans to visit trust meeting for the first half hour to ask questions or air their views. A number of people have seized on that opportunity and the offer is still open.


Please be assured that my first responsibility is to represent the interests of the fans within the Board Room. I do that.


I have had an input into the season ticket prices released this afternoon and I hope you all think the offer is reasonable.


Contrary to some peoples opinion, your voices are heard.


I have no desire to be on any ego trip which has recently been suggested and first and foremost I am a fan. Sometimes I am in a catch twenty two position becuase due to confidentiallity I cannot always tell you all the things that are happening.


I have not responded to get caught up in volatile arguments that have sometimes occurred merely because I answer people.


Recently I have been thinking about a scheme that might pay the wages of one of the younger players at the club. Times are very difficult for everyone these days and at many clubs fans are having an input into such things. Recently Tranmere Trust released £10,000 to pay for a loanee into the club.


How many people would be up for helping such a scheme. Say we pay for Tom Eaves next season. How many fans would be prepared to chip in.


I will start by paying £10 per month. Oh and by the way I am not on any perks at the club and actually lose money over a season. Why, because I an a fan. my wife and other family members will consider the same.






Just based on how patronising this post is, no I don't trust them.


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Good to see you poke your head over the parapets. Just as a passing thought, would it be a good idea for you to start a blog of some sort to give the fans some idea of what goes on in your Latics life. You wouldn't have to disclose sensitive information, but it would be good, I think, to see what issues take up your time and attention, and you could, where appropriate, give some detail too.


Surely the official website even could be used for this, as I believe the Trust site is a bit poor still.


I certainly think it would be good for the Latics fanbase to see the work you are doing, and maybe put an end to any pointless sniping and get us moving in a positive direction. Anyway, it's just a thought


A blog is a very good suggestion...

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I never saw the trust as something that would part fund the club / someone's ambition development plans. I would suggest the trust should be looking at building its own pot up for maybe dark days in the future should the club ever be in that position again.


I would suggest the fans should be voting on how the trust money is or is not spent. Becoming a member really does give you very little at the moment.

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Good to see you poke your head over the parapets. Just as a passing thought, would it be a good idea for you to start a blog of some sort to give the fans some idea of what goes on in your Latics life. You wouldn't have to disclose sensitive information, but it would be good, I think, to see what issues take up your time and attention, and you could, where appropriate, give some detail too.


Surely the official website even could be used for this, as I believe the Trust site is a bit poor still.


I certainly think it would be good for the Latics fanbase to see the work you are doing, and maybe put an end to any pointless sniping and get us moving in a positive direction. Anyway, it's just a thought


A blog is a very good suggestion...


08:41[/b] AM']I to have seriosuly considered stopping my money. I am not as strident as you WWWDB, and I certaintly 100% concur with O4U especially about leasing to the Trust

I don't know Barry, just have concerns.

Mike Newtons blog is excellent, maybe something along those lines for the Trust. What does Barry do? I know he has to keep some confidentiality, but surely we can have details of what issues he has raised with the TTA, what he has spoken to the fans about each week. That sort of thing.

I really have not had the inclination to look at the Trust website.

THat is the root of the problem I feel. THere is nothing enticing going on.

I know a lot of personal time is given and hard work, but we need a spark for the Trust.


I think that the Trust should have plugged away with constant money raising ideas and be more indpendent.

Barry is the leader and needs to invigorate the fans to spark some fundraining and have some clout with money. The excellent point of helping the club but away from any Administrator.


We need the TTA more than ever, but we need a strong and vibrant Trust to work with TTA but at arms length.

Why thank you!!! :wink:

Seriously I think they should do more.

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My thoughts as to what may have happened.


The Trust was (and I imagine is) operated by people who care deeply about the club and who have made a big personal commitment in terms of time and effort.


However, I can't blame them in the slightest if they have become somwhat disillisuioned as input of ideas and effort have, I imagine, been very limited as has been evidenced by what I understand have been very poorly attended trust events which can only make those making the effort wonder why they bother.


If I'm right about that then it follows that there is a disinclination to keep banging their heads on the wall of consultation. I think I have some knowledge of this from SAFE days which wasn't on remotely the same scale as the trust and, disappointingly, achieved very little. That was a constant battle to get people interested with little impact and the seemingly inevitable personal abuse on messageboards which, again, can only make people wonder why.


If that is anywhere near right then it is all but inevitable that the trust may have lost its focus to whatever degree and it is for those involved to decide firstly whether that is the case and, if so, what they can or want to do about it.


There are aspects of what Barry has said on occasions (I have never met him) that have put backs up and there needs to be an appraisal of why otherwise teh same things will continue to happen which helps nobody. Bearing in mind the circumstances which brought about the trust it would be my contention taht everything it does shoudl be focused on one thing and one thing only - the long term future of the club. On something of a micro scale I'm not convinced that chipping in for items of current expenditure fits that criterion.




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pay for tom eaves next season,just a thought how much has it cost the club to loan :censored: for the season to sit on the bench?

I'm quite sure that the intention when :censored: signed, was not to sit on the bench! Circumstances since may be dictating that.

As for paying for Eaves - how do we know that the trust hasn't offered/will offer, wages for previous/present/past players?

It could well be a short term option.

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I would like Barry Owen AND the trust to do what they promised from the start by representing the fans which is far from what has happened so far. We are losing supporters in vast numbers because people's opinions are being ignored.

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My thoughts as to what may have happened.


The Trust was (and I imagine is) operated by people who care deeply about the club and who have made a big personal commitment in terms of time and effort.


However, I can't blame them in the slightest if they have become somwhat disillisuioned as input of ideas and effort have, I imagine, been very limited as has been evidenced by what I understand have been very poorly attended trust events which can only make those making the effort wonder why they bother.


If I'm right about that then it follows that there is a disinclination to keep banging their heads on the wall of consultation. I think I have some knowledge of this from SAFE days which wasn't on remotely the same scale as the trust and, disappointingly, achieved very little. That was a constant battle to get people interested with little impact and the seemingly inevitable personal abuse on messageboards which, again, can only make people wonder why.


If that is anywhere near right then it is all but inevitable that the trust may have lost its focus to whatever degree and it is for those involved to decide firstly whether that is the case and, if so, what they can or want to do about it.


There are aspects of what Barry has said on occasions (I have never met him) that have put backs up and there needs to be an appraisal of why otherwise teh same things will continue to happen which helps nobody. Bearing in mind the circumstances which brought about the trust it would be my contention taht everything it does shoudl be focused on one thing and one thing only - the long term future of the club. On something of a micro scale I'm not convinced that chipping in for items of current expenditure fits that criterion.

Thank Dave. I think your mail makes a lot of sense and I know from your SAFE days you will appreciate the frustration we feel at times. We carry on because we are fans and without patronising you I can believe that it was that reason that drove you on when you did so much work. I would like to meet you some time because I always consider your well constructed input. Perhaps telling it as it is may get backs up but I make no apology for that. You are right to mention the purpose of the Trust and in reality when clubs are in private ownership their effectiveness can be somewhat limited.


Above all else I consider that we have always been there to help the club when we can. Too much reliance is put upon the owners and what they should do and what money they should be prepared to lose week after week.


As we all know times are hard froe everyone and the burden needs to be shared if the football club is to thrive. That is the reality of the situation. When visiting the many clubs I have got to know well since my appointment, they are all of one view. Fans mainly rally around in a crisis as was seen when we went into adminstration. We need to help all the time if we can with some kind of contribution. Again it is the hardcore fans who always help and hopefully they will rally to the cause.


We should not need a crisis to be prepared to help. Unfortunately the way football is going investment by fans beyond the season ticket may become a necessity at a lot of clubs in the near future, if indeed they want a degree of success.


Kind Regards



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We should not need a crisis to be prepared to help. Unfortunately the way football is going investment by fans beyond the season ticket may become a necessity at a lot of clubs in the near future, if indeed they want a degree of success.


So the dream of OAFC being self sustaining was always a dream we could never achieve ?


Any chance of a response on some of the good suggestions in this thread Barry ? aka blog, proper elections, members having a say on where trust money goes...

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So the dream of OAFC being self sustaining was always a dream we could never achieve ?


Any chance of a response on some of the good suggestions in this thread Barry ? aka blog, proper elections, fans having a say on where trust money goes...




Not sure why non trust members should have a say where trust money gets spent.

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Bearing in mind the circumstances which brought about the trust it would be my contention that everything it does should be focused on one thing and one thing only - the long term future of the club. On something of a micro scale I'm not convinced that chipping in for items of current expenditure fits that criterion.

Above everything else, this.


The current owners' pockets are far from bottomless but they are much, much deeper than those of the Trust.


And in some form or other one hopes the club and the Trust will still be around long after the current owners have moved on, whenever that is.


If it is a choice between spending Trust funds on subsidising the current owners' expenditure by buying lawnmowers and such, or investing that money to help secure the survival of the club through its next financial crisis then I would rather see the latter.


That doesn't mean the Trust should do nothing while we have rich owners. I actually think paying the wages of one of our promising youngsters is a good idea - that in itself is an investment in the future.


I think the problem many people have, me included, is that despite protests to the contrary the current Chairman is simply too close to the current owners, to the extent that he appears willing to throw all the Trust's eggs into the current owners' basket and does not contemplate or allow the Trust to prepare for a future without them.

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I think the problem many people have, me included, is that despite protests to the contrary the current Chairman is simply too close to the current owners, to the extent that he appears willing to throw all the Trust's eggs into the current owners' basket and does not contemplate or allow the Trust to prepare for a future without them.



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I actually think paying the wages of one of our promising youngsters is a good idea - that in itself is an investment in the future.

Not saying this is right or wrong.


But I have a concern that it takes the onus off the owners to invest in their own business.


If it is a choice between spending Trust funds on subsidising the current owners' expenditure by buying lawnmowers and such, or investing that money to help secure the survival of the club through its next financial crisis then I would rather see the latter.

There is the middle ground of anything bought buy the Trust for the benefit of the football club should be owned by the Trust. That way any equipment can be outside of an administration / liquidation process.


I think the problem many people have, me included, is that despite protests to the contrary the current Chairman is simply too close to the current owners, to the extent that he appears willing to throw all the Trust's eggs into the current owners' basket and does not contemplate or allow the Trust to prepare for a future without them.

Hence my earlier reference to Orwell's Animal Farm. The Trust has stopped being a fans' body and has become an extension of the football club. I doubt that this has happened deliberately. It is a natural occurance caused by greater financial stability and less risk of seeing professional football in the borough of Oldham disappear. But it has happened and those actively involved in the Trust should take a step back and review this.


The problem is, the Trust is effectively meaningless as a result.


I am still quite interested to see what views develop on this thread. For me the following are key:


- The Trust should exist as an ongoing body committed to the continuity of professional league football in Oldham.

- The Trust should operate at a surplus that is retained for use in time of crisis.

- The Trust should retain ownership of any equipment purchased for use by the Club. The Club should retain responsibility for all maintenance costs.

- The Trust should consider selling its 3% stake in the business (if it has any value) with a view to retaining the funds in reserve.

- The Trust should aim to retain its seat on the board, but really does need to communicate its achievements.


The last point matters. If people see the results, they are more likely to be members. If there are more members, then this should generate a bigger surplus which may help protect football in Oldham during more diffiuclt times.


Ultimately the Trust is, I assume, operated by well intentioned people. Enabling change doesn't have to mean getting personal, being abusive or unpleasant. But those "in role" do need to ensure that they are open to suggestions that could help to keep the Trust relevant and the Club alive. Not just the occasional quiz night for a dozen or so.

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