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Chants for the New Season?

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To the tune of Old Mcdonald had a farm


Filipe Morais runs down the wing flipflapflipflapfil

and on his way he beats his man flipflapflipflapfil

With a flipflap here and a flipflap there

Here a flip there a flap

Everywhere a flipflap

Filipe Morais runs down the wing flipflapflipflapfil

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To the tune of Old Mcdonald had a farm


Filipe Morais runs down the wing flipflapflipflapfil

and on his way he beats his man flipflapflipflapfil

With a flipflap here and a flipflap there

Here a flip there a flap

Everywhere a flipflap

Filipe Morais runs down the wing flipflapflipflapfil



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(To the tune of Mika - Big Girls you are Beautiful)



Big Jean you are beautiful (Repeat 'till bored)


(To the tune of Give it up)


Zander's gonna break yer legs, break yer legs

Zander's gonna break yer legs!




(To the tune of Lord of Dance)



Rochdale, wherever you maybe,

You're almost as bad as Bury F.C.

Could be worse,

You could be Scouse,

With Les Parry robbing your house.



Right, I'll stop it now with my awful chants :lol:

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To the tune of Old Mcdonald had a farm


Filipe Morais runs down the wing flipflapflipflapfil

and on his way he beats his man flipflapflipflapfil

With a flipflap here and a flipflap there

Here a flip there a flap

Everywhere a flipflap

Filipe Morais runs down the wing flipflapflipflapfil


Holy f*cking crap. Worst. Song. Ever.



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To the tune of Old Mcdonald had a farm


Filipe Morais runs down the wing flipflapflipflapfil

and on his way he beats his man flipflapflipflapfil

With a flipflap here and a flipflap there

Here a flip there a flap

Everywhere a flipflap

Filipe Morais runs down the wing flipflapflipflapfil



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All we are singing is give us a goal….



Zander's gonna get yer, Zander's gonna get yer…


These are pretty crap, although they are the most likely to get sung! Obviously they will be inserted somewhere between "shall we sing a song for you" and "small town in (insert made up place within 50 mile radius of team)" to add yet more cringe to the Oldham Athletic "singers"

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When he leaves:


We've lost that Warren feeney!

Oh that Warren feeney

We've lost that

Warren feeney now he's gone gone gone.... GOO-OO-OO-D!!!!


And to teh tune of "Diamonds are forever"






(Repeat til bored)

Edited by pukka
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Hes gotta die, hes gotta die, Warren Feeney has gotta die, its the only way that he will go, without us paying compo, and now we know that Feeneys gotta die? Please take this light heartededly, I dont genuinely want him to die, but we all know its the only way were getting rid of him!

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to tune of 1 day or another


1 day or another were gonna score from

were gonna scored from a corner

1 day or another



Matt Smith is a big boy cant you see

Today hes gonna bag 2 maybe 3

He will smash up at that and that you gonna see

Matt Smith is the only stiker for me


At Reid to tune shaun goater feed the goat


Feed Reid Nandos and he will score

Feed Reid Nandos

Feed Reid Nandos

Feed Reid Nandos and he will score

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