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How many of you wouldn't mind of Dickov went?

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He has to stay, we need consistency, the teams that achieve success do so on solid foundations. The ones that chop and change managers don't get lasting success.


He is still learning as a manager, we will probably get more tonkings along the way but as long as he and the players learn from them a good tonking isn't always a bad thing.


We as a town and fanbase need to back the club, a football club is an ephemeral entity, a triumvirate between the fans, the team and the board where all 3 need to pull beyond their weight. For all their faults the board are the ones that have been doing the heavy lifting over the years.

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Honestly? I'd be disappointed to see him go, he has all the committment etc you want, and it is refreshing to see such enthusiasm. He is practically out there with them on the pitch every game. However, yes we have a small budget but he has brought together a good team, with some of DP's players, and some of his own signings, however the squad we have we should be much higher up the table. If he was to go, I would be disappointed, as he has the passion and has the ability to bring together a good squad, and is a good motivator no doubt about it, but he let's himself massively down with tactics, so whilst i would be disappointed if he was to go, it wouldn't be the end of things as some on here think, and is replaceable. But hopefully he stays with us and learns from his mistakes.

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Me! I really hope he goes soon, its awful attempting to play football on the deck! I really hope he gets sacked soon and then we can bring someone like Ronnie Moore or Dave Penney back. I loved Dave Penney's football, there was only usually 1 or 2 goals in it! I know it was usually against us and we lost 1 or 2 nil but I thought we were a tight unit because we never got out of our half......... so at least we played together........ in the same half!


I also felt that under Ronnie Moore it helped my neckache! Brian Talbot and Mick Wadsworth were great aswell!


I just hope we sack Dickov because he has no passion, commitment or affinity with the fans! He also showed no commitment or will to win as a player!



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He's doing a good job on a minimal budget. He has his faults but given the fragility of his contract, if he didn't and he was a brilliant manager then he'd have been taken off our hands already. He's got a decent side together and yes, he is still learning. It will be interesting so see how we finish the season, we had a very poor post-Xmas as with last season and if we can pick up a few more points this time around then I think it will show he is learning. Stick with him and we should hopefully see steady progression.


Those who don't want him need to think who we could get on our budget. It ain't going to be anyone with any experience who's any good - it would effectively be another Dave Penney on his way down the pecking order. So we'd have to go for another novice who could be a Grayson/Martinez/Di Canio but could also be a Merson/Adams/Ince. The novice we've got is just fine thanks and long may he continue in his job.


I also think that it is a small minority who don't want him around, but they post the same old nonsense with enough frequency to give the illusion that anti-PD sentiment is more widespread than it is.

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He's doing a good job on a minimal budget. He has his faults but given the fragility of his contract, if he didn't and he was a brilliant manager then he'd have been taken off our hands already. He's got a decent side together and yes, he is still learning. It will be interesting so see how we finish the season, we had a very poor post-Xmas as with last season and if we can pick up a few more points this time around then I think it will show he is learning. Stick with him and we should hopefully see steady progression.


Those who don't want him need to think who we could get on our budget. It ain't going to be anyone with any experience who's any good - it would effectively be another Dave Penney on his way down the pecking order. So we'd have to go for another novice who could be a Grayson/Martinez/Di Canio but could also be a Merson/Adams/Ince. The novice we've got is just fine thanks and long may he continue in his job.


I also think that it is a small minority who don't want him around, but they post the same old nonsense with enough frequency to give the illusion that anti-PD sentiment is more widespread than it is.

This is actually one of the most sensible things I have seen anyone post for a matter of weeks about the manager topic! You have got it absolutely spot on aswell. Decent job on a :censored: budget!

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It'd be such a pointless sacking. His replacement would either be an established but mediocre hoof merchant a la Penney, or another inexperienced manager wanting his first crack at management. The best thing we can do at the moment is stick with Dickov, and give him time to build a team.

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Also im saying he's in danger of getting sacked:L just a general thought


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, that's the funniest thing i've heard for years! You've got to be f**king :censored:ting me? Please tell me you are and i've missed your attempt at a wise crack? Please? Pretty please? :blink::blink::blink:

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How do we measure success and what are our realistic expectations each season based on a very limited budget, poor facilities and sub 3000 attendances?! Two decent cup runs, mid-table position/possibly touching distance of play-offs is a decent achievement based on what Paul's had to work with.


Yes, tactics can be questioned on occasion but overall the product on the pitch is light years ahead of what has been served prior to Dickov's appointment. I would look to measure him against Shez because I still think Shez could have achieved something here given an extra season or two because we were making progress with him too and the events following tha night at the dogs was a serious knee-jerk reaction by all concerned. We imploded and had we kept Hughes then who knows?!


Avoiding relegation i.e. team being in bottom four for most of season, I would give Dickov another two seasons (one at very least) to consolidate a decent heart within our team without all the chopping and changing. Let's then review his achievements at that stage.

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The bottom line is at some point in the future Paul Dickov will part company with Oldham Athletic, either through his choice or the clubs choice.


I do not think Dickov is immune to criticism as some apparently do, but thats because I don't think any manager should be immune to criticism, and I can't comment much on the teams performances under him as the honest truth is I have only seen the team under him play twice last season (first two home games) and once this season (wycombe at home), in addition to the chesterfield game on sky.


I do think the fact that he is liked has definitely worked in his favour. If this was Penney or Moore enduring this run of results I think alot of fans would definitely be chomping at the bit for him to be sacked. And it also seems he is well liked by the Chairman, Players, and played a big role in the likes of Kuqi and MVoto signing for the club when they could have easily gone elsewhere for alot more money.


And you also have to consider that if he did go, who would replace him? a club in decline with falling gates, skint (hence no chance of paying anyone compensation), likely to face a further reduced budget??? Unemployed managers and journeymen would no doubt be buzzing round the club like flies round :censored:, but I think the club would struggle big time to bring in anyone better, which is why I think if he was to leave in the immediate future, it would hit the club hard.

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