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Kuqi future uncertain

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Seems to be on a real downer, reading between the lines i'd say he's offski..




'I've only enjoyed 30/40% of the season….'


'It's happened before when things haven't gone for me...'


What a slapped arse, if you'd troubled yourself to get in the box more, then things may have gone for you!


Thanks for the 16 goals Kuqi, but you along with your team-mates have massively under-achieved since Christmas.

Edited by oafcprozac
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He can feck off for me.


Thank you for the purple patch goals, but you've been god awful since November....and last Saturday, well - that was truly shocking.


An example to the younger players? Really?


His (big) wage can & should be spent elsewhere - legs have gone, head has gone and he too needs to be gone.


Thanks and bye.

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Or maybe he is frustrated at not being able to contribute as much as he wanted to?

Good workers, in any job, don't enjoy things when they're not performing as well as they feel they can. And it's people like that, who know they can do more and are angry that they're not, I'd rather have.

I don't get this venom towards him - he's out of form but he's still put in more of a shift than many. Maybe he shows his frustration in the wrong way at times.


And if Dickov and several players say he's a good influence I'm inclined to believe it.

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I dont get all the venom aimed at him either - yes he hasnt been good second half of the season, but I feel there has been much worse on the pitch than him. Our back up CMs have been absolutely awful, leftback has been a real problem, Taylor has had a dreadful season by his standards, there has been terrible defensive errors at the back.

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i don't think the fact he's played near enough every game this season has helped him (although its been mentioned on here before it might be in his contract too although, I'd consider this a stupid clause for both parties if it were true). he needs managing better IMO. His legs seem to be going but his effort doesn't. i think a rest over summer, see how he looks preseason, if the rest hasn't helped him then send him on his way


at the start of the season, some of his play was fantastic. first touch, hold up play, work rate etc made me think we'd got a real coup but since his baron run of goals his confidence must be shot to pieces. again, a long rest over summer may rejuvinate him and come preseason he could be back to his best. a rolling month to month contract might be best, but doubt he'll take to that very well

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Or maybe he is frustrated at not being able to contribute as much as he wanted to?

Good workers, in any job, don't enjoy things when they're not performing as well as they feel they can. And it's people like that, who know they can do more and are angry that they're not, I'd rather have.

I don't get this venom towards him - he's out of form but he's still put in more of a shift than many. Maybe he shows his frustration in the wrong way at times.


And if Dickov and several players say he's a good influence I'm inclined to believe it.


Nah Pete, I'm not having it, sorry.

That whole article smacks of a sulky teenager who hasn't got what he wants.


I don't see it - this great example. Just because he is 35/36 years old and has played a fair few game does not automatically mean he is an example to follow. His attitude has stunk quite frankly, and rather than being something for the likes of Tarky, Mellor & Winchester to follow; I'd actually be using it as an exact opposite of what do.

He argues with officials, all the time - over the silliest of issues that I'm sure; hand on heart, he himself knows are silly. He should IMO have had far more dissent bookings than he already has accumulated the way he has shouted & balled at the Linesmen, 4th officials and actual referees. How is that an example?

His complete negativity to being substituted is shocking. It's a team game. If the manager believes you should come off for the good of the team, you accept it. His attitude smacks of 'how dare you sub me', and for someone who is trumped as being a great team player - once he is subbed; he's straight up the steps and into the dressing room.


Yes, when he joined he went on a little run of goals; his purple patch - but he's had 3 since then; and what else he's done on the pitch hasn't for one moment made up for his complete lack of threat to the oppositions goal.


It's all about him, it's the Kuqi show. I know I'm going to get chewed out for this on here; as I'm daring to critic the great King Kuqi. But it's just what I've seen, and how I see it.

I don't want him here next season. He says he's enjoyed 30-40% of his time here; I can tell him that I've enjoyed less than that watching him.

His big wage should be saved. We can get from the free transfer market 1 or even 2 other players with what we'll be paying out for a 35/36 year old "striker" who has quite clearly lost it. His legs are gone, his head went ages ago and if he's still here next year, all we'll be left with is sulky waste of wage who, even though he can't do it anymore; will be expecting & demanding to be playing 1st team football; all the time.


Thanks for the 16. Next.

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end of the day his wage will probably pay for 2 or 3 extra players in the squad next year. decent squad players who are able replacements for furman wes etc when they get injured. its this that has really stumped us this year cos quite frankly the replacements havent been good enough.


we have to realise that he aint no spring chicken anymore and he is only going to go down hill.


cracking player when he first came, not so much now. thanks for the start of the season but its time to move on.


On another note that interview stinks of "im out the door come summer", as did simpsons.

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Deep down he will know that he has been unable to produce what he was once capable of, which will have frustrated him no end - The ageing procees unfortunately Shefki. Although he will feel 'fit' enough in himself, the ball he used to reach, the shots he used to fire and the runs he used to make will have all appeared really hard work to him in the 2nd half of the season. The brain may be will ing, though sadly for him, his body is no longer.

As for the 'he can feck off' - don't quite understand that reaction either towards a guy, whom has contiributed as much as anyone in a disappointing season and contributed what he can - there's been no half measures from him I bet.

An honest, hard working Pro who sadly, has had his best days.

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Make no bones about it : without his goals we would already have a ® next to our name!


However, he's finished now! He's been burnt out by his managers insistence on constantly playing him when he needs a rest. The fact he can't trap a bag of cement hasn't helped either!


I suspect he may head 'home' to finish his career.

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For the season as a whole I think he's been a decent signing. 16 goals is a good but not great goal tally for a team's main goal threat in a season, and while he has put in a lot of mediocre/poor performances (even when scoring in 2011) he had a vastly improved understanding of how to play his role than any of our strikers did from last season, which got him many goals earlier on.


But for one reason or another it's not worked for him in 2012 and I'd say that all things being equal his future would be in the balance, but that he's likely to be a very high earner means that I'd hope we can move him on. I could see him going to a top 6 League One team and being a very good supporting striker for a goal poacher to play off, but on the wages he's likely to be on we would need him to be a goal poacher to justify having him.


Thanks for the effort and some good memories though Shefki, we've certainly had worse and will have worse in the future.

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how does it go?


if he doesnt want to be here then we dont want him here?


not bothered if he goes,I said months ago i thought he was being detrimental to the team and the way we play - he attitude has stunk for a while! it may be just things have not been going for him i dont know not and im not bothered either really.


i think we need an older head with experience but maybe not as old as kuqi and preferably someone who can play in the middle and keep some of his team mates calm when things are not going our way

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I thought in the 2nd half on Saturday, Tonk looked sharp, a bit more luck and he would have connected with a couple of through balls. I'm grateful for Kuqi's initial impact, but all season long he has come across in interviews like he is simply not enjoying his football. I think he's expecting too much of himself, let's be honest he's barely played for a couple of years and his last decent goals return was at Palace a few years ago. I'm grateful for his initial impact, but I think it silly that he's played week in week out despite only scoring 2 goals from open play since November 19th, a run of 2 goals in open play in 32 games. That has not been good enough. Yes he has dropped deeper and deeper as his poor run has lengthened and the manager is to blame as much as Kuqi is for not getting into the box. But the manager can't be blamed for him completely mis-kicking, falling over his feet and missing vital penalties or running 40 yards with the ball with a team-mate in acres of space before again falling over his own feet. He should have been big enough and experienced enough to realise he needed a rest and told Dickov that. no matter what his contract stipulations. Personally I would have rested him after the Chesterfield second leg and given Smith a run. Playing week in week out Saturday/Tuesday has ruined him and his impact. As for him being disappointed with his goals tally, well he's never been prolific for anyone so I really don't know what he's getting at. He's moaned about the quality of League One all season, but for the last five months he's scored one goal in open play in a league he regards as poor.


I hope he signs off on a high, withn a goal or two. But I do think it would be better if we allowed him to find happiness elsewhere. Having gone through waht he did, so young - perhaps this has had an effect on his persona, so perhaps he just comes across as pissed off and miserable. However, apparently he's on £2,500 a week and Allegedly since the playershare pot ran dry in January his wages are supposedly being met by Corney out of his own pocket. In the current environment £130k a year + bonuses will get you a decent league one striker...

Edited by oafcprozac
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However, apparently he's on £2,500 a week and Allegedly since the playershare pot ran dry in January his wages are supposedly being met by Corney out of his own pocket.


:goggle: What? Really?


I never usually pay much lip-service to figures bounded around on here; but if that is even remotely near what he's been earning, then all I can say is - WTF.

In one of my earlier posts I said his wage could go towards 1 or 2 new players from the free transfer market. If that is even a remotely close figure, make that 3 or 4 now.


What a day of revelations - full paid wages for the Premiership loan kids and now this......if it's true mind.

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Quick check of Soccerbase shows he has had more yellows playing for us this season than in any other. Fair enough he has played more games than in many other seasons too. I doubt the attitude and back chat he gives to officials would happen so often in the Premier League or Championship. He should have been booked a lot more. He can count himself lucky with 7 yellows and no reds to his name.

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:goggle: What? Really?


I never usually pay much lip-service to figures bounded around on here; but if that is even remotely near what he's been earning, then all I can say is - WTF.

In one of my earlier posts I said his wage could go towards 1 or 2 new players from the free transfer market. If that is even a remotely close figure, make that 3 or 4 now.


What a day of revelations - full paid wages for the Premiership loan kids and now this......if it's true mind.


Only what I've heard but it was a pretty good source. Of course playershare were contributing some of that. He was never going to come for peanuts, he was at Newcastle last season after-all. Perhaps that's why he's started so many games. Of course the £2,500 could be made-up by an appearance fee. But if he's playing every week then that's what he'll get + a goal bonus? But thankfully he's saved us a fortune since November.

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Only what I've heard but it was a pretty good source. Of course playershare were contributing some of that. He was never going to come for peanuts, he was at Newcastle last season after-all. Perhaps that's why he's started so many games. Of course the £2,500 could be made-up by an appearance fee. But if he's playing every week then that's what he'll get + a goal bonus? But thankfully he's saved us a fortune since November.


Bare minimum for any of our squad is £35k a year BASIC, makes you weep…..

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Bare minimum for any of our squad is £35k a year BASIC, makes you weep…..


A few weeks ago someone on twitter was saying that Tarky was boasting in an nightclub, presumably in Oldham, about being on £400pw. That's £10/hour (in a 40 hour week) or £20,800 pa. Not exactly a massive wage. OK so Tarky is probably our lowest non youth team earner, but I can see quite a few others not making £35k pa basic.


Considering tube drivers (OK its London) get around £41k pa and part of that reason is because they can get dog's abuse, footballer's wages at this level are not that high I reckon.

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If he leaves i would not be suprised given all the stick and abuse he has got. Look at the facts without his goals we would be heading to League 2 now. He has spent the last Two months doing the midfielders job and running back defending.

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Considering tube drivers (OK its London) get around £41k pa and part of that reason is because they can get dog's abuse, footballer's wages at this level are not that high I reckon.

Tube drivers do a lot less for their money than footballers, and have a special wall waiting for them come the Revolution. At 30 players per team in the 92 that makes 2760, or say 500 centrebacks. By league position that makes Tarky perhaps the 400th best person at his specific job in the whole country and in an industry that generates a lot of money - so I agree, not overly well paid at all.

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Send the miserable :censored: back to whichever country he's calling home these days. Been :censored:e in 2012 and if he's on half the lemons above have quoted then its been a massive waste. 2,500 a week could get you more than 16 goals in the 3rd division.

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Its a good wage for his age by a mile and with respect quoting tube drivers has booger all to with Oldham. If he wants to drive a tube good luck with that.

Tube drivers don't need a-levels, only require a few months training and you can be 18 and drive one. Plus their career has a lot longer longevity than a professional footballer. Its the sort of job someone of his age could do without many qualifications. NB A Metro driver earns £23k pa (after a probationary period) but you need 2 years car driving experience.


Yes its a good wage for his age but then again around 50% of his age group are going to university to gain qualifications which will on average make them better paid for a lot longer than the 15 year career a professional footballer has.

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I disagree with your views, don't like the way you've expressed them but , and this is the real response, object to your signature. Why put that? Sorry, I may be old fashioned but I find it offensive.


D'you know what Pete, until you've just posted that - I hadn't noticed that.


Ritchie82, you need to change that. It's not on.

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