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Posting Guidelines

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Hi All,


As you know OWTB.co.uk is seeing more and more traffic as the site continues to be the main source of Latics news for fans around the country, and the world.


We're proud of this and exceptionally grateful to those who already donated to help keep the site afloat. We're working hard in the background to finalise usage figures to show just how much traffic you all generate and to enable us to better manage the site and the (expensive!) resource requireds to support it.


That said there is a simple and easy way you can all help us, and yourselves, make the place a better community and also an easier to manager resource: SEARCH!


A simple scan of the first two or three pages of OWTB.co.uk will likely turn up a thread (or two!) about the topic you are interested in, and posting there will not only reduce the amount of impact you have on the site but also help everyone reading OWTB.co.uk to have a better experience.


It's simple, easy and effective and we'd really appreciate you all helping out!


If you have any questions post away!





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Putting those damned Polls in their own section might help, at least that way, if anyone wants to take part then they know where to go.

Working on that!


I think £2 per poll is the way to go - helps with both issues. The lads won't let me do it though! :lol:

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As a predominant mobile visitor to the site, and an internet speed they'd be ashamed of 30yrs ago all these cryptic thread titles that you open to find a link to another pages do my head in. at least write a line or 2 so we can decide whether its worth going through with the link!!

Agreed - and also, for the benefit of mobile users, please don't quote a really really reeeealllly long post in its entirity when replying to it.

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