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I'm intrigued to know what you did with the other half of the pie. I'm also intrigued to know why Mr24 didn't buy me a pie at the same time. Maybe I wasn't there.

I wasn't really hungry so ditched the reminder. I was belated for this by Maddog later. More fool me as i felt like death the next day after a very long session without enough stodge #prayforpies
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I until recently would argue to the death that Man Utd had the most deluded set of fans in the world.


BUT after catching up on this forum over the last few days, i now believe our fans have took over the mantle....





How's Steve Keen doing these days?

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I'm deluded. I still think paying £300 for a season ticket + £80 (for parking) and probably about £40 for cup games is a worthwhile thing to do. Or even a good thing to do. With drinks and nibbles oh and latics player it is probably £500 a season that Latics costs me, plus time sitting in the cold and the wet.


Absolute value for money too.

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I until recently would argue to the death that Man Utd had the most deluded set of fans in the world.


BUT after catching up on this forum over the last few days, i now believe our fans have took over the mantle....






Has anybody informed Liverpool fans they've lost their title? They're going to be gutted.



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Liar. I only ate half of mine. You are just making statements that you can't back up with any evidence.

Fairy. It's was still hot and I never had any reason to use a fork. In fact, I didn't even get any forks. That's massive confidence in the pies.


Bristol: the pies were part-ex for a bottle of magic Fanta.

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