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Season Tickets

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Does any poster know the clubs policy on lost/damaged season tickets? I still have the ticket booklets and ID cards but the vouchers have been destroyed in a washing machine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Fairly certain they will replace them for a small fee, think it's about £20.
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I'm afraid not, sorry. "The Club cannot accept responsibility whatsoever for any ticket lost or destroyed. No money will be refunded in respect of any unused tickets. REPLACEMENT TICKETS WILL BE CHARGED AT FULL PRICE. THE CLUB ADVICE SEASOJ TICKET HOLDERS TO ENSURE THE SEASON TICKET IS COVERED BY INSURENCE."

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I'm afraid not, sorry. "The Club cannot accept responsibility whatsoever for any ticket lost or destroyed. No money will be refunded in respect of any unused tickets. REPLACEMENT TICKETS WILL BE CHARGED AT FULL PRICE. THE CLUB ADVICE SEASON TICKET HOLDERS TO ENSURE THE SEASON TICKET IS COVERED BY INSURENCE."

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I think you might get away with it if you can clearly show they are the tickets and have just become very damaged. The whole point of the policy is to stop people pretending to lose their ticket to get a second one for free. In this case if you can prove it is genuine and have the season ticket still (badly damaged) there would be no reason to not replace it and destroy what's left of the one you have.

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sorry as in i dont have a chance?


If they can't make any of it out as tickets then you probably don't. I don't know what the season ticket book looks like this year so it's hard for me to picture it but it seems a common sense judgement given that you have the booklet (and it's clearly the booklet) but the insides of it have disintegrated. It seems like a difficult thing to fake given that the tickets will still be in some binding to the booklet cover etc.


Go down to the shop, explain to them, make the case that it's clearly a season ticket booklet and the tickets are still there but they have perished and become unreadable. If they are bound to me this would indicate it was legitimate and no intact tickets exist. What will count against you is the club could be seen as setting a precedent.

Edited by LeylandLatic
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A few weeks ago I rang up crying as my season ticket was missing all the tickets. I blamed my daughter for messing with it and begged for a new book.

I was told tough :censored: basically and its not their problem. Customer service at its best. Luckily for me I was crying over the book from last season!

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Present yourself at the ticket office as smart and as well groomed as you can. Put ALL the remnants of your book in a clear plastic bag so they can pick at it if they wish. As previously stated take some irrefutable ID.


Make no demands and portray yourself humbly as a victim of a careless mistake without going overboard on any silly excuses.


If they look as though they or considering it or they say they will seek a second opinion. Calmly add that it is the sort of mistake we all make on occasions. That won't be a lie or an exaggeration. And they will know it.


Be prepared to accept any offer graciously.

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There is nothing lost in going down and explaining what happened with all the remains. Lets face it if you are trying to pull a fast one and they find one of your tickets handed in at a future game they will know where to find you. I would have thought common sense should prevail here, having said that I am a optimist.

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Happened to me a few seasons back (ticket went through washing machine) took the 'sludge' along with the plastic coating and some ID and they replaced it. The lady (dont think she works there anymore) was very helpful, but did say they replaced it on the basis that they could make out some of the colouring on the sludge that related to that particular season's ticket.

Edited by Gaz_Oafc
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