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Charlie Webster sticking her oar in now. What has it got to do with her?? She got her say when Sheff Utd went for him.


She goes on about him not being a role model. She posed topless in FHM, what a great role model for young girls she is.


Sign him up for :censored: sake!

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Would seem that the heat is too much for us.


That being the case, it is inexplicable how this could not have been determined 6 weeks ago after the Sheffield United story and the smaller version with ourselves that led to a club denial.




In a strange way I feel more embarressed now than if we'd gone ahead and signed him. Not signing him / signing him is a statement of intent and we look like a strong club. Clearly wanting to sign him, but pulling out because it got a bit messy manages to look morally dubious but also a bit pathetic.

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We can only hope. If he thought this was a good move we are better off without him.


I have always liked and supported SC. Genuinely believe he has the club in his heart and made a massive differnence to where we were heading at the time, feel we are stable, and with the stand slowly building for the future.


I still think that he has the club at his heart, and he believes that Ched would be for the better (good player; potential future transfer fee). But I think that he has to take full responsibility for this whole affair and needs to consider his future.

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Would seem that the heat is too much for us.


That being the case, it is inexplicable how this could not have been determined 6 weeks ago after the Sheffield United story and the smaller version with ourselves that led to a club denial.




In a strange way I feel more embarressed now than if we'd gone ahead and signed him. Not signing him / signing him is a statement of intent and we look like a strong club. Clearly wanting to sign him, but pulling out because it got a bit messy manages to look morally dubious but also a bit pathetic.

Spot on, whether you want to sign him or not (and I do) then publicly showing you have no backbone or conviction to stand by your principles and decisions is pretty :censored:ing pathetic.

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Interestingly I looked into the backgorund of Marlon King as part of todays thoughts and musings.


Wowser. He really is a piece of work - but remarkably seemed to keep his career going (though back inside for a 3rd time at the moment).

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Would seem that the heat is too much for us.


That being the case, it is inexplicable how this could not have been determined 6 weeks ago after the Sheffield United story and the smaller version with ourselves that led to a club denial.




In a strange way I feel more embarressed now than if we'd gone ahead and signed him. Not signing him / signing him is a statement of intent and we look like a strong club. Clearly wanting to sign him, but pulling out because it got a bit messy manages to look morally dubious but also a bit pathetic.

What an absolute shambles from the people responsible for running our club this has been.


Not that I had a huge amount of time for SC & BO before this :censored:, now? Jeez.

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Well hopefully its true and the deal is off


now its time to get rid of Barry before another convicted footballer comes up for parole.


something needs to be done about him. Due to his ' connections' Oldham Athletic name has been dragged through the mud again.


he is not a representative of the fans and it seems he never has been. He needs to be removed from the club. I defended him in the past but this is to far. Absolute disgrace!

Edited by palmer1
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I can remember all the people moaning at nimbys when they were against our new stand.....


Looks like vast majority have become them



Yes, because the two situations are directly comparable.

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What an absolute shambles from the people responsible for running our club this has been.


Not that I had a huge amount of time for SC & BO before this :censored:, now? Jeez.

I'm helped by the fact I had close to zero respect for them in the first place so no great change in my worldview. World class bungling yesterday/today though. Gordon Taylor torpedoing the deal by blabbing about it yesterday has probably done the club a great favour but we still come out of it looking terrible

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Part 2.


To have grossly misunderstood the feelings of seems to be a decent quota of the fan base; and that of the wider public, tells you all you need to know about the people responsible for the decision making at our club.


If you're clearly going to do it, then do it - and reap what you sow. Supporter unrest, sponsor pull-outs and all the others, reap it.


The decision to go down this route in the first place IMO shows them to be incompetent, out of touch morons. Their change of heart does little to dispell that does it?


Hopefully, the right decision is reached in the end. But Jeez, talk about an awful decision making process, and a truly masterful way of dragging our club through the :censored:, causing supporter in-fighting and ruining a carefully worked at squad teamspirit.


Bravo OAFC officials, Bravo...

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Agree Scapegoat very sad to read.


Sadly IF he is innocent and not saying he is he will keep his position whatever the point in the review process. I thought he should be contrite and apologise before any discussion with any club but it appears he genuinely believes he is innocent and fighting for that via legal process.


The reports on TV have changed my opinion in past few hours, "Earning lots of money!", kids having "Posters on wall" "Roll model" abuse from Dail Mail who thrive on such rubbish yet promote all sorts of dubious links.... and those 21000+ all turn up and SUPPORT Oldham Athletic do they ??? the team of the people fair enough. BUT it is mob rule by social media/TV and that is unfair as bet most dont know Oldham from any other town.


To be clear a convicted predatory rapist based on proper evidence should be castrated and sent down for whole life. No five year rubbish. Off the streets forever. No excuses whatsoever and kick in teeth for any victim of any age. Is Evans likely to re offend? Is he willing to support work against rape eventually? If his review fails will he then accept decision of court and then apologise and admit it was a poor error of judgement that has ruined his life and others?


Convicted rapists dont get back into most jobs no chance, and have life long consequences. Is the case a safe conviction?? Under review is it not? Latics taking a chance as Evans would never sign if conviction quashed? Should not be in this place today.


However I have taken trouble to read the court documents carefully several times overnight as up with care responsibilities. I care about OAFC as supported all my life and wanted facts not rumours or press crap. I vowed not to view site that supports Evans and having had a change of heart only read the undisputed evidence part and an agreed video clip showing arrival at the hotel. Clearly looks capable of making a decision when returning to collect a pizza from pavement and at odds with other detail. To be frank the evidence as read gives cause for doubt re conviction from an untrained viewpoint and if it was a relative would find it hard not to back them and possibly many people could have been in this horrid position through a VERY poor decision whilst drunk. No doubt many have and not got a wealthy backer to help fight. Are all the facts in the public domain? His partner and her father supportive on face of it looks very odd if they arent 100%


If related to "victim" would equally have a polarised view that "our lass" wouldnt let that happen as described and want him to suffer.


The hacked disputed/denied tweets widely reported by a US NY fireman that he found on a French server having been deleted and denied are odd as never presented as didnt exist???? The conviction looks to be based upon Evans admitting his part in having sex with girl. No direct complaint made ??? Evidence from Evans. Police referring to him as "Footballer Chedwyn Evans" very unusual and believe unheard of court wise. Dont know if accurately reported. The other lad cleared? All sounds weird.


Tend to think the decision to consider signing must have been based upon taking a chance on the court decision being overturned based on evidence we are not aware of yet? Perhaps after an approach from FA re rehabilitation as per Hughes. Or why even consider it knowing PR disaster??? The fact the review brought forward significant?? Who knows.


"Lee how do you fancy having Evans in Squad?"

"I dont".....

"Ok then" a simple conversation. Makes a laughing stock of the club as a whole re signings.


Barry has to go if as involved as stated if Corney goes too so be it. Today a farce and poor for club and town again.


Ross McCormack killed two young lads through similar stupid decisions and is now controversial captain? of Plymouth. Had Evans apologised for something he clearly feels he didnt do as stated the debate appears to be far less controversial. Although Taylor is a clown he is correct in saying 100% support needed to progress a deal. or should not be there. Evans reluctance to apologise appears significant. But if you believe you are honestly innocent perhaps understandable whilst seeking review?? Or another error of judgement.


I do recall a family home in Shaw being attacked as police had arrested son for a horrific local double murder, press disgraceful, family never really recovered and he was proved not to be involved at all when a taxi driver was later arrested. His claims of innocence ignored and mod told family should apologise and cut him off. Susan May continued to deny murder of her Aunt and ruined, Stefan Kisko was convicted when innocent. Wrong decisions do happen. Others like Saville and Cyril Smith


The only opinions re signing that count are those of paying latics fans and manager. The social media mob attitude is wrong. If 21 000 have signed a petition many million aren't bothered if taken to ludicrous extremes.


As for club officials distancing themselves whilst talking is poor and even more damaging longer term. Lies never sit well with anyone. Why the comments from Taylor early


The whole situation is grubby and very sad on all sorts of levels. The club could be seriously trying to be correct and offering a fresh chance to someone but perception is reality and could be very damaging. Well the reports on TV have changed my opinion, "Earning lots of money!", "Posters on wall" what ????? and those 21000+ all turn up and SUPPORT Oldham Athletic the team of the people fair enough. BUT it is mob rule by social media/TV and that is unfair as bet most dont know Oldham from any other town.


To be clear a convicted predatory rapist based on proper evidence should be castrated and sent down for whole life. No five year rubbish. Off the streets forever. No excuses whatsoever and kick in teeth for any victim. Is Evans likely to re offend? Is he willing to support work against rape eventually? If his review fails will he then accept decision of court and then apologise and admit it was a poor error of judgement that has ruined his life and others?


Convicted rapists dont get back into most jobs and have consequences. Is the case a safe conviction?? Under review is it not? Latics taking a chance as Evans would never sign if conviction quashed?


However I have taken trouble to read the court documents carefully several times overnight as up with care responsibilities. I care about OAFC as supported all my life and wanted facts not rumours. I vowed not to view site that supports Evans and having had a change of heart only read the undisputed evidence part and an agreed video clip showing arrival at the hotel. Clearly looks capable of making a decision when returning to collect a pizza from taxi. To be frank the evidence as read gives cause for doubt re conviction from an untrained viewpoint and if it was a relative would find it hard not to back them and possibly many people could have been in this horrid position through a VERY poor decision whilst drunk.


The hacked disputed tweets widely reported by a US fireman that he found on a French server having been deleted and denied are odd. The conviction based upon Evans admitting his part in having sex with girl. No complaint made ??? Evidence from Evans. Police referring to him as "Footballer Chedwyn Evans" very unusual and believe unheard of court wise. Dont know if accurately reported. The other lad cleared?


Tend to think the decision to consider signing must have been based upon taking a chance on the court decision being overturned based on evidence we are not aware of yet? Perhaps after an approach from FA re rehabilitation as per Hughes. Or why even consider it knowing PR disaster??? The fact the review brought forward significant?? Who knows.


Ross McCormack killed two young lads through similar stupid decisions and is now controversial captain? of Plymouth. How has he managed that.....


Had Evans apologised for something he clearly feels he didnt do as stated the debate appears to be far less controversial. Although Taylor is a clown he is correct in saying 100% support needed to progress a deal. or should not be there. Evans reluctance to apologise appears significant. But if you believe you are honestly innocent perhaps understandable whilst seeking review??


I do recall a family home in Shaw being attacked as police had arrested son for a horrific local double murder, press disgraceful, family never really recovered and he was proved not to be involved at all when a taxi driver was later arrested. His claims of innocence ignored and mod told family should apologise and cut him off. Susan May continued to deny murder of her Aunt and ruined, Stefan Kisko was convicted when innocent. Wrong decisions do happen. Others like Saville and Cyril Smith


The only opinions re signing that count are those of paying latics fans. The social media mob attitude is wrong. If 21 000 have signed a petition many million aren't bothered if taken to ludicrous extremes.


As for club officials distancing themselves whilst talking is poor and even more damaging longer term. Lies never sit well with anyone. Why the comments from Taylor early yesterday unless he has doubts.


The whole situation is grubby and very sad on all sorts of levels. The club could be seriously trying to be correct and offering a fresh chance to someone but perception is reality and could be very damaging.


As for Verlin priceless free publicity today on back of a sad situation. Gut-terless timing. That could have been done in private with dignity ie "Jenny tell Simon we are out if you sign Evans" end of.


As for my own view too hot to consider signing but have a backbone and see it through or never reach the position of today.

I bet you are glad this post didn't disappear after hitting the send button as some do.

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