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"I Was Born In The Chaddy end" mentality

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Looking at fans spread out across the ground on Saturday it looked like most chose to go into the RRE and this sparked debate on Facebook. Will we see people move from this mentality of its our spiritual home. Times have changed and the chaddy ends facilities are below standard. I wonder if the club will announce anything once the new stand is up and running and move us around.

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I am a ST holder in the RRE but at the moment I prefer being in the Chaddy. The sound projection thing has been done to death on here over the last few years but with the formation of the Athleticos I think the atmosphere in the Chaddy End is now better than in the RRE.


This doesn't change the fact that you cannot hear much coming from teh Chaddy if you are at the other end of the ground but if you are in there it sounds good at the moment.

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Huzzah. This again.


My favourite bit is when people call the facilities in the Chaddy rubbish, far better in the RRE. In the Chaddy they have things like seats, toilets, food, bars. But in the RRE they have seats, toilets, food, bars. Completely different.


And don't forget the view. Many times in the Chaddy I've had to ask what's going on, what the score is or which team we're playing. Because it's rubbish in the Chaddy, like.



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I prefer the unrestricted view of the RRE. But as long as we're attacking the Chaddy in the second half I'll more often than not sit in there.

do you swap ends at halftime or,is it that you can predict the toss of the coin before kick off.

If it is the latter, would you please give me a hand with my lottery numbers this week.

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do you swap ends at halftime or,is it that you can predict the toss of the coin before kick off.

If it is the latter, would you please give me a hand with my lottery numbers this week.


You are aware we play towards the Chaddy in the second half 99% of the time aren't you..? It's not a happy coincidence.

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