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General Erection 2015

OWTB voting intentions  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will you vote for?

    • Glorious Labour Party
    • Evil Tory Scum
    • Evil Liberal Democrats
    • Racist UKIP
    • Hippy Green
    • Racist BNP
    • Other (eg SNP if you're fond of deep fried food)
    • None of the above

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What are the hopes of your family and friends? To have a secure, affordable home in a community where you can enjoy going outside to a clean and healthy environment, To be healthy and to feel good. To know you'll have enough money to pay the bills and buy what you need and know that you'll have that financial security in the future. To have meaningful, secure and satisfying work that you care about. To have good relationships with family and friends and to know that those you care about are safe and secure.


To have access to green and wild spaces, community areas, play areas, arts, sports and leisure activities. To have good transport links, good facilities and high quality services locally when you need them. To have human rights, to be free from discrimination, to be accepted and respected. To live a good life.


Home, work, security, community, recreation, public service and respect, a politics which cares about us would be built on these foundations. Profiteering, competition, elitism, greed, anger, blame, mistrust are NOT words that represent our hopes so why are they the foundations of the politics we have?


We have ben hoodwinked into accepting that if the strongest get stronger, the biggest get bigger and the richest get richer we ALL benefit because some of their wealth and power filters down to us. What have we been left with? tax dodging billionaires, profiteering energy companies, criminal banks and hard working families who struggle to achieve the basic standard of living.


Both Tories and Labour (and over the past 5 years Lib Dem) are part of an elitist establishment that protect the rich and ensure that we pay for it. A vote for any of these is a vote for things to continue as they have done since Thatcher. The countries wealth will continue to rise to the elite and we will take our medicine of austerity because we are all in it together.


Although I don't support many of their policies I will be voting SNP, not because I hate the English (I am English ) but because I see that eventually a strong SNP will be rid of an Establishment that looks after itself first and ensures the rest of us turn against each other. With a compliant media we are meant to blame all our problems on someone else who is slightly different, rather than the real villains that comprise the Establishment.

The SNP are just as bad as UKIP, both at opposite ends of the spectrum.


We'll be having a go at Germany about the war debt if they get in.

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I'm no fan of the SNP but it shows how far this country has lurched to the right when a party that espouses a mild form of socialism are hounded as the re-incarnation of Lenin. The SNP are about as extreme as someone having a full fat coke for a treat instead of their usual diet coke.


UKIP on the other hand...

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I'm no fan of the SNP but it shows how far this country has lurched to the right when a party that espouses a mild form of socialism are hounded as the re-incarnation of Lenin. The SNP are about as extreme as someone having a full fat coke for a treat instead of their usual diet coke.


UKIP on the other hand...

In the interest of balance, it's considered as savage austerity for one or other of the mainstream parties to talk about borrowing the odd billion more or less out of a half trillion over the next few years to spend on public services
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In the interest of balance, it's considered as savage austerity for one or other of the mainstream parties to talk about borrowing the odd billion more or less out of a half trillion over the next few years to spend on public services


Absolutely! It is an utter nonsense that so much airtime and dead tree has been given over to arguing and analysing loose change.


This election campaign has highlighted how out of touch (and without wishing to come over all UKIP) the entire political class is from the politicians, media, commentariat and governmental machinery.


We desperately need total and complete overhaul, the people aren't disengaged from the process, the political class are just catching up with the people and realising that the majority are saying 'up yours pal, you nonsense'.

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Absolutely! It is an utter nonsense that so much airtime and dead tree has been given over to arguing and analysing loose change.


This election campaign has highlighted how out of touch (and without wishing to come over all UKIP) the entire political class is from the politicians, media, commentariat and governmental machinery.


We desperately need total and complete overhaul, the people aren't disengaged from the process, the political class are just catching up with the people and realising that the majority are saying 'up yours pal, you nonsense'.

The public had their chance to make a big impact recently, they voted against AV.

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The public had their chance to make a big impact recently, they voted against AV.


I didn't I voted for it. All the parties campaigned against it saying it would lead to coalitions... even though it was put to the vote be a coalition government! The Lib Dems were only lukewarm in their support even though it was their big chance. I did think that by rejecting it it did kick electoral reform into the long grass for a long time but I can see it (I hope) coming back after this election produces a non-result again.

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I didn't I voted for it. All the parties campaigned against it saying it would lead to coalitions... even though it was put to the vote be a coalition government! The Lib Dems were only lukewarm in their support even though it was their big chance. I did think that by rejecting it it did kick electoral reform into the long grass for a long time but I can see it (I hope) coming back after this election produces a non-result again.

So did I. 68% voted against but only a 42% turnout. Given that general election turnouts tend to be the 60th percentile (used to be in the 70's), it doesn't say much when people claim not to have a vote now. Saying that, I think it would be much closer if voted for again.

Edited by jimsleftfoot
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Terrible year for the Libs.


League 2 toffs.


Surprised Scunthorpe and Wolverhampton are Blue.


Scunthorpe - the town - is a Labour seat, but the ground must be in the Tory bit in Brigg and Goole. Wolverhampton has three seats, only one of which is Tory. They'll all be Labour in a week or so.


Has anyone seen the leaflet put out by the Tory Candidate in Oldham West and Royton? It features the picture of Ed Miliband, a man of Jewish heritage, looking a bit disgusted with the bacon sandwich he's eating. Does anyone else find this a bit awkward, if not to say anti-Semitic? I know it's doing the rounds as if it's just a bloke with a funny face eating something tricky and possibly horrible, but it just doesn't sit right with me.


Here's what I think is going on: "For certain historical reasons, we can't just point out that Miliband is Jewish and therefore different or alien. Instead, let's show him eating non-kosher food and looking a bit wonky. Those electors with a mind to join the dots will do so."


That's the Tories for you. And the British right-wing press.

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I've seen a disturbing amount of pro-Green Faceache statuses recently from people who I thought knew better. When did everyone turn mental?

Well off folk wearing their social consciences on their sleeves for 30 seconds knowing they can go straight back to their life of selfish privilege. I think you can bring painted banners as well if you like.
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Well off folk wearing their social consciences on their sleeves for 30 seconds knowing they can go straight back to their life of selfish privilege. I think you can bring painted banners as well if you like.

The only thing the Greens care about is the purity of their own intentions. They have that in common with the Grauniad and other worthies. :censored:ing useless giving people like them actual power.

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I've seen a disturbing amount of pro-Green Faceache statuses recently from people who I thought knew better. When did everyone turn mental?


I don't see the issue. Despite some of their policies being mental, they won't get to put them in place anyway as they won't win an election. They are trying to win more seats to get more of a say, which is no bad thing in my book (though i'm not voting for them). If they ever wanted to become a ruling party, the likelihood is that they would have to de-mental some of those policies.

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I don't see the issue. Despite some of their policies being mental, they won't get to put them in place anyway as they won't win an election. They are trying to win more seats to get more of a say, which is no bad thing in my book (though i'm not voting for them). If they ever wanted to become a ruling party, the likelihood is that they would have to de-mental some of those policies.

That's all fine and dandy but they're irresponsible on another level, like Plaid, the SNP and the Lib Dems. They all criticise Labour more than they criticise the Tories, even though their policies are closer to Labour's. They'll gladly give the Tories another term if it means their sense of virtue remains intact. Knobedz. Edited by 24hoursfromtulsehill
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That's all fine and dandy but they're irresponsible on another level, like Plaid, the SNP and the Lib Dems. They all criticise Labour more than they criticise the Tories, even though their policies are closer to Labour's. They'll gladly give the Tories another term if it means their sense of virtue remains intact. Knobedz.


I know what you mean but if your primary aim is to get more seats, then it is politically astute of them to attack Labour. Arguably it is a waste of time for the SNP and Plaid to bother with the Tories, being that they are not much of an opposing force in Scotland and Wales.

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I know what you mean but if your primary aim is to get more seats, then it is politically astute of them to attack Labour. Arguably it is a waste of time for the SNP and Plaid to bother with the Tories, being that they are not much of an opposing force in Scotland and Wales.

It's hypocrisy with a long history - going back to the puritans. They probably strongly believe that the country will be ruined by five years of Tories. They also don't mind as long as people don't vote Labour. Every last one of them should be taken to the forest and...re-educated, if necessary with the aid of rubber truncheons and other devices on show at arms fairs.

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It's hypocrisy with a long history - going back to the puritans. They probably strongly believe that the country will be ruined by five years of Tories. They also don't mind as long as people don't vote Labour. Every last one of them should be taken to the forest and...re-educated, if necessary with the aid of rubber truncheons and other devices on show at arms fairs.

It's not about people not voting labour.

It's about people not voting labour and voting for (insert party name here) instead which are two entirely different things. What would be the point of other parties if they simply supported what the big two say?

Edited by jimsleftfoot
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It's not about people not voting labour.

It's about people not voting labour and voting for (insert party name here) instead which are two entirely different things. What would be the point of other parties if they simply supported what the big two say?

I'm not really on about the minority of people who vote for the minority parties (although they may royally :censored: off too). I'm on about the strategies of the parties themselves and their promises.


They're saying, "We know you won't vote Tory, but your conscience cannot be entirely pure if you vote Labour. We won't win, and if you vote for us the Tories will win, but at least we'll be able to look the Lord Our God in the eye." It's absolutely crazy.

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I'm not really on about the minority of people who vote for the minority parties (although they may royally :censored: off too). I'm on about the strategies of the parties themselves and their promises.


They're saying, "We know you won't vote Tory, but your conscience cannot be entirely pure if you vote Labour. We won't win, and if you vote for us the Tories will win, but at least we'll be able to look the Lord Our God in the eye." It's absolutely crazy.

Your latest paradigm only makes sense in a world divided into Tory and Everyone Else. Just as an example, someone whose main concern is avoiding foreign war might simply not see the party of Tony Blair and Boots in Libya (this week) Miliband as any closer to their view.
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Your latest paradigm only makes sense in a world divided into Tory and Everyone Else. Just as an example, someone whose main concern is avoiding foreign war might simply not see the party of Tony Blair and Boots in Libya (this week) Miliband as any closer to their view.

Fair enough. It's a free country. Anyone who allows perfection to be the enemy of the good is a bellend though. Always will be.


If Cameron had his way, incidentally, we'd be deep in the :censored: fighting Assad, ISIS and who knows what in the Levant. Thankfully Labour Members and others with their heads screwed on said no.

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whats irresponsible about having an alternative vision to a failed 2 party system, that forms 2 cheeks of the same arse. don't fall for the elite rhetoric against Populism. A significant % of scotland has become more politically aware and understands that there is a better way to what has long been fed to us. it is through such minor parties that things can be changed,

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whats irresponsible about having an alternative vision to a failed 2 party system, that forms 2 cheeks of the same arse. don't fall for the elite rhetoric against Populism. A significant % of scotland has become more politically aware and understands that there is a better way to what has long been fed to us. it is through such minor parties that things can be changed,

I agree - but not until we have some form of proportional representation. The current situation is stark: if enough people splinter the left of centre vote, the Tories win. The SNP, the Greens, the Liberals and Plaid can get as many votes as they like, but they'll have :censored: all influence on a Tory Government.

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