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crowdfunding survey

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I like to think I've already crowdfunded in the amount of £350.


I mean seriously? This isn't about shares in the club - it's a suggestion of coughing up more money to pay for stuff that the club should be paying for. Stadium improvement, youth academy, scoreboard etc?!


All this money that was supposed to be flooding into the club through the new stand and the Sports Direct deal. We are an utter shambles off the field (and on it but that is done to death elsewhere).

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I like the idea. I said the other day we are purely a microcosm of Premier League corporatism. This would change that, even if only to a small degree.


If it is for banners, statues, scoreboards or any other decor for the new stand, then it's a good scheme.


However if it was for the playing side then fans will need an owner and a manager they can trust with their investments.


With only 3500 fans I don't know how far it can get, but maybe it would reconnect those who feel detached and are considering quitting the club after this horrific season.

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Playershare is effectively crowdfunding. Whilst I am supportive ofthe Board exploring options, I would be a little concerned that if they opted to go ahead with this as an initiative because the fans only have a set amount of disposable income that they are prepared to plough into Latics. I can't see that there are many fans who would believe that a new scoreboard or another of the suggestions was more worthy of funding than an improvement to the squad. Why, therefore, would we not just put the energy into promoting Playershare?

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I'd there an option for the money to be used towards Dunn's payoff? I'd donate to that.


On a more serious note, there would have to be a bloody decent reason for me to donate. I put 350 in to the club and all I got was a poxy season ticket lol

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Playershare is a dead duck if they keep giving it to lads like Fuller.


I'd rather see them fold that and put all the focus on something like this.

Different fans will have differing opinions of how they would like to see the money spent, but personally I think they were on the right lines with Joksts, even if that was calamitous.


A non-league punt - apparently the Latvian struggled to acclimatise to living away - not some old man who we're going to get 6 games from. Elokobi wasn't too bad, but I think there's more reward in somebody who will have increased their value while at the club, and you can then follow for the rest of their career.


It would've been great if Matt Smith was Playershare. Somebody who has now made a career for himself, after we picked him from nowhere.


Also, a lad who has been part-time will appreciate the opportunity Playershare has granted him, over a Fuller type. You could genuinely see when Matt Smith left just how thankful he was of the club for providing him that chance.

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Different fans will have differing opinions of how they would like to see the money spent, but personally I think they were on the right lines with Joksts, even if that was calamitous.


A non-league punt - apparently the Latvian struggled to acclimatise to living away - not some old man who we're going to get 6 games from. Elokobi wasn't too bad, but I think there's more reward in somebody who will have increased their value while at the club, and you can then follow for the rest of their career.


It would've been great if Matt Smith was Playershare. Somebody who has now made a career for himself, after we picked him from nowhere.


Also, a lad who has been part-time will appreciate the opportunity Playershare has granted him, over a Fuller type. You could genuinely see when Matt Smith left just how thankful he was of the club for providing him that chance.

Playershare signed Evina who is now steady at Doncaster.

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Don't you all already "crowdfund" all of these things through your season tickets and match tickets and buying programmes, food, drink and merchandise?


I'm happy for the club to be creative in generating investment. But this smacks of "pay us more for things you already pay us for".

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The whole idea is just a virtual begging bucket...


Crowdfunding works when you have something which appeals outside of the normal demographic of supporter or if you have something unique a lot of people would like to see happen.


A football club saying we want a Scoreboard IS NOT "crowdfunding"...

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Playershare is a dead duck if they keep giving it to lads like Fuller.


I'd rather see them fold that and put all the focus on something like this.


Playershare is damned whatever they do. Some fans will only want to see it used on developing promising youngsters who wouldn't otherwise get a chance. Some will only want to see it used on proven quality players likely to make the first team straight away. Some would prefer to see it used to fund more development of the club's own youth players. And some don't care either way. You can't let the fans vote on who gets signed without the results alienating half of your subscribers (and potentially the manager, who doesn't want "the wisdom of the crowd" choosing or vetoing his targets)

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The whole idea is just a virtual begging bucket...


Crowdfunding works when you have something which appeals outside of the normal demographic of supporter or if you have something unique a lot of people would like to see happen.


A football club saying we want a Scoreboard IS NOT "crowdfunding"...

I could argue that it is, as long as the people who donate receive something in return.


I've crowdfunded a number a of projects, most have been successful, some not so. I've always received something in return.


The bricks were effective, and well worked, crowd funding. People handing over their hard earned to the club for a "brick".

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Playershare is damned whatever they do. Some fans will only want to see it used on developing promising youngsters who wouldn't otherwise get a chance. Some will only want to see it used on proven quality players likely to make the first team straight away. Some would prefer to see it used to fund more development of the club's own youth players. And some don't care either way. You can't let the fans vote on who gets signed without the results alienating half of your subscribers (and potentially the manager, who doesn't want "the wisdom of the crowd" choosing or vetoing his targets)

Yeah, to be honest I've just gone right off the premise of it as a whole.


At the risk of sounding like a loony, something like this could be the start of us reclaiming a bit of our club back, if used in the right way.

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I wasn't overly impressed with my brick investment to be honest. Arriving at the ground to find it was covered in efflorescence, although I'm sure overtime this will disappear.


After spending five minutes looking for the brick after the game I found it to be hidden behind the door which was latched open to let the fans out.

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I wasn't overly impressed with my brick investment to be honest. Arriving at the ground to find it was covered in efflorescence, although I'm sure overtime this will disappear.


After spending five minutes looking for the brick after the game I found it to be hidden behind the door which was latched open to let the fans out.

Still got people to give them money for them.


It's a bit like kickstarter projects, promise the moon and you end up with a picture of it.

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I wasn't overly impressed with my brick investment to be honest. Arriving at the ground to find it was covered in efflorescence, although I'm sure overtime this will disappear.


After spending five minutes looking for the brick after the game I found it to be hidden behind the door which was latched open to let the fans out.


Talk us through what exactly you were hoping for from your brick?


Is it your first brick or have you had other, better, bricks in the past?

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