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Me? Not guilty m'lud. I just typed very quickly


What, and you with that repetative strain injury to your wrist LL, good work :)



Watched a programme last night I'd recorded off the History Channel, about ghosts and so forth on the London underground. Wouldn't want to work down there, and in particular can't imagine that job as a tunnel walker. Where folks walk in the wee samll hours along the tracks from station to station to make a visual check on everything, with just a torch for company, gulp. :unsure:

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Guest sheridans_world
What, and you with that repetative strain injury to your wrist LL, good work :)

Watched a programme last night I'd recorded off the History Channel, about ghosts and so forth on the London underground. Wouldn't want to work down there, and in particular can't imagine that job as a tunnel walker. Where folks walk in the wee samll hours along the tracks from station to station to make a visual check on everything, with just a torch for company, gulp. :unsure:


Would love to work down there. Apart from having a computer, could skive and say you saw a ghost and was too scared to move!

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Terrible cheating that, LL. I thought you were above all that.


Working from home today - I actually am working! Work's IT department have decided that OWTB is a 'phishing website', and so have blocked it, so workign at work is much more difficult - I work loads better when I can focus for half an hour, have 5 mins distraction, etc etc. Ah well. I have a vague excuse for staying at home anyway - the Chadderton Base at work has been closed due to an Environmental Health hazard......they have a massive flea infestation! Which is nice. When I found out about it, I was itchy for a couple of days (and no, I don't have fleas)!


So basically, there's a whole building full of people with nowhere to go......so they have come to my base. I don't know, they come over here, take our parking spaces and secretarial support....tsk! :wink:


So, in the crowdedness, it's even less possible to do any work than usual.


After Sat's 'antics', I am still absolutely covered in bruises (not helped by the fact that I'm a clumsy bar steward and keep banging them on anything and everything) - I expect the sort of look you would give to a battered wife when I go to the pool later.....which brings me onto the fact that I am getting sick of going to the gym now - 3 months of going 3 times a week, and I honestly thought I was lsoing weight. Until I saw the pics from Saturday. Oh well. I shall persevere. For now.


Right, interesting reading to do. Mmmmmmm, policies...........

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So, while you lot were having a terrible Thursday last week, I was having quite a good day.


To cut a long story short, I finally got myself a permanent job.


By Friday I had managed to talk myself into an almost five figure rise from that which was advertised (granted it was a paltry offering) and through Monday I continued with the negotiations to include overtime, a six monthly performance review and an annual performance bonus.


Obviously after the last nine months of raising my hopes and shouting to all and sundry on the real biggun, then failing or having the rug pulled from under my feet, I decided to keep quiet about it until everything was confirmed to my satisfaction.


I got my official offer today in writing, so that's it. I am leaving the toothpaste world to go and be a planner for another multi-national.


Another bonus is that it is in Littleborough so I will save myself a small fortune and two hours a day travelling. I will never need to learn to drive now :wink:. It is in a brand new factory with brand new machinery (I wish they would get SAP though, feckin back to MFG-PRO again - Bah!).


I can even pop over the road to see big Snook for a brew at lunchtime too.


Pleased? You bet I am!!!!!!





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So, while you lot were having a terrible Thursday last week, I was having quite a good day.


To cut a long story short, I finally got myself a permanent job.


By Friday I had managed to talk myself into an almost five figure rise from that which was advertised (granted it was a paltry offering) and through Monday I continued with the negotiations to include overtime, a six monthly performance review and an annual performance bonus.


Obviously after the last nine months of raising my hopes and shouting to all and sundry on the real biggun, then failing or having the rug pulled from under my feet, I decided to keep quiet about it until everything was confirmed to my satisfaction.


I got my official offer today in writing, so that's it. I am leaving the toothpaste world to go and be a planner for another multi-national.


Another bonus is that it is in Littleborough so I will save myself a small fortune and two hours a day travelling. I will never need to learn to drive now :wink:. It is in a brand new factory with brand new machinery (I wish they would get SAP though, feckin back to MFG-PRO again - Bah!).


I can even pop over the road to see big Snook for a brew at lunchtime too.


Pleased? You bet I am!!!!!!






Good work, Derek. After ages of promising to get myself a new job, I might have some news next week. Here's hoping.

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Good work, Derek. After ages of promising to get myself a new job, I might have some news next week. Here's hoping.

Fingers crossed Jimi. Think we were both looking for a life changing move about 2 years ago? Pair of arses, although stuff gets in the way.

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Well done Derek, and hope yours works out Jimi.


Don't think I've mentioned it at all here but I start my new job on June 4th. You may recall I mentioned on the Reel Big Fred that I was looking for something new many moons ago, well I finally secured one a few weeks ago and now I'm serving notice at my current crappy place.

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Well done Derek, and hope yours works out Jimi.


Don't think I've mentioned it at all here but I start my new job on June 4th. You may recall I mentioned on the Reel Big Fred that I was looking for something new many moons ago, well I finally secured one a few weeks ago and now I'm serving notice at my current crappy place.

Good stuff! You'll need it to pay your fines mind :)

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Pats on the back all round then :wink:


Know we discussed this ages ago on original BT,considering work plays such a huge part of peoples day to day lives being in a job you hate is just plain mad.If you really want to change it enough you will,well done Mr W for sticking at it to get what you want.

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So listening to Terry Christian this morning on the way in and they were talking about comics, as in Spiderman etc. They palyed that old theme tune to the Spiderman cartoon, TC said ha it was alright but they nicked the storylines from "Rocket Robin Hood".


WOW RRH, I've mentioned that to other people over the years and nobody recalls it, yet here's TerryfrickinChritian mentioning it in an off the cuff way like everybody knows it. Me and me cousin watched it all the time. It was on every Sunday, and we always used to go to me Grans in Wythenshawe on a Sunday, so it must have been late 60's early 70's, I', sure it was on before the Kick Off Match.


I might have mentioned it on the original LT, anyway search prompted and hell fire...






Even cheesier clip



Can't believe how much we used to like that, I shall send that to me cousin but she'll probably deny all knowledge of wanting to be Rocket Maid Marion. Her older bother was the Sheriff, well he had to be he had one of them guns what fired ping pong balls :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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So listening to Terry Christian this morning on the way in and they were talking about comics, as in Spiderman etc. They palyed that old theme tune to the Spiderman cartoon, TC said ha it was alright but they nicked the storylines from "Rocket Robin Hood".


WOW RRH, I've mentioned that to other people over the years and nobody recalls it, yet here's TerryfrickinChritian mentioning it in an off the cuff way like everybody knows it. Me and me cousin watched it all the time. It was on every Sunday, and we always used to go to me Grans in Wythenshawe on a Sunday, so it must have been late 60's early 70's, I', sure it was on before the Kick Off Match.


I might have mentioned it on the original LT, anyway search prompted and hell fire...




Even cheesier clip

Can't believe how much we used to like that, I shall send that to me cousin but she'll probably deny all knowledge of wanting to be Rocket Maid Marion. Her older bother was the Sheriff, well he had to be he had one of them guns what fired ping pong balls :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Just had a look at that Stipey and i must admit don't ever remember seeing it although i'm glad you put it up as the cheesy clip one on you tube had a video on the side bar that had a guy eating mentos mints then drinking diet coke to see what the result would be.


Appealed to my very,very juvenile sense of humour.


So thanks for that :grin:

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Self replying,tut,tut.


Still in juvenile mode,just reading my Guardian guide prior to departing for work (2 hours ago it wasn't happening but it's amazing what super strength coffee can do for you :wink: ) and there is an article about number twos.


Refers to them as bum biscuits and after dinner mince,never heard them called that before and it amused me a lot so i thought i'd share.


That's the sort of stuff big threads were made for :grin: .


Off to see James at the Arena tonight,can't bloody wait.

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Which brings us on to embarassing situations,don't think we ever did this on original big thread.


What's your most toe curling embarassing personal situation you found yourself in (or is this thread too easy for people to access and we won't play? :grin: )


One springs to mind,Moon Under the Water Wetherspoons on Deansgate a couple of years ago.Me and our kid were picking my ma up on a sojourn from Aberdeen,done some shopping went for lunch prior to picking her up.Went upstairs and sat as far from the front and only entrance as you could do.My sis tends to be very demonstrative hand wise when she's talking,as she made a sweeping gesture to illustrate a point she knocked my pint over,into my lap and onto my jeans.


Wet spreadage was immediate,and we were sat as far from the door as you possibly could be (as i think i may have mentioned :shock: ).


The looks of disgust i got as we trudged our weary way through a packed lunchtime central Manchester pub to get out were something else.I really wanted to stop,stand on a table and shout "I'VE NOT drunk MYSELF THIS DAFT BITCH HAS JUST KNOCKED BEER OVER ME" .


Instead i just kept my head down and kept walking.




I have it on good authority that after leaving Wetherspoons, you were trawling the pubs in the Gay Village :shakeit: with your freshly-dampened crotch...


God knows what the other patrons thought... :blink:

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I have it on good authority that after leaving Wetherspoons, you were trawling the pubs in the Gay Village :shakeit: with your freshly-dampened crotch...


God knows what the other patrons thought... :blink:


Aye that is true but that's another story John :shock::grin:


James yesterday was MAGNIFICENT,got to meet Beardy and Chaddy th' Owl.How much Vodka is it possible for a person to consume :unsure:,nice to meet you chaps hope you enjoyed the gig didn't see you fall out of the top tier.Was severely guilty of some very dodgy "dad" dancing myself at the gig but you know what i didn't feckin care,there was love in that room B) .


We went down with my ma's best mates son and his girl,never met 'em before but got on like a house on fire so continued the party when we got back to Oldham on the last train.Top,top,top day out.


Plan for today is beer garden at the Falconers and work can feck off tomorrow :D


It's a wonderful life.

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Now now come on, if your not happy with something Bob dont reply, and Mads you should know better!


Oh leave him be,it's obviously not de riguer to wander around downtown Tel Aviv with a dampened crotch :unsure::shock::grin:


For the record,the coach was late and we nipped,with my still damp crotch,into a delightful hostelry called Paddys Goose facing Chorlton Street bus station.Took us a couple of minutes to register we were the only mixed gender couple in the place one of whom had a damp crotch and was getting stares. :grin:


Beer gardens are great :D

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