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Guest gillianfn
But not in the OWTB dictionary :grin:



It's a pretty pants dictionary then, if I may be allowed to orate. The following are more Viz things - not my swear words - heaven forbid that a girly as genteel as myself should use such profanity.


Weight watchers. Avoid that devilish temptation to nibble at the chocolate bar in the cupboard or fridge by not buying the :censored:ing thing in the first place, you fat :censored:.


Dyslexics. Try deliberately spelling words wrongly. This way at least you have a chance of spelling them correctly.


Bearded men can obtain the appearance of an upper class Arctic explorer by simply applying Tippex to their beards, painting their noses blue, and cutting off a couple of toes. It never fails to impress the girls.


Give up smoking by sticking one cigarette from each new pack up a fat friend's arse, filter first, then replacing it in the box. The possibility of putting that one in your mouth will put you off smoking any of them.

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I'm still really missing going to Latics, I'm just hoping that I can see a game in next couple of weeks whilst Hughes isn't playing - that sounds childish but there we are.


Phil Spector is a man who repeatedly abused and threatened women. He often pulled guns to prevent them leaving his home - something that 4 women testified. He's also charged with second degree murder which will probably be proved in the retrial - a mistrial having been called as only 10 of the 12 jurors found him guilty. Let's face it, he admitted he had killed Lana Clarkson to his chauffeur who saw him standing over her dead body with a smoking gun but later, Spector changed his story saying she had committed suicide.


Then we move onto the continued condemnation of a manslaughterer who has demonstrated remorse and served the time set down by law?



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Guest gillianfn
Then we move onto the continued condemnation of a manslaughterer who has demonstrated remorse and served the time set down by law?





No love, "We" didn't move anywhere, it was me. Don't tar everyone on here with the same brush. I am an awkward madam who openly admits that I will cut off my nose to spite my face. There's no "we" about it - it is just me, and I'm pretty safe down here with people who know what I am like and are more inclined to ignore me!

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No love, "We" didn't move anywhere, it was me. Don't tar everyone on here with the same brush. I am an awkward madam who openly admits that I will cut off my nose to spite my face. There's no "we" about it - it is just me, and I'm pretty safe down here with people who know what I am like and are more inclined to ignore me!


Gillian - I've never said it to you but others off here (several big threaders) will testify that I have admired your stance with regard to Lee Hughes. I don't necessarily agree with it but I would never say anyone was wrong for doing what they believed. To be honest, others may have been against his signing, but you are the only one that I know who has lived up to their word and kept away because of Hughes.


I just think it puts you in a difficult position though - same as everyone who takes a moral stand-point because you will get the occasional cantakerous sod like me (still suffering from Saturday's hangover) who points out double standards.


Personally, I find Phil Spector a repugnant and totally obnoxious bloke. That isn't to say that if I had any, I would destroy the CD's of his in my collection.

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Ha ha - it does doesn't it? Funny - I actually ring you just as I am about to go down that hill, so that I know I will only have to suffer your :censored: for 2 minutes.... :wink:


The simple solution is not to ring me at all,that way you save yourself 2 minutes of :censored: suffering (cocks nose into the air,turns and walks off in a huff) :wink:


Always poo at work,not only will you save money on toilet paper you'll be getting paid for it.


Olympic athletes,disguise the fact that you have taken steroids by running a bit slower.


An empty aluminium cigar tube filled with angry wasps makes an inexpensive vibrator.


High blood presure sufferers,simply cut yourself and bleed for a while thus reducing the pressure in your veins.

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Guest gillianfn
Gillian - I've never said it to you but others off here (several big threaders) will testify that I have admired your stance with regard to Lee Hughes. I don't necessarily agree with it but I would never say anyone was wrong for doing what they believed. To be honest, others may have been against his signing, but you are the only one that I know who has lived up to their word and kept away because of Hughes.


I just think it puts you in a difficult position though - same as everyone who takes a moral stand-point because you will get the occasional cantakerous sod like me (still suffering from Saturday's hangover) who points out double standards.


Personally, I find Phil Spector a repugnant and totally obnoxious bloke. That isn't to say that if I had any, I would destroy the CD's of his in my collection.


You know what, I was going to reply privately, then I thought, nope, if I'm big and daft enough to share my views on some days, then I'll not stop now.


Firstly, I must confess my ignorance on a number of points - I never even knew that half the songs that I'd happily sing along to in my car, were anything to do with Phil Spector! Secondly, I wasn't aware of the extent of his wrong doings - he sounds a right lunatic - I'd heard little things but not paid any of it much attention.


I'm not sure that my liking of his music and my stance regarding Lee Hughes puts me in a difficult position. Why would it? I'm not about to go to watch any of his protoges performing every week, so I'm not sure it is really the same - then you may say that I've manipulated that to suit myself. I shall now have to have a bit of deep and meaningful with myself and examine where I stand on the double standard bit, because until you said that, I hadn't really thought about it.


My position in respect of Lee and the club won't change. I don't really want to drag this up again, but given you have, then I'm inclined to respond (it's the girl in me you see!)


I'm naturally a very forgiving person, but I think there are some things that are unforgiveable - I can't move on from the running away from the scene etc - but let's not re-hash that, my feelings are known. People who know my love of football have been asking me whether or not I agree with the club employing him and whether or not I'll go back. My answer remains the same - not until he has gone.


I'm not sure why you would admire me IC, after all, I really have robbed myself of the chance to watch my team play, see pals that I only see during the season, do the away games with my boy etc - His actions never affected me or my family, perhaps if they had I'd have more reason to be so unstinting in my resolve, only time will tell whether or not he is a reformed character and whether prison has turned him around. I am leaning towards him being given a second chance, I just wish it wasn't with us, partly because, I don't want ramming down my throat "You were the lot who gave that murdering so and so a chance to play football again bla bla" - I don't want to see him at my club, I really don't. And I'm really sore that we've done it - I think we have done it "on the cheap" as per bloody usual. If we wanted a striker that badly, surely there were other players available? I wish he hadn't come to us and I'm really sick about it.


I was talking to a friend of mine in football the other day and asked him if he would have had him at his club - he said without doubt, definitely not. So it's not just a personal thing with me, other professionals wouldn't have touched him with a barge pole.


To be fair in all of this, I was probably not going to see as many games this season - my son plays for S/Bridge now so we go to their games, and I'd intended to spend some of my weekends with my friend who is terminally ill, so I'd never have been to all the games like I have for the past few seasons, but the Hughes thing just closed the lid for me.

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Maybe admire is the wrong word Gillian but like I say, you had your reasons and like many, you said you wouldn't be going. You are the only one who has stuck to their guns though and that is where the plaudits probably come from in my view. You also haven't rammed your opinion down people's throats as some took delight in doing.


I had a bit of a moral dilemma when the signing was announced. When I saw the sanctimonious garbage written by the Coventry fans (I had one or two debates with people like Guide_Friday over on Rivals) followed by a ridiculous piece in the Guardian by Lawrence Donegan, my thoughts changed and made me realise that Hughes really did warrant a second chance.


You have your reasons and your beliefs and I respect that.


Maybe I over-reacted with the Phil Spector thing and maybe liking his records isn't the same as watching a tarnished footballer? Opinions are what make this place interesting though and I know that I am far from perfect myself!


And the most annoying thing is I can't get "River Deep Mountain High" out of my head now! :)

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followed by a ridiculous piece in the Guardian by Lawrence Donegan, my thoughts changed and made me realise that Hughes really did warrant a second chance.


I was in the umming and ah-ing camp until I saw that piece. In short: Lee Hughes has no place in football because I, Lawrence Bloody Donegan, say so. And I'm not in football either.


Lawrence Donegan made me into a Lee Hughes fanatic.

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Guest gillianfn
And the most annoying thing is I can't get "River Deep Mountain High" out of my head now! :)



Truce then? :unsure: You could always try the Jimmy Helms song that IM very kindly found for me recently - I really do need to get out a bit more - I listened to it in the car this morning.......... 9 times!

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Truce then? :unsure: You could always try the Jimmy Helms song that IM very kindly found for me recently - I really do need to get out a bit more - I listened to it in the car this morning.......... 9 times!


It was never anything more than an exchange of views Gillian so no truce required! :)


Someone recently tried to bring my musical tastes kicking and screaming into the 21st Century but without success. I do quite like The Twang though. The moral - stick to what you like. But 9 times???? :o



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Guest gillianfn
It was never anything more than an exchange of views Gillian so no truce required! :)


Someone recently tried to bring my musical tastes kicking and screaming into the 21st Century but without success. I do quite like The Twang though. The moral - stick to what you like. But 9 times???? :o





My son recently said to me, "Mum FFS, it's 2007, why are you still listening to this crap?" I think part of it is because most of the 70s rubbish that I listen to just makes me smile, it reminds me of my childhood, when things were uncomplicated, the most I ever worried about was getting a :censored: from my parents for coming in later than I should, and I like feeling happy - who doesn't? These days my life is different - I'm still a happy person, but I have worries and concerns like the rest of us - that time in the car, listening to :censored: FM makes me smile and think I'm 13 again! :wink:

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So, the phone rings. It’s a woman called Sandra, and she wants to talk to my boss. She explains that she works for our biggest IT contractor and she speaks to him every fortnight to check how things are going. It turns out that she hasn’t spoken to him for about 9 months. We told them last week that were are sacking them.


There is a very distant neighing sound coming from behind that firmly closed stable door.

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makes me smile and think I'm 13 again! :wink:


Wot when you was in the Double Deckers?


Anyways G this Hughes thing, I think I asked this before, can't remember, can't be aris'd looking back. I know I talked about it with IM earlier in the season. If it was your lad, and he'd done the same as Lee Hughes or worse, and he'd served his prescribed time, would you forgive him? And don't say he wouldn't have done anything like that, thats a cop out!


I noticed your :censored: slipped through this time, as have a few arses, strange this 'ere OWTB dictionary innit?


Right thats me, looked at the view new posts page on here, bogger me theres about 7 since me last visit, and I've no time to peruse, so I thunked this thread would be a better bet!


Oh and Quality listening link DS


And DS, congrats on the 00


Can't believe you aint got tired of that tosh yet LP? Do you do it to irritate? Do you think it irritates? Do you actually think its funny?

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My son recently said to me, "Mum FFS, it's 2007, why are you still listening to this crap?" I think part of it is because most of the 70s rubbish that I listen to just makes me smile, it reminds me of my childhood, when things were uncomplicated, the most I ever worried about was getting a :censored: from my parents for coming in later than I should, and I like feeling happy - who doesn't? These days my life is different - I'm still a happy person, but I have worries and concerns like the rest of us - that time in the car, listening to :censored: FM makes me smile and think I'm 13 again! :wink:



How come its :censored: in my post and not here, wasn't there something a few threads up about double standards?


Hang on G's original isn't censored but the quote of it is, good grief, sod it who cares

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Censorship is the last refuge of the control freak. I am all for letting language develop. My daughter speaks a different english to me and her mum. It's been this way since language began or else we'd all still be thee'ing and thou'ing. Deleting profanity however is not the same as censorship.. its about using the proper word and not not being lazy and just effing and jeffing... Moral high ground taken and does that mean I'm winning...

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Censorship is the last refuge of the control freak. I am all for letting language develop. My daughter speaks a different english to me and her mum. It's been this way since language began or else we'd all still be thee'ing and thou'ing. Deleting profanity however is not the same as censorship.. its about using the proper word and not not being lazy and just effing and jeffing... Moral high ground taken and does that mean I'm winning...



They are words no more no less,a collection of letters.Sweary words can be used to enrich a phrase or opinion and enforce it's meaning.It's not being lazy at all it's quite creative used in the correct manner!


I say,Latics have scored.




Go on,go on,shoot you :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:


Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaalll :grin:


Told you B)


It's all in the interpretation.


Someone will censor that an all. :grin:

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Censorship is the last refuge of the control freak.


Unfortunately it is the few that abuse the freedom of our previous no-censorship, and abuse the good nature of others that ultimately spoil it for the rest. If I was certain that after lowering the priority of the filter, there wouldn't be excessive and inappropriate use of profanity - I'd scrap it right now.


What OWTB offers is an option for the user, it's not too different to other forums - but one of our priorities is to give the Latics supporters community an opportunity to maybe enjoy supporting Oldham Athletic more, and football in general. Enjoy it! Some call OWTB a "love-in" - it makes me laugh! I think OWTB is more "fun" than "love-in". What's wrong with sharing our vision with others, and others buying into it? God forbid that we might be putting some enjoyment back into the online experience!

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Unfortunately it is the few that abuse the freedom of our previous no-censorship, and abuse the good nature of others that ultimately spoil it for the rest. If I was certain that after lowering the priority of the filter, there wouldn't be excessive and inappropriate use of profanity - I'd scrap it right now.


What OWTB offers is an option for the user, it's not too different to other forums - but one of our priorities is to give the Latics supporters community an opportunity to maybe enjoy supporting Oldham Athletic more, and football in general. Enjoy it! Some call OWTB a "love-in" - it makes me laugh! I think OWTB is more "fun" than "love-in". What's wrong with sharing our vision with others, and others buying into it? God forbid that we might be putting some enjoyment back into the online experience


I agree Rummy. Thats why I go on to say what I say in the post. It is good manners and respectful to consider others when you are expressing your opinion. It is so easy for people to say that profanity has it's place on this board but how many of them would use the kind of language in front of their parents, children etc that they want us to accept on here.. I used to post on other boards but have stopped, partly because of how those boards are run, but mostly because of the lack of control. OWTB is a fantastic site. People are posting from as far away as Taiwan, Hong Kong and Burton on Trent and expressing opinions that I sometimes agree with and sometimes violently disagree with. Yet it is usually done in an intelligent and witty way. Keep up the filtering, censoring and prioritising. Then I can keep on letting my Kids see what i'm reading and typing about our fantastic football club and its fantastic fans


Oh my God I was almost Gushing there. Need a hankie for the tear in my eye :gossip::mainstand:

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