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Everything posted by alex_balls

  1. Yeah its usual groom pays for at least best man, at my mates recently he didnt pay for the ushers though. I'd say it's a bit harsh asking someone to be part of your day and then make them pay for the pleasure.
  2. wounded whats the alternative plan?? bloody pill heads... EDIT: Gonna get M1 (J12) come off and go through Hitchin, miss the A1 totally and drive through Stevenage town centre to the ground,
  3. You won't be able to do anything soon...they'll be banning lads mags next and not allowing you to smoke in public, or eat what you want, or drink excessively or laugh at someone falling in the street...
  4. So that means your more bothered about going...?
  5. Imagine we sqooze (squeezed, squished how ever you say it) 1,000 in, that'd be quality.
  6. http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/forecast/stevenage#?tab=fiveDay seems quite nice.
  7. It holds 1400 seating. http://www.footballgroundguide.com/stevenage/
  8. Stevenage 1-1 Latics (HT 1-1) - Montano - 3855
  9. I reckon we'll have 500+ which would be a good effort first game of the season and we'll make a good racket in that away end.
  10. Oxley Brown Byrne Tarky Grounds Dayton Baxter Smith Montano Rooney (Clarke - Harris) Macdonald
  11. Quite simple, he doesn't fit in with LDJ he ping pins philosophy of total football, although I reckon and very much hope he's seen the light after Saturdays dreadful defending for both Hudds. goals and will start Byrne with Tarky saturday. Still hugely optimistic though. Montano, Baxter et al should cause some real damage against Stevenage.
  12. I think tomorrow will give us a good indication of where we're at. I think we'll see Oxley Brown (If fit) Tarky Mellor Grounds Dayton Smith Shmeltz Montano Baxter Rooney
  13. Yeah I can agree with that comment, if it doesn't go as well as I (and I presume from the comments on this board) many others believe it will then the positivity towards him/the team could change very quickly. The way the first 10 fixtures have fallen could help him no end, Stevenage, Walsall, Peterborough, Port Vale, Tranmere, PNE, Rotherham, Crewe, Crawley, Orient. The bold teams are home fixtures, and all are winnable IMO.
  14. I suppose it does come across a bit, 'well his dads done it so why can't he?', thats a trap I/we musn't fall into, and I take the point about the network comment, although Dickov was more contacts rather than networks, as he'd played at high level clubs. I can't fault Dickov for the players he brought in, it's the way he managed them and his lack of tactical nouse, the prime example being Dave Jones putting him in his place in the League Cup 1st round. Forgetting the 'support network' for a second, Johnson has earnt the trust in him, by as I mentioned earlier, keeping us up, his proactivity, the players he's brought in, the way he wasnts to play some attractive football, but that's not going to win us the league, but what is going to ensure we have a relatively successful season (or even an improvement on last season) is the fact that he seems to have everything planned, and then some, he comes across as having the knowledge and expertise of handling the situations that are going to come his way, having won promotion from this division, he should know what he's talking about. Time will tell if he is indeed the salesman some people think he is, i'm definitely willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
  15. It's been said before and i'll say it again, Dickov started really well, up until the December/January 6 weeks postponements we were on a roll and were sitting comfy in the top 6. The team were playing well and it was a joy to watch, think Plymouth at home, Bournemouth at home etc. Then creaks appeared just before the enforced break when we let a 3-0 lead slip against Exeter, then Hartlepool trounced us 3-0 IIRC, then it all went sour when Soton rolled up and smashed us 6-0. After that game, Dickov lost any appetite he had to attack and went on the defensive, another crushing 5-0 loss to Peterborough was the end of us, how he managed another season and half is beyond me. Don't forget though despite the fact he had the team playing so well, he inherited players such as Taylor, Stephens, Lee who all left on his watch. I remember playing Sheff U, the first game of his second season, and I knew we were going to struggle as all we did was lump it up front to Matt Smith, that season and the one after were utter dross. (Except the brilliant FA Cup run that i'll never forget) Onto Johnson and a few have remarked about him talking the talk and being a salesman, who's all mouth and no action etc... BUT, there has already been action, firstly keeping us up, that side last season was doomed to failure, but he kept us up with games to spare. He now has his own team, which is shaping up very nicely, and there are some similarities between Johnson and when Dickov first took over, but again Johnson seems to have a plan, and then another one and another, he has a brilliant support network around him, hell he can pick the phone up and talk to his Dad, who has managed a number of promotions and managed to get Yeovil, yes Yeovil to the Championship. He ping pings deserves the time he's being/going to be given, and i'll hazard a guess that the football on offer this season will be a dramatic improvement on the last couple of seasons, with lots of goals on show, (in both nets) and we'll have a team that will fight until the last minute, I for one am really looking forward to it. Up the Blues PS And to answer your question, I think the mediocrity of the club and the mindset of stagnation and regression really has killed a few managers off who couldn't live with the expectation they created when it looked like we may finally turn the corner....Moore, Sheridan, Dickov...
  16. Won every header, donkey on the deck, will get found out in the Championship, will be back in L1 with Barnsley next year. Can I pin this so it's easier to find when i'm proved correct in May...
  17. Haha I love reading what people put years ago and how their opinions have changed.
  18. After reading he ping pings comments in the Chron (or was it the fishal) think it was the Chron, regarding Mellor at the back, I can see what he's trying to do now. High tempo, pushing up meaning defenders will play with a real high line, an old clogger like Byrne doesn't fit in with this philosophy, of quick passing, speaking of passing, you watch on Sat against Hudds. how many time Oxley taps it to Mellor mainly but also Tarky and see how they pass it out to the midfield, with the occasional long pass (not to be confused with aimless punt) - much more refreshing to watch. Also, the fear is when we play a PNE with a Davies up top he'll exploit Mellor, but its simple really, high line Davies is on half way out of trouble, put Mellor on him, let him flick it on, Traky/Grounds sweeps up every time, easy!! (says here :-)) The issue arises if he has a pacy forward along with him, but if Tarky/Grounds/Brown do they're job properly and anticipate the flick on's etc it should be a simple sweep up.
  19. Have you tried Facebook mate, sure they posted something about a lost wallet..hope you find it.
  20. Having read their website, seems like they undertake some impressive work. Suppose we can expect to see some larger companies advertising at the ground, which equals more dollar, rather than just local businesses (Which are greatly appreciated might I add).
  21. Go on i'll start a new unfounded rumour off.... The chaps at Sports Identity are sponsoring our shorts for the forthcoming campaign for a 'significant sponsorship fee'. David Broadbent added "I look forward to working with them over the course of the season on some great projects." The offical website also mentions that 'Sports Identity, a Hull-based company which specialises in stadium branding, will shortly be undertaking a number of projects at Boundary Park.' So reading between the lines, Boundary Park is to be renamed the Sports Identity Arena. More realistically, they could be sponsoring the new stand and/or be bringing added sponsorship into the club.
  22. Seatwave keeps cropping up, I see they are on the webshop ;-)
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