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Everything posted by alex_balls

  1. That picture you've posted, is exactly how I envisage our new Broadway stand to be, but with blue seats.
  2. I know Mike Keegan tweeted he was a big lad, 6'6 he reckoned, this lad is 6'4 according to the internet, so fits the bill seen as Mike would have been guessing. Could do with a bit of height and someone with good feet at the back, seen as M'voto's going, sure anyone going to Leigh Friday can fill us in.
  3. Yeah pretty crap moving it and it will also cut the away following for what is our local away 'derby' this year. Stil might go but looking more towards Rotherham on the Saturday.
  4. It says in the Sun, that 'ambitious' Preston are after Davies.
  5. If LJ says he's 85% gone then i'm sure he would have been aware that M'voto was talking to Championship clubs. Again, the travesty is a good player leaving on a freemans. It's interesting that Croft was given like 5 days to make a decision and was then binned off, Croft even went on Twitter to say no contract was offered, BUT, M'voto seems to have all summer to pimp around and has no deadline what so ever.
  6. I'd say it's more a point of how much money has been saved due to all the above leaving. A few of those would have been on a decent wedge. Especially Simpson, Croft and M'voto (Although we're still currently paying him as he's still contracted until the end of June)
  7. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2344384/The-Midlander-Unpopular-owners-stadium-dispute-disgruntled-fans-Coventry-City.html
  8. Not saying this to be pedantic, but I've just checked out of interest to see how long we've been in this division, the upcoming season will be our 17th. RANK!!
  9. Yeah just seen this on Daily Mail (No im not a DM reader, (I just like the femail bit) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2343715/First-Football-League-fixtures-2013-14-Burnley-v-Bolton-Derby-v-Blackburn-Preston-v-Wolves-Sheffield-United-v-Notts-County-Newport-County-v-Accrington-Stanley-Rochdale-v-Hartlepool-United.html
  10. PAST DERBY MEMORIES There have been a few decent game with Derby over the years, obviously the Worthington Cup game stands out for many. And the FA Cup game of 1994. Does anyone remember the trips to The Basebell Ground? Was quite young when we plast played there in 1995. We lost 2-1. They had quite a good team IIRC, Lee Carsley in CM, but stand out for me were Marco Gabbiadini and Robin van Der Laan. They also had Dean Sturridge but I dont remember him playing against us at The Baseball Ground. I've had a quick look and they got promoted that year back to the Prem, we finished 18th.
  11. Yep sorry your right, they got relegated May 2002, it's because I remember Dowies interview saying they had Premier League quality in Riggot and Higginbotham, still it was a good scalp seen as they were as good as Premier League standard having only being releagted a few months before.
  12. I think it's a decent tie, not played them at BP for 17 years, and not played them at all in 11. The last time was a pretty special one seen as they were Premierleague at the time, and despite the moaners saying standard 1st round exit, we've probably got more of a chance against a higher team as we'll try harder, i'd be more worried if we got the usual Carlisle/Walsall type clubs. Look at Sheff Wed last season, similar scenario to them being a division higher, we should have beaten them after going 2-0 up, but Dave Jones' tactical nouse over PD's won them the game.
  13. I'd be disappointed with 500k, simply because Trotman went for that fee after only playing a handful of games, JB is twice the player Trotman was and attacking flair players should attract a bigger fee than defenders, look at when the world transfer records have been broken, Zidane, Figo, Ronaldo and in Britain Torres, its always the attacking players. And when you consider Scott Spencer and Danny Philliskirk and also Tom Eaves went for £200k-£300k despite the first two never playing for us and Eaves only made a few appearances, then JB should be commanding a lot higher fee than those 3, seen as he's played a full season, and bagged a few goals. Also Crewe managed to get £4m for Powell when he only had one season under his belt in League 2. I'd say £1,000,000 and I think Lee Johnson can expect very little of that as Blitz will pocket the money. So because of that I hope we don't sell him.
  14. Game over for you lads pal, seen as 2 of the next 3 are away, Not confident about tonight's Hawks/Kings match, can see it being 2-2 by tomorrow.
  15. I know City won the year before we played them, but that could be a glamour tie and even thats pushing it, seen as what 4,000 turned up and most of them were City.
  16. Yeah it started at like 10pm I think, I managed to stream it at the third period, unbeknown to me that there were only 3 periods, i thought there was 4 for some reason (Like I say just getting used to it), 2nd one started at 1am and watched all of that one. And lost the third but no way I was staying up for that one. Wow just seen your score, how did that happen???
  17. 2-0 up In Western Conference final, I stayed up till early hours watching both games, it's fair to say I regret this decision as I'm knackered but was good to see 2 wins.
  18. it'll be two yts players and i agree i wont check the official again for a while because they are blatantly taking the piss, the Mellor story was ridiculous, you can't have a contract renewal as a new signing story, its just gay.
  19. I've literally only just seen this thread, Blackhawks follower, what a battle with Redwings the other night, 3-1 down and took it 4-3 with a last gasp over time win. Got LA Kings next who of course won it last year, all 4 teams remaining now are the previous 4 years' winners, should be an exciting end. That's as far as my knowledge goes i'm afraid but learning more each time a games on. EDIT:- Sorry jss, I just saw that you already mentioned that the last 4 are the previous 4 winners, should pay more attention.
  20. There's a Latics scarf hanging on he ceiling at the smallest pub in Amsterdam, was quite funny asking an Ajax fan if he had heard of Oldham, he hadn't because he didn't recognise my accent saying 'Old um' but when I pointed to the scarf, he said "oh you mean Old Ham" and he knew us then
  21. Why??? Is it a bad away day that? Only been once and I was at Senior School so don't rememember too much about it.
  22. Just looked back (It's BH and i'm bored) and over the last 11 season, we've started 7 of them at home. 4 of the last 6 at home also. Wolves away it is
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