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Everything posted by bigfatjoe1

  1. The injury crisis is dictating team selection, and has for a while.
  2. Yes, this is actually what i was getting at. I don't think they would welcome promotion at the moment. They see Oldham as an investment opportunity (from which we both gain, and which I welcome), they can control Shez with ease and see the Championship as simply too expensive at the moment. Sheridan is, therefore, the man to fulfil their current ambitions, ie League One. Long term may be different...
  3. The thread below suggests that no one is thinking about Eardley. His passing/distribution has been a weakness this season, but his committment, effort, energy and work rate have been excellant. He is only 19 and has had the captaincy thrust upon him. He has also played a lot more than any other youngster - Alees and Lomax have only played a small number of games. I also think he has suffered a little from second season syndrome, something that many young players struggle from. He gets my vote for sheer professionalism and hard graft over an entire season.
  4. We've had this Sheridan discussion/argument for a long time. It's clear to me that he is the one trusted by the owners to fulfil their ambitions!
  5. How many black managers are there in industry/business? And how does this compare to football?
  6. Can we run another caption competition? Alan Hardy: 'Get the effing picture took, my arse is sliding off this bench!'
  7. Guilt, pure and simple. Make them feel bad if they don't join in with your football and sings and if they show any signs of supporting anyone else. My daughter would have loved to have supported United but would've felt so bad at letting me down that she it wasn't worth it.
  8. Please, please, please tell us who is who on the picture (and what a great picture).
  9. Kumbya my Lord, kumbya Kumbya my Lord, kumbya Kumbya my Lord, kumbya Oh Lord, kumbya!!!!!
  10. Sheridan to himself 'ohhhhhh, his hands are cold'.
  11. I agree with a testimonial in recognition of his loyalty in the dark days. How many testimonials have we had over the last few years?
  12. I was at the Simod Cup game. It was truly dreadful, but Joe really didn't want to be involved.
  13. Four votes for C%$y!!!! Argggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh. Never!!!!
  14. What a refreshingly positive view of events. Do you apply it to everything in life? I'm not being ironic, I really would love to shake off middle aged malaise. What's your secret?
  15. Momentum is the key at this stage. Blackpool built it up nicely last season. Do we look like repeating that? The next two games will tell a great deal. Win those and the confidence will start increasing and that could build and build. The return of senior players could then keep it going. It hasn't really happened so far - one step forward, one step back. But you never know.
  16. Yes, it could be an age thing. The people i talk too still mention beating United 2-0 not 1-0!! It DID cross the line! Stepney was beaten, and he knew it! Happy days.
  17. I hope so. It's a general feeling about the division and, probably, the fact that, like me, so many who I talk to were actually brought up on a diet of top two division football which was so much better. I've always found it very difficult to adjust to the quality in this division. It's not about success. So much of the time we struggled in the old Div 2, but you knew there would be some good football (even it was from the opposition) at some stage over the season. Perhaps I'm just getting old and nostalgic.
  18. Despite the general feeling that we shouldn't be too down-hearted, the fact is that many people you talk to are very fed up. Happy clappys can gloss over it as much as they like. The crowds are going down. Why? This league is incredibly dull. Say what you like, it is a very boring league and has been for ten years. As someone who watched the club for over 20 years in the top two divisions, i've never been able to appreciate anything about this dull division. It wasn't all wonderful in the past, and i remember standing in the chaddy with less than 4,000 against teams like Middlesbrough, but you were guaranteed some great moments/games over the course of a season. For me the basic cause of frustration is that this is a poor division with average-poor teams playing poor-average football, and we are no different. All very boring. Say what you like - you can't deny it is very, very dull football.
  19. I thought he'd retired (and his wages were £30,000 per week). And 'loan' rather than 'trial' suggests he's at another club - more careful logic!
  20. Good piece of logic! Wasn't he on something ridiculous like £30,000 pa. Also, if it is Hartson, we'd need to know about fitness (he was always a bit of a fatty) and attitude. We wouldn't want another McGinley (spelling??).
  21. Yes, Joe was a good player and quite intimidating without his front teeth!!
  22. I first raised this a few weeks ago - rumour i heard from a few people with no real contacts. However, i didn't realise he had 18 months left. I thought his contract was only until the end of this season. If it's next year then why pay him off? Besides, latest news suggests he's on his way back.
  23. Yes, i can see the logic. I was just wondering, if he's an established player then you've a good idea of his ability. I was just thinking if the same approach was applied to everyone and every team then what would the result be? Nobody gets a contract until they've been on loan? It could be a very good idea because it makes you more confident in the person/character. And it works both ways. Once they've been with us for a month they will, of course, be far more likely to want to stay! Just a thought.
  24. Has Dabo scarred him. Otherwise, it seems a little over cautious.
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