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Everything posted by lookers87

  1. Did Dux check the pre-match tea-leaves? Check out the image from the gallery v Hereford, image 7...bet there were more than a few latics with a similar look by 5pm on Sat! image gallery v Hereford
  2. Jarrett's best performance was the Hudds home game when if you remember he played off the 1 striker we had fit at the time...not as a midfield scrapper. Time and tide is once again giving people rose-tinted views, but isn't that always the way. After the Hartlepool game Shez would've been pilloried on here if he had changed a winning team...he didn't...so now he's pilloried. Let's face it anyone can pick a side to 'win' a game after the event.
  3. They often are, but that was really down to Charlie winding Big Nose up who was sat next to him.
  4. Hang on a minute it was LOMAX that thumped the ball into the back of the net when he could've cleared it. But let's just ignore that fact and jump on Eardley again. It's a left back we need with Lomax as cover for either position.
  5. I know what you are getting at there, but as I posted elsewhere the other day...We have the same number of points after 25 games as 06/07 season when we had been playing the best football for years by this point. And only 4 points behind the 02/03 season tally (25 games) after having an excellent 1st half of the season... not bad really seen as most seem to think we are yet to really get going this season! In simple terms...12 wins from the remaining games probably gets us up. And despite the recent run of draws, the last 10 games have yielded 20 points, 2 points a game, or 'championship form' as it is widely regarded (though granted we have 5 points to make up on the season so far). And in both of those previous seasons we have never been able to bring a striker of Windass' quality in January. I would also think that as we generally benefit from playing the more difficult games, the fact that we have a hard run-in could be better for us than the supposed 'easier' fixtures that for many many years have tripped us up. Goodness me, far too much optimism for a post on here at the moment...erm Shez Out! (that's better)
  6. Same number of points after 25 games as 06/07 season when we had been playing the best football for years by this point. And only 4 points behind the 02/03 season tally (25 games) after having an excellent 1st half of the season... not bad really seen as most seem to think we are yet to really get going this season!
  7. Sorry ed, but I don't think spooned is quite the right term. I think only Allott has hit a ball as sweet this season!! If it was one of the strikers that had scored in the right end I think they'd be seriously disappointed with it being described as 'spooned' in. Still trying to figure out exactly what he was trying to do???!
  8. Neil doesn't need to apologise. For those of you not watching at the end he didn't stomp off, he was man enough to look to the area he directed his 'rant' to, clap them and give them a good thumbs up. Nothing more needs to be said. And fair play to him for doing that. Agree with you that it would be good to hear from one of the more 'popular' pros backing Eards. The amount of stick he gets is appauling, esp when he is clearly far from the worst player (or even fullback) on the pitch.
  9. He's just been given permission to talk to Hartlepool
  10. Was it six??? Blimey I only remember it being 4 but maybe I just blanked the other two out!! (nothing at all to do with an alcohol consumed since said result!!).
  11. Would that also be the 'signed new contract and rates him very highly'...AKA I know there is interest in him so I'll make sure we get a good price (whether I think he is good enough for us or not) type of statement??
  12. Have to disagree on a bit of that. Fair enough on the commercial side observation (in terms of what we see in terms of promo), but I did something similar to you and my offer of help was taken up. I've also put my money where my mouth is through things like the sweet promo before the Leicester game. My impression is that the club are more than happy to get offers of help and more importantly all these ideas that crop up. Day to day ideas (whatever they are) are exactly what they are happy to get help with. Sadly sounds like a stuck record, but unless it shows a profit (without an initial outlay) it is always going to be difficult to get funding... I'd say try again if you are serious about it.
  13. They weren't. All those ideas, plus quite a few others were all presented to AH and to be fair to the club they have given each and every one of them a really good investigation. That has had the effect of a number of the initiatives that have been tried / starting to appear in the last few months. So defo keep the ideas coming because they are welcomed, it is always going to be down to economics as to which can/can't be taken forward. That is why things like Teamcard are so important as if we use these then it is a new income stream for the club, which will allow it to put more of the marketing ideas into practice. For instance, I'm looking at launching a 'Latics mint' packs (blue and white striped mints) which the club can sell/retailers around town a portion of the sale which goes direct to the club.
  14. agreed. If Eardley had put in the show Lomax did last night he would have been hammered. Positionally he struggled and his passing was appauling. Don't get me wrong I think he his a solid league one full back, but I remain baffled by the contrast in reactions to him and Eardley.
  15. He's made the League One Team of the Week after his Crewe performance and goal
  16. ...just not true. And goes to show why this thread was started in the first place, it really does baffle me how a 19 year old can be singled out for such rubbish when the guy has already played over 100 first team games, has scouts at higher levels watching him and has made several full international appearances. And yet a guy who is no more than a 3rd division player is seen as being 'better' than him despite all manner of errors, both positionally and decision-making wise he makes several times a game. Personally I think there is room in the team for both and I think Lomax is a decent player for this level, but as pointed out at the top of this thread, he seems to have acquired an untouchability that seems not afforded to Eardley who is a quality player at this level.
  17. It was Shez's decision as it is for all footballing matters. Considering how fixtures have gone over the past few seasons it may yet prove to be a good one. There will still be plenty of other games coming up.
  18. I don't think the 'things' Tommy mentioned are all to do with said interview.
  19. Worth noting that we have exactly the same record as Swansea did after 14 games last season (w7/d4/l3 25 points) and we are 10 points better off than we were last season. So despite the 3 away losses we are in a great position to push on. Also, 15 games (not 10) seems to be a very good guide as to where teams are heading (apart from the odd extreme case). If you look back over the past 7 or 8 seasons generally at least 3 (sometimes 4 or 5) of the top 6 at the 15 game point are still there at the end of the season. So as a whole I'd say the first 3 months have been a very good start...just need to tighten up away and we'll carry on. Mind you, I'm not sure how wise it is to be saying it'll be 4 or 5 by halftime. I'd happily take a 1-0 win.
  20. Phil Brown has been a regular visitor to BP over the past 3 or 4 seasons even towards the end of his Bolton coaching days.
  21. Now living in Dinglesville aka Burnley But before that... Milnrow Chadderton Sheffield High Wycombe France High Wycombe Marlow Chadderton Middleton...
  22. An old post I know but just seen, so just to clarify that TeamCard is available to ANY latics supporter, spouse, hangeron, armchair fan, exile etc etc with a single one-off payment of £10. This is one of the easiest ways of helping the club with extra cashflow - which may well lead to some more of the super marketing suggestions that have been talked about on this very site. They are even happy for anyone to suggest potential new 'local' (meaning not just the ones around BP) retailers to join the TeamCard network should this help people use the cards more.
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