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Everything posted by GlossopLatic

  1. Yes that could be a major problem with our kit clashing
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't the Dutch the first to really play the 3-5-2 they seemed to get it right. I think it works best when you have 2 defensive midfielders say Eardley and Allot who can give the Back 3 protection allowing the wingers to get forward as often as possible. Pus the 3rd central midfielder has to be your creative linchpin who plays just behind the front two. It can work with the right players it could work aslong as we have a left winger who has a good engine to get back abit of trickery and can deliver a good left footed cross.
  3. Paul Moulden runs a chippy in Glossop I shall have to investigate where.
  4. Thats very true however despite football clubs at this level losing money like its going out of fashion, since the formation of The Premier League their has been no football league clubs go to the wall. Alot looked like they would and hit administration but none liquidated. Somehow football clubs at this level manage to survive somehow. How much longer for I don't know but they seem to keep doing it. The case of Luton is interesting as they have been trying to secure a new ground for years and years to bring in the money which would help them survive financially on an even keel. Thats why we need this redevelopment to go through and hopefully this will secure our clubs long term stability.
  5. The case of Derby is interesting they didn't invest the millions they recieved into new playing talent which would have given them a better chance of staying up because it was too risky financially to the club. Therefore in future tv contracts Sky and the FA will have to consider the fact that teams will quite happily except relegation and take the millions rather than compete. If that keeps happening then any fixtures involving such teams will attract low tv audiences and by the collective bargaining agreement each team has to be shown a minimum amount of times. Therefore its in the best interests of SKY to make sure that The Championship starts to get a fairer slice of the cake. Sky ofcourse won't just do this because its fair it doesn't work like that they will need to do it for good reason which effects them therefore if all the teams that come up in future just do a derby then that will have a big effect on TV audiences thats when the :censored: will hit the fan.
  6. Predictable to a large extent yes Stoke and Hull will likely go down and the big 4 will make up the top 4, but not too predictable because people are still paying attention, once that goes then yes you will have a situation where it is too predictable as things stand the current situation while having many flaws it still works becuase enough people are talking about it and are paying to see it. People won't pay to see their Heroes do exactly the same thing over and over again they will just switch off. It will have to get more predictable yet before it changes I'm afraid. The 39th game will no doubt crop up again yes you are right and no doubt they will try to find a way for it to work. So far it has not happened because it is just to in practical and I doubt it will happen for a while for that reason They will have to get everyone to agree first.
  7. As I have said in another post the signings suggest we are an atractive proposition for young players who want to develop their careers as we are starting to gain a reputation for giving youth a chance. If our team that we already had last season proved one thing it is that it could beat anyone on its day it just needed the extra players around it to supplement the squad and thats what we have done, and we are looking to the long term stability of the squad aswell which should help. The only concerns going into this season is the left side as we still look unbalanced yes Lomax is a good left back however as he is right footed he isn't going to bomb past the left winger and get in a good first time cross. Paul Black maybe the answer but he is still unproven as are the new signings to a large extent and the chances are that 1 or 2 might not work out thats just the risk you take when signing anyone. Overall though their is plenty to be positive about.
  8. Just to let you know where I'm coming from here I have a degree in Economics which doesn't mean I know everything or am definately right or that you are wrong its just that studying it for 4 years has formed my opinion on this. It gets poorer? explain the rise of China and India then please because the are getting richer through it and between them they account for 1 third of the world population they are being dragged into a new and dragging hundreds of million people out of poverty in the process. Diegos hatred of sky? well this might surprise people when I say this but the premier League is competitive why because more than 1 team is challenging for the league their is still some uncertainty in the outcome of games Manchester United and Chelsea were still getting beat by inferior teams last season. Add to that the fact that The PL sells globally and gets massive tv audiences and fills newspaper columns. Once it gets too predictable then yeah people will switch off the tv companies will pay less attendences will drop and sponsors will disappear. It will stay that way because Manchester United and Chelsea however rich they get can only field 11 players officially and can only buy up so much talent. As a result players choosing going to United or Chelsea have to decide if they have a chance of first team football. Talented youngsters such as Theo Walcott Aaron Ramsey and Gareth Bale all recently had the chance to join either United or Chelsea and turned the chance down because of the lack of opportunities that they would get at 1st team level. Arsenal have been able to attract alot of top young players because of their ability to develop young players. This is a route I think we are trying to follow and will explain the signings that shez has made this summer. We are starting to get a good reputation for developing young players and thats an attractive proposition to young players coming through and deciding a club of which to start their careers and can take us on to better things won't mean we could ever compete with the top of the premiership but it can take us higher.
  9. I doubt that Williams will be anywhere near the 1st team this season he has been signed as a reserve I think it will be similar to how we signed Trotman been released from another club we have picked him up let Tony P mould him and bingo! We have a saleable asset.
  10. Take it you were on another planet when the uefa cup final was on then
  11. But the OS says we have only got 3200 segregation restrictions me thinks. I think £15 isn't unreasonable either lets face it. It created a massive buzz on here when we found out we were playing Rochdale and we all had an eye on the League 2 play off final anticipating a derby next season It will be a big crowd certainly the biggest Dale will have before Christmas anyway.
  12. Thats very true however as has been discussed and stated Hillstones have paid up for the year so we will be wearing their logo other sponsorship might need us to look that bit harder as you say.
  13. Fair enough if you are not for globalisation your entitled to your opinion. Although while it has its faults it seems to be the only way that works. If anyone can think of a better way they will become the greatest politician/economist of our time.
  14. The money that we would lose in revenue from Horners could be offset by offloading two reserve players. Which would mean we would be back ontrack with TTA's financial forecasts interms of a budgeted loss for the year. I didn't say it would raise money and it obviously won't as if kalala or wolfy goes they will not command a fee.
  15. Every company is tightening their belts though and are less willing to sponsor. I work for a very large well known media company our share price and advertising revenues are falling because people are spending less.
  16. Really? we pay out a hell of alot to farmers in terms of the Common agricultural policy More farms equals more funding to them result higher taxes. We might pay less interms of food in the supermarket but it would just go out the other way interms of tax. As their would be less houses the prices of them would be even higher than they are now. Which means that people would have to borrow even more money for mortgages and developments.
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