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I've always voted Labour as I have an unending hatred for all things Tory. Next time I don't know what to do. The Tories are scum and Labour are inept. Voting LibDem is like voting for pedro only in real life not dream-movie-life and so I have nothing left.


Some people dont like it but Thatcher told it like it was, no B.S.


Labour are just a bunch of liars and corrupt pr1cks. For someone with the experience and intellect of Brown Labour have screwed this country up good and proper. The very basics of common sensible knowledge 'spend a bit, save a bit', 'dont spend what you aint got' were thrown out of the window by Brown.


Debt debt debt. - Lets now spend our way out of the troubles - debt debt debt. The borrowing of £100+bn is just made up, there is no actual money exchanging hands, just a number on a computer screen.

We will never pay the debt off ever, some countries saved a bit when in growth and so are now better equipped to ride out the problems, we didnt.


This is the society we live in today, most people in debt with the 'oh well who cares' attitude.


Countless money wasted on :censored:e reform projects for education/health etc - instead of these MP's saying 'ooh what can we do next - i know...' they should get talking to the people doing the jobs ie teachers, doctors etc and asking what needs improving doing etc.


The country is that screwed up when Big Dave gets in next year it will mean the Tories having to wait at least 5 years to be able to do anything that they want to do.


I actually think Cameron is a decent bloke who wants to do some good for the country - but we all know what they say then do are completely different things.

I will be voting tory next time, time for a change and lets see what they try and do.


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Some people dont like it but Thatcher told it like it was, no B.S.


I actually think Cameron is a decent bloke



Those two things, IMO, couldn't be more wrong. But that's opinions for you.


The country is that screwed up when Big Dave gets in next year it will mean the Tories having to wait at least 5 years to be able to do anything that they want to do.

Like Labour did when they took over from a Tory government that had almost finished its destruction of the lower and lower-middle class families?

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Some people dont like it but Thatcher told it like it was, no B.S.

The very basics of common sensible knowledge 'spend a bit, save a bit', 'dont spend what you aint got' were thrown out of the window by Brown


Hmm, didn't thatcher sell off assets and services:- BT, British Gas, Electric Boards, TSB, Water Boards etc etc


Each brought in Billions and Thatch saved the money and reduced debt. Oh hang on, she actually used the money to fund tax cuts and encouraged consumerism. And started bank de-regulation.



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And started bank de-regulation.

I love the delusion that the Tories will provide a more governed banking/investment industry! If people really believe that they need a good slap to wake them up! If Reaganomics caused this, which the Tories implemented here, then how can they be the ones to remove it?

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Some people dont like it but Thatcher told it like it was, no B.S.


Labour are just a bunch of liars and corrupt pr1cks.



Tbh mate go back 12 years and that was pretty much the Labour Campaign Tagline. I never trusted Blair, Brown is dithering buffoon rather likr Grey John before him. As for Cameron he comes across a little like Blair did in the early days...we'll see, one things for certain unless there is a miracle Big Gord will be out on his arse. Having said that a hung parliament wouldn't surprise me and perhaps a coalition would be no bad thing.


Love her or loathe her Maggie brought Britain kicking and screaming out of the hell that was the 70s. The Unions had to be defeated after holding the country to ransom for decades. Maggie's legacy in history will be seen far differently in 50-100 years time.

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Some people dont like it but Thatcher told it like it was, no B.S.


Labour are just a bunch of liars and corrupt pr1cks. For someone with the experience and intellect of Brown Labour have screwed this country up good and proper. The very basics of common sensible knowledge 'spend a bit, save a bit', 'dont spend what you aint got' were thrown out of the window by Brown.


Debt debt debt. - Lets now spend our way out of the troubles - debt debt debt. The borrowing of £100+bn is just made up, there is no actual money exchanging hands, just a number on a computer screen.

We will never pay the debt off ever, some countries saved a bit when in growth and so are now better equipped to ride out the problems, we didnt.


This is the society we live in today, most people in debt with the 'oh well who cares' attitude.


Countless money wasted on :censored:e reform projects for education/health etc - instead of these MP's saying 'ooh what can we do next - i know...' they should get talking to the people doing the jobs ie teachers, doctors etc and asking what needs improving doing etc.


The country is that screwed up when Big Dave gets in next year it will mean the Tories having to wait at least 5 years to be able to do anything that they want to do.


I actually think Cameron is a decent bloke who wants to do some good for the country - but we all know what they say then do are completely different things.

I will be voting tory next time, time for a change and lets see what they try and do.




The idea of not spending what you haven't got went out of the window, despite her 'good housekeeping' rhetoric, with Thatcher.


The root of the current economic crisis lies in the deregulation of the financial markets that began with Thatcher and led to ever-increasing recklessness on the part of the bankers. Compounding the problem is the deindustrialisation of Britain, which was largely carried out in the Thatcher era, as was the substitution of manufacturing with the financial 'industry' and other areas where Britain was said to have superior expertise: pharmaceuticals, and the 'creative economy (media, advertising etc) and so on. The trouble is that these 'new' sectors of the economy employ relatively few people and lack the clout in terms of exports that our old manufacturing industries had. This means that there is very little Britain has left to offer the rest of the world economically speaking, hence the growing reliance up until now on the kind of financial gambling on the world markets that led to the current crisis. It also means that a large number of people are employed in low-paid, low rights areas such as call centres and other low-grade white collar jobs, and the infamous 'McJobs' and the like-and that's when they're not being parked away from the jobs market in the endlessly expanding higher education system (which is one reason for the expansion of public sector employment; ever growing numbers of graduates expect and need somewhere to be employed and what else is there to do when there is little manufacturing to soak them up, especially at the management level they seek.)


The expansion of higher education and the public sector also began with Thatcher. Far from attempting anything like a way out of the trap that the current crisis is now revealing to us, Labour under Blair sought not only to carry on where the Tories left off but to deepen their agenda of deregulation and privatisation. So much of the vaunted expansion of the health and education services has been carried out through the notorious Private Finance Initiative, by which the government pays private companies with public money in order to disguise public spending: another idea pioneered by the Tories which one of them (Clarke if I remember correctly) was at least honest enough to christen a scam, or words to that effect. And behind all this lay, since the early 1980s, a largely illusory rise in the standard of living based on the cheap money that banks could now offer people in loans thanks to deregulation, which enabled those in the growing low-paid sectors to keep up with their supposed betters by going into debt, with everybody who owned a house also encouraged to rely on its artificially inflated price and 'treat it as a business as well as a home,' to use the fashionable terminology.


Whether Cameron is decent or not, we won't have to wait five years before realising the Tories don't have anything new to offer; this has already been revealed by their silence as the Thatcherite (or neo-liberal) economic agenda was carried on with gusto by Blair and Brown. The implosion of the neo-liberal economic dogma means that if we get the Tories next time we'll get both tax rises and public spending cuts, and if we get Labour we'll get rising taxes and spending cuts-and all the while they'll try to breath new life into the same self-defeating ecoomic doctrine that created the mess in the first place. And all this against a backdrop whereby even if anybody attempts to rebuild the British manufacturing industry (although how when we are so deep in debt?) they have to compete with the fact that China, India and other rising economic powers in the east can do the same so much cheaper.


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[Love her or loathe her Maggie brought Britain kicking and screaming out of the hell that was the 70s. The Unions had to be defeated after holding the country to ransom for decades. Maggie's legacy in history will be seen far differently in 50-100 years time.




We are living through Thatcher's legacy now, as a deindustrialised Britain loses what little footing it had left, economically speaking, as the banks go down dragging a whittled down economy with them.

Edited by Corporal_Jones
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As fas as I can see it's still 11 men chasing round a spehrical object on a field of grass.



...and that's where the similarities end....



And funnily enough,

not 11 if the sofa-bound money leagues get control (maybe 11 subs!)

not men if Simon Corney hatches his wacky plans

not chasing if you believe half the 'lack of effort' posts on here

not spherical if you turn up at at BP on the wrong day

and not a field of grass usually from October to February, or if you're at Super Wembley, or if you look at our glory days!


Is it really the same game? :grin:



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Looking at the attendances link above, the sixties look like they were a strange period in the behaviour of the Oldham public. Started and ended with an average of less than 5,000 but went as high as an average of more than 14,000. Nearly trebled between the 1959-60 season and the next one, as well. What was the cause of that? Could it happen nowadays?


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I don't know much about politics and political parties (I take no interest as I believe they are all just puppets of an economic system that is fundamentally flawed) but it amazes me how people so often portray Tory and Labour as being black and white. It's almost as though a politicians individual thoughts are irrelevant! I'm sure there are many people of both Labour and Tory who could do these jobs.......or most likely a mix of the two would make the best 'team'....


P.S As for the season tickets you can't fault the club. Would be brilliant to sell 4500 but I think it's a tall order, particularly as you are commited to buying full price if they fall short.

Edited by Stitch_KTF
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Typical Oldham public in the 1950s, too. Relegation from the season in the old Division 2, 1953-4 and 10,000 people find something better to do on Saturdays a few months later.


Oh, but I thought it was a new fad this 'stay-away' trend.............

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Oh, but I thought it was a new fad this 'stay-away' trend.............




Who said it was new?


Falling attendances present a problem, and a huge one, no matter how many times its occurred before. Don't they?


Anyway-does anybody know what happened in the close season of 1960 to make Latics average attendance the next season almost triple?


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Who said it was new?


Falling attendances present a problem, and a huge one, no matter how many times its occurred before. Don't they?


Anyway-does anybody know what happened in the close season of 1960 to make Latics average attendance the next season almost triple?

Bobby Johnstone?

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Looking at the attendances link above, the sixties look like they were a strange period in the behaviour of the Oldham public. Started and ended with an average of less than 5,000 but went as high as an average of more than 14,000. Nearly trebled between the 1959-60 season and the next one, as well. What was the cause of that? Could it happen nowadays?


Bobby Johnstone in the main.


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if the TTA (..or anyone for that matter) really think they have a chance to sell 4500 ADULT season tickets next season,then they truly have lost the pulse of general feeling at the moment.


an offer that is so unbelievable,its unbelievable.

its like saying "if everyone buys 5 pies each at the home games next season,we'll reduce the price by 50p."

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if the TTA (..or anyone for that matter) really think they have a chance to sell 4500 ADULT season tickets next season,then they truly have lost the pulse of general feeling at the moment.


an offer that is so unbelievable,its unbelievable.

its like saying "if everyone buys 5 pies each at the home games next season,we'll reduce the price by 50p."




It could be that an unattainable target has been set to justify forthcoming drastic budget cuts.


Or, on the other hand, that might not be the case...


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