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I'll start by saying that I appreciate TTA especially the amount of their own hard earned cash they've put into the club over the years and I appreciate the fact we have a Trust, the work it did in '03 (ok poetic licence) and the fact guys like Barry, Wardle and many more over the past years have given up time to do stuff that others can't/won't do.


I myself have given up time to do work for and with the club and I would do it again tomorrow if they asked. It is a thankless task sometimes as everyone has an opinion - good or bad. The key with any such role is to grow some thick skin.


I do however have concerns as a fan. I haven't made my mind up over Failsworth as I am yet to see the plans (though I have a good idea what is involved), but I do have concerns that it isn't the best location and if the BP option hasn't been jetisonned over a shorter-term solution.


I am upset by current onfield events, however I very much of the opinion that this could potentially turn around quickly given some new faces and a slice of the good fortune that seems to have deserted us for over 12 months now. I also no longer set my mood by the results on the pitch, there's always the next one - and I'll be there because it's my club.


I do however feel I have a right to ask a question as to whether the manager is going to be given time and the resources are being put into (not just the team) but replacing the chief scout and what progress the development squad players (and the hungarians) are making. Are we likely to see any of them soon?


As far as I am concerned these are questions for the club to answer - and TTA, Barry, Alan or anyone else is fine by me to answer them. It doesn't mean I am questioning TTA's loyalty or suddenly not supporting my team. As someone said we all care. I feel as a seasonticket holder (who still goes and stays for the full 90mins) I have a right to do that. From that point of view I don't really appreciate some of Barry's rants.


The one thing that I do have to question is why is there such a negative feel from the club. Yes, we oldham folk are generally a cynical bunch by nature and evangelical speeches may be met with some derision. But I would love it if we could see a vision of what the next 5-10 years looks like. And that comes from the top. Several posters have made mention to the initial 5 year plan, ok that's gone now - time to move onto the next plan.


Where is the new vision, where is the vision? Surely that is the starting point for taking the club forward, before we get to specifics about stadia etc. That's also how you get people with you...too many times over the past 7 years we've heard a negative happening, turned into a negative, leading to a negative. TTA for all their brilliant money management seems to spend a large amount of their time looking at costs - essential but you don't get anywhere by looking down all the time. I'd like to see someone raise their heads and let me know where we are all going.


Sure we'll need a bit of luck with the on field results as (irrespective of new stadia/marketing plans) that is where we the punters see the results of all the hardwork off the field. But first and foremost we need something to get onboard with and that for me is at the heart of the growing frustration for many. The Trust could play a key role in this, and there is a role for them immediately. We have some fantastic people both within and around the club, Trust and fan base, it would be fantastic if a leader, a visionary could actually take a grip on this negative situation and inject some much needed light into what if we aren't careful could continue down this current rant on rant against anyone and everyone both ways until it all implodes.

Edited by lookers87
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I would send this as a PM but feel like others I will get ignored...


Big statement care to expand, publicly or privately I don't care? But be aware I know more about the politics of Oldham Athletic than you give me credit for and have regularly been confided in several teleohone conversations and face to face. I have a photographic memory of who said what when. Could possibly provide dates and times and have text messages saved on my computer. There's more leaks at Boundary Park than in Liza's bucket. Dismiss me at your peril.


You're making things personal, I've criticised your conflicting roles and your professional attitude towards those that put you in position of power I have not made accusations against you privately. Oh and you are accountable to me, as you are to EVERY Latics fan.

I take note of your threats prozac. I did not realise you had such a hold on club affairs.


You are at liberty to PM me at anytime and you will not be ignored. Taking things personally. !!!!!!. I think the saying is meeting like with like.


Anyway we are talking about football and we do have some things in common. A very strong interest and passion in our football club. Perhaps we can agree on that issue.


I am also willing to meet you personally or arrange a telephone call and perhaps some of the mis-conceived issues can be ironed out.






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I'll start by saying that I appreciate TTA especially the amount of their own hard earned cash they've put into the club over the years and I appreciate the fact we have a Trust, the work it did in '03 (ok poetic licence) and the fact guys like Barry, Wardle and many more over the past years have given up time to do stuff that others can't/won't do.


I myself have given up time to do work for and with the club and I would do it again tomorrow if they asked. It is a thankless task sometimes as everyone has an opinion - good or bad. The key with any such role is to grow some thick skin.


I do however have concerns as a fan. I haven't made my mind up over Failsworth as I am yet to see the plans (though I have a good idea what is involved), but I do have concerns that it isn't the best location and if the BP option hasn't been jetisonned over a shorter-term solution.


I am upset by current onfield events, however I very much of the opinion that this could potentially turn around quickly given some new faces and a slice of the good fortune that seems to have deserted us for over 12 months now. I also no longer set my mood by the results on the pitch, there's always the next one - and I'll be there because it's my club.


I do however feel I have a right to ask a question as to whether the manager is going to be given time and the resources are being put into (not just the team) but replacing the chief scout and what progress the development squad players (and the hungarians) are making. Are we likely to see any of them soon?


As far as I am concerned these are questions for the club to answer - and TTA, Barry, Alan or anyone else is fine by me to answer them. It doesn't mean I am questioning TTA's loyalty or suddenly not supporting my team. As someone said we all care. I feel as a seasonticket holder (who still goes and stays for the full 90mins) I have a right to do that. From that point of view I don't really appreciate some of Barry's rants.


The one thing that I do have to question is why is there such a negative feel from the club. Yes, we oldham folk are generally a cynical bunch by nature and evangelical speeches may be met with some derision. But I would love it if we could see a vision of what the next 5-10 years looks like. And that comes from the top. Several posters have made mention to the initial 5 year plan, ok that's gone now - time to move onto the next plan.


Where is the new vision, where is the vision? Surely that is the starting point for taking the club forward, before we get to specifics about stadia etc. That's also how you get people with you...too many times over the past 7 years we've heard a negative happening, turned into a negative, leading to a negative. TTA for all their brilliant money management seems to spend a large amount of their time looking at costs - essential but you don't get anywhere by looking down all the time. I'd like to see someone raise their heads and let me know where we are all going.


Sure we'll need a bit of luck with the on field results as (irrespective of new stadia/marketing plans) that is where we the punters see the results of all the hardwork off the field. But first and foremost we need something to get onboard with and that for me is at the heart of the growing frustration for many. The Trust could play a key role in this, and there is a role for them immediately. We have some fantastic people both within and around the club, Trust and fan base, it would be fantastic if a leader, a visionary could actually take a grip on this negative situation and inject some much needed light into what if we aren't careful could continue down this current rant on rant against anyone and everyone.


That is a cracking post and sums pretty much how we are mostly all feeling at this present time, I applaud Mr. Lookers, I hope your questions can be answered in full. Myself I think I've reached the point tonight where I'm walking away, the club has no affinity with its fans and I feel insulted by a board member that knows nothing about me, and accuses me of being a trouble causer so that's it after 24 years I'm washing my hands of it all. I've had enough. Good luck everyone, I hope it all turns out for well, we're a great club when we pull together unfortunately I'm leaving behind a pale shadow of the club I began supporting in 1986.


Best wishes



Edited by oafcprozac
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That is a cracking post and sums pretty much how we are mostly all feeling at this present time, I applaud Mr. Lookers, I hope your questions can be answered in full. Myself I think I've reached the point tonight where I'm walking away, the club has no affinity with its fans and I feel insulted by a board member that knows nothing about me, and accuses me of being a trouble causer so that's it after 24 years I'm washing my hands of it all. I've had enough. Good luck everyone, I hope it all turns out for well, we're a great club when we pull together unfortunately I'm leaving behind a pale shadow of the club I began supporting in 1986.


Best wishes




Don't blame you mate...

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Ive just spent the best part of 30 mins typing a response to the Barry post and its now been locked, whats the point of having a forum if every fan doesnt get to say his peice, and before you say start a new one, i would but it would be way out of context now!

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Ive just spent the best part of 30 mins typing a response to the Barry post and its now been locked, whats the point of having a forum if every fan doesnt get to say his peice, and before you say start a new one, i would but it would be way out of context now!


Post it here... Interested in what you had to say... If you still have it that is...


I agree with your sentiment... Offending posts could of been deleted... It was probably the most telling thread in the history of the forum...

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OK i had to delete some of it as it was in keeping with the thread, but you get the general idea!


I need to say something as i feel i represent "the stayaways" and i am in no way enjoying it!


Latics doesnt feel like Latics anymore, i went to the Tranmere game last week and i couldnt be bothered, like Prozac i have 26/27 years following the team, and like so many of my friends i have just lost interest.

I honestly couldnt care if TTA sell up, or about a move to Failsworth because i cant see myself going, my family are more important.


My big thing was to be able to take my son to football and watch it together like my dad did with me, he is 5 now and i have taken him to 2 games, I want him to be a Latics fan, but he talks more about Liverpool and Man City than the team i drummed in to him since birth.

Can you imagine how many stayaways have young children, or in their teens where they would rather go to town with their mates?

That is a huge amount of future generation fans who simply just dont care anymore, and it will be the death of the club.



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Yeah I was having fun reading that. Seems free speech isnt so free after all..


Things are really bad at Latics on and off the pitch and Barry Owen has certainly made things worse tonight. Hardcore fans are leaving in droves due to the state of the club and our man on the board now comes on here telling us to get real? No Barry YOU get real. The club needs a shake up and with Mr Owen on the board I don't feel like our voices are being heard. For me it's been building up to this for a while and I and many others are sick of how we get treated as a fans of a stagnant League 1 club. In 2003 I was all behind the survival of our club but now I think maybe it would be better if we could have a fresh start and run the club our way.


For a start I want someone on the board who I feel I could talk to without being patronised. With the internet, communication between the fans and the club should be so easy yet we never get anybody on here talking to us normally from the club.

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It's like waking up after a party at yer house, going downstairs and finding the furniture is wrecked, somebody has kicked your telly in and there's beer cans everywhere.


Reading this again I have come to the conclusion that last night was a complete mess.


Way to go.

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It's like waking up after a party at yer house, going downstairs and finding the furniture is wrecked, somebody has kicked your telly in and there's beer cans everywhere.


Reading this again I have come to the conclusion that last night was a complete mess.


Way to go.


That's about right.


You couldn't make it up.

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It is sad that many of you read into my mail the things that you want to believe.


Everyone welcomes views and opinion and nobody is telling anybody to shut up.


What I am say is to GET REAL and put your support into the club.


I have also suggested that people expose their energies to positive efforts with the club and not cause undue rest and dis-satisfaction.


I serve the fans interest more than you can believe Leeslover and many of you make general comments about my input without any foundation or evidence to the contrary.


Perhaps you would like to come onboard to do some work and view for yourself.





Maybe you missed it but I (along with Latics and England) am arranging to visit the Club to take up Mr Corney’s offer for fans to come and look over the books. As a supporter of the Club I very much hope that we will find that everything is it ought to be and that we can answer some of the many questions that are frequently raised here and elsewhere and set many often-repeated fears at rest (the nature of the club debt, cost of stadium upkeep, the level of financial support provided by TTA, comparative wage bills season on season etc). We will however be going in with open minds and if we have any concerns we will report them back to the fan base. This may just do as much to prevent undue rest and dis-satisfaction as your contributions do to cause them.


In this regard I believe that I am, “on board,” with the sort of things that the fans want to hear, just as you are spectacularly, “off board.” Again.


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I'll start by saying that I appreciate TTA especially the amount of their own hard earned cash they've put into the club over the years and I appreciate the fact we have a Trust, the work it did in '03 (ok poetic licence) and the fact guys like Barry, Wardle and many more over the past years have given up time to do stuff that others can't/won't do.


I myself have given up time to do work for and with the club and I would do it again tomorrow if they asked. It is a thankless task sometimes as everyone has an opinion - good or bad. The key with any such role is to grow some thick skin.


I do however have concerns as a fan. I haven't made my mind up over Failsworth as I am yet to see the plans (though I have a good idea what is involved), but I do have concerns that it isn't the best location and if the BP option hasn't been jetisonned over a shorter-term solution.


I am upset by current onfield events, however I very much of the opinion that this could potentially turn around quickly given some new faces and a slice of the good fortune that seems to have deserted us for over 12 months now. I also no longer set my mood by the results on the pitch, there's always the next one - and I'll be there because it's my club.


I do however feel I have a right to ask a question as to whether the manager is going to be given time and the resources are being put into (not just the team) but replacing the chief scout and what progress the development squad players (and the hungarians) are making. Are we likely to see any of them soon?


As far as I am concerned these are questions for the club to answer - and TTA, Barry, Alan or anyone else is fine by me to answer them. It doesn't mean I am questioning TTA's loyalty or suddenly not supporting my team. As someone said we all care. I feel as a seasonticket holder (who still goes and stays for the full 90mins) I have a right to do that. From that point of view I don't really appreciate some of Barry's rants.


The one thing that I do have to question is why is there such a negative feel from the club. Yes, we oldham folk are generally a cynical bunch by nature and evangelical speeches may be met with some derision. But I would love it if we could see a vision of what the next 5-10 years looks like. And that comes from the top. Several posters have made mention to the initial 5 year plan, ok that's gone now - time to move onto the next plan.


Where is the new vision, where is the vision? Surely that is the starting point for taking the club forward, before we get to specifics about stadia etc. That's also how you get people with you...too many times over the past 7 years we've heard a negative happening, turned into a negative, leading to a negative. TTA for all their brilliant money management seems to spend a large amount of their time looking at costs - essential but you don't get anywhere by looking down all the time. I'd like to see someone raise their heads and let me know where we are all going.


Sure we'll need a bit of luck with the on field results as (irrespective of new stadia/marketing plans) that is where we the punters see the results of all the hardwork off the field. But first and foremost we need something to get onboard with and that for me is at the heart of the growing frustration for many. The Trust could play a key role in this, and there is a role for them immediately. We have some fantastic people both within and around the club, Trust and fan base, it would be fantastic if a leader, a visionary could actually take a grip on this negative situation and inject some much needed light into what if we aren't careful could continue down this current rant on rant against anyone and everyone both ways until it all implodes.


Spot on! :applause1:

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Maybe you missed it but I (along with Latics and England) am arranging to visit the Club to take up Mr Corney’s offer for fans to come and look over the books. As a supporter of the Club I very much hope that we will find that everything is it ought to be and that we can answer some of the many questions that are frequently raised here and elsewhere and set many often-repeated fears at rest (the nature of the club debt, cost of stadium upkeep, the level of financial support provided by TTA, comparative wage bills season on season etc). We will however be going in with open minds and if we have any concerns we will report them back to the fan base. This may just do as much to prevent undue rest and dis-satisfaction as your contributions do to cause them.


In this regard I believe that I am, “on board,” with the sort of things that the fans want to hear, just as you are spectacularly, “off board.” Again.


It is great you are doing this leeslover. I expect/hope you will find everything in order.


The fact you have to do this instead of relying on Barry / Trust to do this and provide details says a lot really.


I thank you for finding the time to do this.

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I have read many posts these past few days about the club, management and the owners. Comments have also been passed onto me by telephone and third parties.


The Trust gets its unsual bashing to add to the mix and again I am accused of being so pro club that I do not represent the fans.


I am not going to justify my own position any longer but suffice to say that whatever I do I do in the best interest of Oldham Athetic and its supporters.


To those who call for demonstrations and sackings where do you really think that will get anyone. Absolute rubbish in my opinion


Everyone at the club is aware of our plight and the remedies we shall be seeking. No I am not going to go into this in any reply.


Some people now question and attack the motives and actions of the owners. Get real please. These people have Oldham Athletic at heart and as I write we are certainly not in the position that Crystal Palce are entering. If the board at the club are guilty of anything it is good financial management. Futhermore their private finances are no ones business. Looking on the site lately you could not blame them if they lost interest and if they left who do you believe would finance the club.


I have spoken to one of the owners who invites you to say if you want them to leave and if you feel that is the way forward then just say so. My own word of warning is before doing so, consider who may want to buy the club at the moment and if they left who do your believe will finance football at our club. Gate money will certainly not achieve that. I know that is not everyone's view and I am sure they are thankful to those who support them.Those who think the opposite stand up and be counted so that if we know you are in the minority we can get on with working as a team including supporters to fight for the success of our club.


I do not defend our league position nor do I suggest that people enjoy the football at the club at the moment. But, the real fans stick through the bad times as well as the good.


Nobody is taking our current problems lightly and eveybody is pulling togather as a team. We need the fans to be onboard as well. That plea I know will fall on many deaf ears on this site.


I also believe that people have forgetten the times we nearly went out of business and nobody wants that to occur again. Many mistakes have been made along the way and we learn from them.


Our owners are real people doing a real job trying to keep a club with low attendances afloat. The facts are the facts and there is no magic wand or massive pot to raid.


I will be acccused of patroning the three owners but believe me they back the club up with hard cash when it has been necessary. There is however a limit and they do not need to justify themselves in that respect.


I was talking to a fan from Darlington the other week and I asked how the fan base was reacting at the moment. He said there was no problem because they where just glad they had survived as a football club. A real response I thought.


I agree we are all disappointed and frustrated with eveything that is happening but I personally believe we will see some improvements.


I woiuld finally add that I am writing this mail as a club director and have to accept that they might not necessarily be does of my other colleagues who are Trust Directors. If they agree or disagree with me I am sure they will say so.







Barry, time to start the quattro and do one! Edited by BlueTed
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I think I've reached the point tonight where I'm walking away, the club has no affinity with its fans and I feel insulted by a board member that knows nothing about me, and accuses me of being a trouble causer so that's it after 24 years I'm washing my hands of it all. I've had enough. Good luck everyone, I hope it all turns out for well, we're a great club when we pull together unfortunately I'm leaving behind a pale shadow of the club I began supporting in 1986.


Best wishes






In the cold light of day I am sure you are regretting taking that decision. Please rethink what a drastic step it would be to give up what has meant so much to you, because of what I, and a large majority on here, consider to be an ill-conceived thread which has pushed you over the edge. You are a part of the rich tapestry that is the Latics fan-base and you are needed in this time of great unrest.


I don't agree with all your views - it would be no good if we all agreed with each other. The Club certainly needs your financial input (as a customer) and the team needs your passionate support.


There are not many of us left and we can't afford to lose someone like yourself who has been so involved for so long, just when we need to have a constructive input into the Club's future, as the draft plan is expected to be unveiled.


All for one and one for all - nobody will think any worse of you for reconsidering and sticking in there. You know deep down it makes sense.


Owners, directors, Trust representatives, officials, managers, coaches, physios, scouts and players come and go but, for a passionate supporter such as yourself, it's Oldham 'til you die!


P.S. No disrespect intended to your current health condition.

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Maybe you missed it but I (along with Latics and England) am arranging to visit the Club to take up Mr Corney’s offer for fans to come and look over the books. As a supporter of the Club I very much hope that we will find that everything is it ought to be and that we can answer some of the many questions that are frequently raised here and elsewhere and set many often-repeated fears at rest (the nature of the club debt, cost of stadium upkeep, the level of financial support provided by TTA, comparative wage bills season on season etc). We will however be going in with open minds and if we have any concerns we will report them back to the fan base. This may just do as much to prevent undue rest and dis-satisfaction as your contributions do to cause them.


In this regard I believe that I am, “on board,” with the sort of things that the fans want to hear, just as you are spectacularly, “off board.” Again.


It is great that you both are doing this. I'm sure you'll find things in order. I agree with oafc0000's comments that this is something the Trust should be doing but the chairman is too busy being rude and patronising to the fans he is supposed to be representing. The Trust are a law to themselves and something needs to be done. I don't think anything will change however.

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