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Here's my take on this non event fan :censored:e.


A fan is someone who wants Latics to win and follows their fortunes more than any other club.


A supporter is exactly what it says on the tin, supports the club by attending.


The third does also exist, one that buys club merchandise but doesn't attend, hence is a supporter also.


Now lets get back to the topic folks. Unless you disagree with me regarding the above.


Works for me :)


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Does anybody really want shot of the owners though? Or do we actually just want the owners to stay but have a period of unbridled success? I would suggest the latter.


Sounds a bit facetious, but I think this is a key point that Mr Owen, if he is listening, could do with taking on board. This is a debate about issues, the fundamental one of which is the potential relocation to Failsworth - it is a cancer at the heart of the club and the massive opposition from the fans fuels some folks' suspicions that anyone willing to forge ahead with it must have ulterior motives.


I for one do not believe the owners are out to stiff Latics, but nor do I accept that there is simply no option on this other than for us to find the best of a bad bunch and get on with it - which is what Failsworth is becoming.


One final point about the team. They are woeful going forward, but I personally have not seen a game where I felt betrayed or ashamed by the efforts of the guys out there - and as such I will not boo them off the pitch. Looking out there the morale is clearly lower than a snake's belly.

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I had a big long post ready last night moaning about being moaned at by someone who can't see a conflict of interest he's created, who was elected in an election about as democratic as the ones Saddam used to hold run by an organisation which smells a little bit too much like a clique (and this clique is far too heavily involved on here too IMHO) but I decided to sleep on it and not post. If the board don't like critiscm from people who should have the best interests of Oldham Athletic at heart then maybe they should all leave (and that includes you Mr. Owen) as they are clearly in the wrong job.


I'm not a big fan of the owners (I think I'm going to stop calling them TTA for a bit), but the last thing any of them did to annoy me was when Mr. Corney had an argument/tussle with a fan for saying something he didn't like- not the behaviour of a sober, mature adult. I don't care about Failsworth- they are privvy to more information than anyone else on here- they look at the books and if they think moving to Failsworth is the right decision then they have their reasons. I'm not happy with the performances on the pitch but aside from throwing money at it (which is not a guaranteed way of creating success) I don't think the owners can do much about it now, this season. However, I'm not too worried about us going down and really the difference between finishing 10th and 20th isn't all that great, but next year could well be a different story as I think Rochdale will be above this this time next year unless things change.


However, someone posting something about progress got me thinking, what league position were we in when the owners took over? I know we were in the same division but what were we in the table as if we were higher than 21st where's the progress? Yes the club is reasonably well run, yes we have a club but that is what its first priority should be a football club. Its no good being self-sufficent behind the scenes if the club is playing FCUM in the league. Its a tough task but the balance between success on the pitch and success off the pitch is yet to be reached, or even come close, and I think the blame for that lies squarely at the feet of the board.

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Mate the board aren't responsible for managing the team - in three seasons of John Sheridan's tenure we had squads that should have been capable of challenging at the top and we blew it. If I'm honest then I see the team's spineless demise last year as a big part of the disillusionment, and I cannot see how any of the owners are to blame.


My major criticism of our squad policy has been that we never build anything. At least when Ritchie was in charge of an awful side we had Dux, Rickers, Garnett, Gary Kelly and others - players who had been at the club for years who you felt represented OAFC with a bit of pride. What pride can Holdsworth, Parker or Worthington feel in being an Oldham player when they are wandering to whatever club will take them?


With a strong youth policy our aim should have been to try and have at least three or four young lads in the team coupled with half a dozen or so good professionals like Warne and Gary Mac, and then feed in the odd star player like Hughes or Kilkenny. With such an approach we'd need to keep the nucleus of a side together and just refine it - success can be bred in the this league through stability, but we have chopped and changed far too much. Again though, Sheridan and Penney have been able to pick the sides they wanted and I cannot fault the owners for their mistakes.

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Mate the board aren't responsible for managing the team - in three seasons of John Sheridan's tenure we had squads that should have been capable of challenging at the top and we blew it. If I'm honest then I see the team's spineless demise last year as a big part of the disillusionment, and I cannot see how any of the owners are to blame.


My major criticism of our squad policy has been that we never build anything. At least when Ritchie was in charge of an awful side we had Dux, Rickers, Garnett, Gary Kelly and others - players who had been at the club for years who you felt represented OAFC with a bit of pride. What pride can Holdsworth, Parker or Worthington feel in being an Oldham player when they are wandering to whatever club will take them?


With a strong youth policy our aim should have been to try and have at least three or four young lads in the team coupled with half a dozen or so good professionals like Warne and Gary Mac, and then feed in the odd star player like Hughes or Kilkenny. With such an approach we'd need to keep the nucleus of a side together and just refine it - success can be bred in the this league through stability, but we have chopped and changed far too much. Again though, Sheridan and Penney have been able to pick the sides they wanted and I cannot fault the owners for their mistakes.


If that's a reply to me (and I think it is), then Yes the board aren't responsible for managing the team., and the mistakes of the managers have been theirs and not the boards. However, they are responsible for picking the manager (and if rumours are to be believed signing some of the players). Talbot was not a great choice- he did well with loads of money in the league below- but that is a common problem with football- people see the success but don't actually see the necessary skill it takes to get that success and having loads of money in the league below gets you success a lot more easily than it does in our league. Getting rid of Moore, because he played naff football which wasn't popular with the fans was a bad decision as I think together Moore and Shez would have got us up. Not giving Shez a little bit more cash when we were in the top during January his first season, was a bad decision as we had a good start and could have kicked on that little bit necessary. The board is very good at correcting things which they perceive to be wrong- boring football, bring Shez in and play well; discipline behind the scenes a problem, get DP in and that sorts itself out; too high a wage bill- cut some of the better players earning a lot. They are reactionary as opposed to pro-active and because someone is good at fixing what his predicessor was bad at does not make him the right candidate for the job.

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Bit of a late night at work, so I have just caught up.


I have found this thread quite interesting, well excluding the cringeworthy bits, and I am going to be a bit devils advocate.


I was just wondering when was the last time that anyone saw the fans representative in the stands and had to put up with the lousy facilities that the rest of us do?


In fact, how many of you are aware that they know a member of the trust board even to say hello to, never mind to have a chance to air a concern with them?



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"I have spoken to one of the owners who invites you to say if you want them to leave and if you feel that is the way forward then just say so. My own word of warning is before doing so, consider who may want to buy the club at the moment and if they left who do your believe will finance football at our club. Gate money will certainly not achieve that. I know that is not everyone's view and I am sure they are thankful to those who support them.Those who think the opposite stand up and be counted so that if we know you are in the minority we can get on with working as a team including supporters to fight for the success of our club."


Nowt wrong with that imho.

Edited by futchers briefs
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Barry if you wear a Trust hat one day and a Board hat the next then I'm afraid you're the wrong man for the job.


You are THE Trust, the ears and voice of the fans on the Board of Oldham Athletic. The day you stop speaking as Trust Oldham is the day you should step down. Looks like that day's come to me.


(Apologies if you've addressed this. I got to page 8 and lost the will.)






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Telling a lady to wind her neck in....

Sorry, but I take exception to that. Women shouldn't get any special treatment on here. I would be very annoyed if someone thought I needed to wind my neck in, and only stopped saying it because I was female.


Balls to that!

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Sorry, but I take exception to that. Women shouldn't get any special treatment on here. I would be very annoyed if someone thought I needed to wind my neck in, and only stopped saying it because I was female.


Balls to that!

Alright petal, keep your hair on.

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Sorry, but I take exception to that. Women shouldn't get any special treatment on here. I would be very annoyed if someone thought I needed to wind my neck in, and only stopped saying it because I was female.


Balls to that!


People think you need to wind your neck in because you talk so much :censored:e, maddog.


That is all :blush:

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You did kind of ask for that. I mean like, literally. :wink:

Meh. It illustrated my point. I aint no delicate little flower who needs protecting from the harsh realities of a male-oriented football messageboard. It's harder to offend me than that!


And no, that's not an invitation to see how far you can push me before I'm offended!



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Wow - this has stirred up quite the fuss hasn't it.


I would like to write a letter back to Barry Owen too. I suspect it shall be ignored.


Dear Mr Owen


Firstly, I would like to thank you for showing the bottle for coming back onto the board and sharing your views on the current owners. I believe your role as representative of a subset of fans should be a two way street. You should represent the views of the club to the fans. However, you should also represent the views of the subset of fans you represent to the club. As you represent the Trust and not the fans, you are there to represent them. If they all agree with TTA and your post then your post is perfectly ok. However, I do think you should question why you are a Director in the first place when you prioritise the two aspects of your role described above.


I am not a Trust member. I therefore have no input into who does or does not represent the fans on the board. If I want my views aired, I feel mature enough to articulate them the relevant people directly. In fairness to the management of the club, they are usually very responsive. Anecdotally, I understand they are more responsive than yourself which I find peculiar. However, you clearly have a view of your role and that is ok.


What concerns me is the post in itself. In your post, you claim to be representing your views as a Director of the club. It worries me that the post is incoherent and that you have had to multiple attempts at trying to clarify the question you have asked. Forgive me for being a pedant but I am not sure I saw any question marks in the original post so I ask you this: when you thought through this post, what exactly did you think you were trying to achieve?


Your post is very patronising and suggests that you do not need to justify your opinion to the fans. As I have said above, this is true. You do, however, have to justify your opinion to the fans who elected you. In addition, should someone question your opinion, then it is not unreasonable to expect an articulate response with some premise and logic behind your opinion. You have declined to do any of this in many of your posts on this thread and, purely from a democratic point of view, this upsets me as the point of this board if debate and expression. The fans on this board are as entitled to an opinion as you are. You are not stating the truth as you have suggested, merely an interpretation of facts which you have neglected to include.


Therefore, I would encourage you to engage in the debate and think of innovative ways to communicate with fans. You have an opportunity here to galvanise opinion and bring in a better link between the fans and the owners. So far you are neglecting this and are not open enough to achieve this. My perception from your post is one of brown nosing and self-importance. It read as somebody struggling to find a purpose in their role. Someone who wishes to be important only to be a pawn in a game where, frankly, I would be surprised if TTA were really that bothered about your opinion on something should they have decided it will happen.


I hope you accept the challenge of providing this link and helping us rebuild the club. I suspect you won't and should you not, then you should do the decent thing and facilitate someone else to take on this role.


Many thanks for reading, and I look forward to your response.



Edited by latic12345
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[Has anyone else got a horrible feeling he's in the midst of posting an in depth reply to all 18 pages? :unsure::unsure::unsure:



He's just factoring in this announcement to his next epistle.


New 12000 Rotherham ground


a bit of useless info


if i was told correctly, they had applied to build on land directly opposite the meadowhall on the otherside of the M1 (which would have put the ground on the border with Sheffield, remind you of something?)


it was rejected, due to there being an endangered species of beetle


any beetles in Failsworth?



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a bit of useless info


if i was told correctly, they had applied to build on land directly opposite the meadowhall on the otherside of the M1 (which would have put the ground on the border with Sheffield, remind you of something?)


it was rejected, due to there being an endangered species of beetle


any beetles in Failsworth?



no but the occaisonal sighting of a Lesser Spotted Tic



me too :getmecoat:

Edited by singe
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a bit of useless info


if i was told correctly, they had applied to build on land directly opposite the meadowhall on the otherside of the M1 (which would have put the ground on the border with Sheffield, remind you of something?)


it was rejected, due to there being an endangered species of beetle


any beetles in Failsworth?




Another bit of useless info.


When the National Football Centre (now St. George's Park) was commenced, the footings and bases were constructed for various buildings. Then work stopped due to the Wembley budget rocketing. Over the intervening years the bases have filled with rainwater and become occupied by great crested newts - a protected species. In consultation with English Nature, the F.A. is constructing pools so that the newts can be rehoused.

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Building and demolition at one of our company sites near Milton Keynes was massively impacted by the discovery of a colony of great crested newts. Delays of well over a year and much additional expense ensued.


Sadly, any such colonies on the Failsworth site are likely to have been wiped out by the TA...

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