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OWTB Membership?

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If this is a serious suggestion, maybe admin chaps here can contact the Norn Iron "our wee forum", as that one is £5 per year. I can't think of any others where this has been tried and is a success.


Instead of worrying about the internet though, latics need to get back to basics by getting the games back, even just the home ones, on local Radio. I know loads who used to listen to the games on Cavell, and have lost their link to the club since this went.

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Instead of worrying about the internet though, latics need to get back to basics by getting the games back, even just the home ones, on local Radio. I know loads who used to listen to the games on Cavell, and have lost their link to the club since this went.



Great point that. Although I think Latics Player subscriptions would drop off massively, therefore losing the club income. But still, the club need to have a back-to-basics approach, and get the simple things right.

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Edit - given this is the "official" forum, there's a case for combining the online content into a better, more powerful site. Then, it could work out that subscriptions to the Latics Player element might also give "extras" on other parts of the site, including the forum. The problem is that to do that the club would probably have to drop out of the generic premiumtv (or whatever it is these days) deal and go their own way for all web presence. And that would mean paying a good webmonkey properly.


Who would have to monitor it on their own 24/7!! Can't talk for the others but suspect that you'd need to find a whole new mod team. The role is hard enough without not taking into account that members now pay for a service. "you can't censor me because I've paid such and such" and "I'm paying to use this and I don't want to hear all this negative talk and swearing. I want you to ban them or give me my money back"


if there is a charge / membership fee - then someone will set up a free board and this will be rendered useless.



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I seriously think that it will dramatically cut down number of users.


I think it is better to keep it free and use it to promote ideas. Take the Jack Daniels t-shirt as an example. The Club will probably make over £1,000 from the sales of it which has been promoted and design through here. Multiply that by loads of different ideas then the forum is indirectly making the Latics a lot of money.

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Who would have to monitor it on their own 24/7!! Can't talk for the others but suspect that you'd need to find a whole new mod team. The role is hard enough without not taking into account that members now pay for a service. "you can't censor me because I've paid such and such" and "I'm paying to use this and I don't want to hear all this negative talk and swearing. I want you to ban them or give me my money back"





Alternatively, We've got your dosh, and if you misbehave enough for us to ban you, you won't be getting it back might discourage the wilder elements.


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Alternatively, We've got your dosh, and if you misbehave enough for us to ban you, you won't be getting it back might discourage the wilder elements.

Trust me it doesn't work like that. The "wilder elements" will swear blind they'll take you to court for theft, denial of access, censorship etc etc.

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We spent a good 18 months reliant on donations (some members gave a little whilst others were exceptionally generous) and supplemented this with t-shirts and other things. Overall Rummy (and then Steve) were paying out far more than we were able to bring in, especially as we had to personally fund several of the money-making ideas.


OWTB is not self sufficient without the ad-based system which generates a considerable chunk of money for the club directly and covers the notable costs of running the site.


As Mark points out, most Mods are already so frustrated with giving our time for nothing that we're looking to walk away, upping our workload by 6 or 7 times to make more money for the club wouldn't go down well at all.

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You used to be able to donate through the forums and receive user titles like "Main Stand Mafia" "Paddock Army" and such. Not sure if they are still on offer. They used to sell t-shirts through the site as well, the Earl Barrett one and the "I Was There" Chris Taylor shirt were the ones I remember. I dunno why these were pulled, lack of interest perhaps?


I don't think charging to post would work though.

Edited by PlayItLivo
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You used to be able to donate through the forums and receive user titles like "Main Stand Mafia" "Paddock Army" and such. Not sure if they are still on offer. They used to sell t-shirts through the site as well, the Earl Barrett one and the "I Was There" Chris Taylor shirt were the ones I remember". I dunno why these were pulled, lack of interest perhaps?


I don't think charging to post would work though.



I actually quite like that idea. Penny a letter ? rudemedic would be bankrupt in no time.

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Just a thought (don't know if it would work so dont shoot me!)



Would people still use these forums if they had to pay a monthly or yearly membership subscription? with all proceeds going to Latics, or is that pushing the boat out too far!


Would be rubbish idea, yes you could raise some income from some but it would seek only to put off others and newbys. Could also put off people spending more serious money at the club like going to a game.

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