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Wrap up warm toneet peeps

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If a new ground ever does happen would it be possible to have some kind of heating system installed in one stand and charge an extra couple of pound for that stand through the winter? Doesn't have to make it really hot, just bearable. I would certainly pay extra for the comfort.

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If a new ground ever does happen would it be possible to have some kind of heating system installed in one stand and charge an extra couple of pound for that stand through the winter? Doesn't have to make it really hot, just bearable. I would certainly pay extra for the comfort.

It'll be much warmer down in Manchester anyway <_<


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Have you ever been to the Bernabeu? They have heaters right at the top of the stand in the heavens. I sat there to watch a game, could barely tell who the players were and felt sick as a dog because of the elevation, I spent all half time trying to stop my head spinning. The heaters did nothing but concentrate a load of head onto my forehead and then they were switched off bang on the full time whistle. Needless to say I was freezing when walking out into the January evening!!


I'd rather have minus 4, at least you know where you stand with that!



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2 pairs of socks, t-shirt, hoodie, mahoosive coat, hat, gloves and scarf, jeans, boxers and trainers.


Just round at my mum's having a home-cooked meal and a warm after being at a funeral earlier this afternoon. Really looking forward to the game tonight, a couple of goals will warm us all up. 3 points and we won't feel the cold on the way home.

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hour to kick of an my pre-match winter game check is:


Thermals on - done about an hour ago

Hot soup for tea - eaten

Hat, scarf, gloves - on radiator warming up

Thermos flask - near kettle ready for hot water for drinkies

Hubby's big nanook of the north coat - also on rad warming up

Blanket - in rucksack in case nephews get cold on those bloomin seats in the RRE


With luck - several goals to keep me warm by jumping up and down and only slight frost bite on my nose.


its gonna be a cold one.....brrrr.....but I am excited....


C'mon Oldham gives us a goal...


And for those on chat, please shout goaltime just before and after half time please




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hour to kick of an my pre-match winter game check is:



With luck - several goals to keep me warm by jumping up and down and only slight frost bite on my nose.



C'mon Oldham gives us a goal...


And for those on chat, please shout goaltime just before and after half time please



i hope a big win will warm you all up tonight

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I honestly didn't feel cold until they equalised. :disappointed:

i was wearing 4 layers though. Unlike the bloke sat in the row in front of me, who i can only assume has either bet someone that he'll go to every home game this season in a t-shirt and no coat, or has some disease that means he has a permanent fever.

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