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Simon Corney on GMR

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TTA have always said they will not do a Chris Moore, but each to his own as to whether they are to be believed.


i am honestly starting to believe some people on here want us in the :censored: so thay can say "i told you so"

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TTA have always said they will not do a Chris Moore, but each to his own as to whether they are to be believed.


I love this argument. Chris Moore never said he'd do a Chris Moore. George Osbourne says he doesn't have a plan B. Arnie never said he wouldn't come back and Baby always said she wouldn't be put in the f*cking corner.


Would you ever expect Simon Corney to come out and say "we're ok, but we've loads of debt and we're about to get completely shafted by the tax man next month". No because he's not an idiot. He's emotional, outspoken but he's not an idiot. We may be ok. We may not be ok. The owner is never going to admit the latter publically. Guess what - if he says he believes we will go into administration, he likely has to as all the suppliers to the club will remove credit lines and he will then be trading an insolvent business as a going concern. To think that he would say anything but "It's ok" is complete tosh.


I don't know where we'll end up, I'm not too sure what's going to happen. I do think the "players have always been paid early line" is ridiculous and people are reading a lot into this new stand idea.


I guess the let's wait and see brigade are being sensible. However, asking questions is a positive. Otherwise we'd still think the Sun orbits the earth and that once you get west of Britain your boat fall into space!!


Rant over

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they had 20 minutes with him before the game.


main points I caught were:-


players are normally paid last Friday of the month but will be paid within month of March (technically not late). Last months were 48 hrs late though, players and staff.


we've got no money but we've got no debt - does this mean the other 2 don't want their money back?


Failsworth 95% dead. council want us to keep trying but that could take years so unlikely we will


he mentioned a couple of times building a new 6-7,000 seat stand with all the facilities but no money for that at the moment


he'd like to stay at BP just like us


there are other options but we, the fans, wouldn't like them


asked would we be at BP next season he answered "i'd think so"




He also added that he would have sold Taylor in January if he knew we would be in this situation we are in now

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Have I completely misread the situation but my understanding of the current "debt" is an accumulation of loans provided by Corney, Blitz and Gazal?


The owners are therefore technically creditors but as they're owners of the club then can they (or even would they want to) enter the club into administration? They'd be other creditors - tax man, players, supplier etc - but as long as they're being paid on time then the club is effectively debt free.


I've always found Corney very passionate about the club and it's future - be it from a business point of view or even as a "fan". Therefore, any threats publicly is purely to incite an reaction by the council to achieve a stadium move or redevelopment to secure long-term income and safeguard the future of the club.


If other boroughs are willing to throw money to relocate the club and stadium then why shouldn't we take the money and run? OK we'd be the next MK Dons but as long as my club continues to exist even without the Oldham prefix then so be it. This is the LAST resort but surely stakeholders within the Oldham borough need to realise the importance of the club for the town of Oldham. A fast decaying ground with archaic facilities will not entice the fans back or the next generation of fans without greater appeal and we are fast approaching that last resort.

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i didn't hear the interview so i can't comment specifically on its content.


i don't believe that corney or anyone else is setting out to shaft the club. of course he wants to find a solution that suits him, his former colleagues on the board (who we are in debt to) and the supporters.


but i would urge caution in reading too much into anything that corney says in public. he is not given to giving careful, considered answers. he wears his heart on his sleeve, is over-emotional, much is said for dramatic effect and a great deal is posturing and PR. very few people really know the depth of the problems we face or what the potential solutions might be. and even forgetting the over emotional nature of the man for a moment, much of what he says is contradictory, depending on what impression it is that he wants to create at any given time. one day he is trying to pressure the council by pleading the brink of extinction and the necessity of leaving the town with BP not being an option next year, the next day he is painting a brighter picture of the future to placate the fans and attract investors and talking about another year or two at BP. i suspect for as long as the club remains in existence, or corney remains in control of it, the public perception of what is happening will continue to be manipulated to suit whatever short term objective has been prioritised that day.


so whilst i don't suspect corney of some evil hidden agenda designed to line his own pockets, i also take everything that he says with two huge fistfuls of salt

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i didn't hear the interview so i can't comment specifically on its content.


i don't believe that corney or anyone else is setting out to shaft the club. of course he wants to find a solution that suits him, his former colleagues on the board (who we are in debt to) and the supporters.


but i would urge caution in reading too much into anything that corney says in public. he is not given to giving careful, considered answers. he wears his heart on his sleeve, is over-emotional, much is said for dramatic effect and a great deal is posturing and PR. very few people really know the depth of the problems we face or what the potential solutions might be. and even forgetting the over emotional nature of the man for a moment, much of what he says is contradictory, depending on what impression it is that he wants to create at any given time. one day he is trying to pressure the council by pleading the brink of extinction and the necessity of leaving the town with BP not being an option next year, the next day he is painting a brighter picture of the future to placate the fans and attract investors and talking about another year or two at BP. i suspect for as long as the club remains in existence, or corney remains in control of it, the public perception of what is happening will continue to be manipulated to suit whatever short term objective has been prioritised that day.


so whilst i don't suspect corney of some evil hidden agenda designed to line his own pockets, i also take everything that he says with two huge fistfuls of salt

I think yours is a fair position to be in. I am not so harsh in my view of SC personally.

My main worry is factors outside SC's control.

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I guess the let's wait and see brigade are being sensible. However, asking questions is a positive. Otherwise we'd still think the Sun orbits the earth and that once you get west of Britain your boat fall into space!!


Rant over


We all have to wait and see, but some are doing so under a bigger black cloud than others. :thinking2:


Questions are prepeatedly invited by SC and AH, and promptly answered. Then it's simply a matter of either accepting or rejecting the answers.

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He meant we hung on to Taylor as a gamble in reaching the playoffs, but if he'd known we would tail away they would have cash in on him to ease the cash flow problems.



Yes but he also made the point that Taylor was worth more in Jan than now because -

A/ he still had 18 months on his contract but only 12 by summer.


b/ He was in much better form.


As with all thing in hindsight it would have been better but he refused S'otons offer to buy Stephens so perhaps a lot on here are making the financial situation sound much worse than it is !!!

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In tonight’s rarely-wrong Chron, SC talks about the non-payment of wages and efforts to secure a new site for the stadium.


“I think people are scare-mongering and trying to cause problems, but we are absolutely fine.


“It is a struggle and nobody is denying that, month to month, but we will get through to the end of the season, somehow, some way.


“I have always said that and nothing has changed.


“I understand people are concerned, but they have to realise we are not in a bad situation.


“I say it all the time, we don’t have any debt. We are one of the better run clubs, whether people believe it or not.


“I think some people do try to cause trouble and stir things up, but it is absolutely fine.”


SC: Defiant talk

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In tonight’s rarely-wrong Chron, SC talks about the non-payment of wages and efforts to secure a new site for the stadium.


“I think people are scare-mongering and trying to cause problems, but we are absolutely fine.


“It is a struggle and nobody is denying that, month to month, but we will get through to the end of the season, somehow, some way.


“I have always said that and nothing has changed.


“I understand people are concerned, but they have to realise we are not in a bad situation.


“I say it all the time, we don’t have any debt. We are one of the better run clubs, whether people believe it or not.


“I think some people do try to cause trouble and stir things up, but it is absolutely fine.”


SC: Defiant talk



you missed the part where it says the club is for sale


"Athletic’s future beyond this season remains uncertain. Though the club is up for sale, nobody has come yet forward to express an interest"

Edited by qwerty
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you missed the part where it says the club is for sale


"Athletic’s future beyond this season remains uncertain. Though the club is up for sale, nobody has come yet forward to express an interest"


We knew that already, but the rarely-wrong Chron obviously felt it necessary to state it again and pour cold water on Corney's quote, thereby proving the very point he was making.

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We knew that already, but the rarely-wrong Chron obviously felt it necessary to state it again and pour cold water on Corney's quote, thereby proving the very point he was making.

Chicken or Egg.

Did Oldham become a town with a high proportion of monaers and expectation to be handed on a plate beofre the Chron or as symptom of the Chron's style?

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We knew that already, but the rarely-wrong Chron obviously felt it necessary to state it again and pour cold water on Corney's quote, thereby proving the very point he was making.



Ah im pritty sure all along corney has allways said if the right people came along he would sell, now it states the club is up for sale or am i just losing my marbles.. ^_^

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Ah im pritty sure all along corney has allways said if the right people came along he would sell, now it states the club is up for sale or am i just losing my marbles.. ^_^

I can confirm you are not losing your marbles. Yet. They practically said it as soon as they took over.

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Chicken or Egg.

Did Oldham become a town with a high proportion of monaers and expectation to be handed on a plate beofre the Chron or as symptom of the Chron's style?


A town with a high proportion of moaners with an insatiable appetite, and the rarely-wrong Chron's role is to feed that appetite.

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he actually said "though the club is up for sale but who on earth would buy it as we wont give them the land. the beautiful beautiful land. It's mine, all mine, mwah ha haaaaaaa". Maybe


That's the only reason I could see anyone being interested in us, Even if we built a 6000 seater stand and then Corney walked there'd be no chance of anyone being interested without any chance of extra income.


I just think that if it was still a land an all deal someone would take a punt.

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