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trouble in Tottenham


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what's all this 'community' and who are these 'community leaders'? These people have no sense of community and they have no idea who these so called leaders are.

Some 'community leader' on BBC just now making excuses for the young scallywags and how we must understand their anger. Even if you gave each of them a detached house in a nice area , a good paying job and a private tutor to get them up to speed on whatever they missed whilst not going to school they'd still act like tools, no helping them.

Made me laugh earlier, some ex senior plod had a slip of the tongue and said "if a murder by the Met did go wrong..".

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As one of the resident lefties it warms the cockles of my heart to see the proletariat rise up against their bourgeoisie oppressors.


However, this isn't what is happening here, the initial protest for "answers" about the shooting was ridiculous, it takes time for the facts to emerge/ be whitewashed , the shooting was on Thursday and there was no way that the facts would be released to the people on Saturday.


This is now just wanton acts of avarice due to lack of proper parenting for decades and children being brought up in a me me me, celebrity worshiping and money centerred abortion of a society.

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As one of the resident lefties it warms the cockles of my heart to see the proletariat rise up against their bourgeoisie oppressors.

Well said, brother.


However, this isn't what is happening here, the initial protest for "answers" about the shooting was ridiculous, it takes time for the facts to emerge/ be whitewashed , the shooting was on Thursday and there was no way that the facts would be released to the people on Saturday.


This is now just wanton acts of avarice due to lack of proper parenting for decades and children being brought up in a me me me, celebrity worshiping and money centerred abortion of a society.

It is. And when the great unwashed get bored, it'll be the citizens who will be picking up the tab.


I've just heard it's gone off in Birmingham. I hope the Mancs have more sense...

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I said elsewhere that i'd heard croydon was going to be lively tonight. Several hundred coming in from the thornton heath side and smashing shops up. Trains were going straight through peckham rye tonight as well, its reached the south side for sure. Kent however is an Oasis of peace. Which is just as well, because the locals really would turn out if it went off here.

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However, this isn't what is happening here, the initial protest for "answers" about the shooting was ridiculous, it takes time for the facts to emerge/ be whitewashed , the shooting was on Thursday and there was no way that the facts would be released to the people on Saturday.


The original vigil on Saturday was a response to police misinformation about the shooting. They said that a bullet had lodged in a police radio during the incident, neglecting to mention that the bullet came from a police officer. They said a firearm had been recovered from the scene, but not that it was a replica firearm and not whether they knew the man had it when he was shot. Interim whitewash out tomorrow.


Bernie Grant's widow said on the BBC that the police had apologised for not following established procedures and communications following the shooting. Too little, too late.

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Who is Bernie Grant's wife when she is at home? He was a :censored:head of the first order so why being his widow gets you airwaves i have no idea.


Widow. He's dead. She's at home in Tottenham. Possibly one of those heavily decried community leaders who do so much more than people like you in their communities.


The important fact is that the police have admitted not following procedures following the shooting. I'm not alleging conspiracy. I'm saying the things the police normally do to salve community feeling in similar circumstances were not done this time.


Croydon on fire btw. Rockbottom looted. Just seen it on the telly.

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shops opposite now on fire , time for the police to use tear gas on the rioters


Now they're only a few streets away from me, I'm suddenly becoming fairly right wing. Just seen a picture on Twitter of the Turkish response. The Turkish community have a number of business interests in the Dalston and Stoke Newington areas of Hackney, and are currently to be seen outside said businesses, with baseball bats or just plain lengths of teak. If I see that street on fire, things have truly gone to :censored:.

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