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I hate our national anthem


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Just watching the rugby, love the French and Welsh anthems, give me Land of Hope and glory anyday.


The Haka makes me piss too, some of the players ( who are not Maori) just look fookin retarded with the face gerning and all that.


Right Im off for a full English at Hollingworth Lake.

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The national anthem is great when pissed.


Especially the "de de de de" bit in the middle.


Bring back the old fourth verse about killing Scotsmen too.


Far from a Royalist but it's hairs on the back of the neck stuff when 30,000 sun burnt belt it out in some far flung corner of the earth

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could never stand our national anthem - there is no God and I couldnt give a toss about the Queen. Plus the tune is gash.

But then I decided to stop worrying about it and life's kind of worked out since then.

I do think that anyone who watches the Rugby World Cup should be stoned to death though.

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If you think about it being passionate about a country is stupid enough without singing songs about it to boot... Its just a bit of land...


People say religion starts wars... Its a load of bullock... Greedy beggars trying to land grab start wars for x,y and z reason. Which starts from the concept of countries and people grouping together to say we want what you have and keep your hands off ours :P


Don't get me started on grown men doing silly dances on Rugby pitches either :)


Grown to think of what makes me proud to be English, British or whatever way you want to put it. Nothing unique to be frank.... There is nothing about us other nations don't have and we have all the :censored:ty problems everyone else has.


In a grump today. Just ignore me :D

Edited by oafc0000
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