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The happy clapper thread

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As I'm getting fed up with the same posters moaning about this or that after 2, yes that's right 2 league games and a cup-tie. I thought I'd introduce a where no negativity is allowed. Maybe it's the fact that I'm on holiday, but Im feeling quite happy.

1.) At this point last season we had 0 points, we are 1 point better off.

2.) Despite the bookies having us finishing in the relegation places, there are a few teams who are going to be worse than us and we will be fine.

3.) The school holidays are almost over so some of the most vocal moaners will have some work to do soon, so hopefully they won't have as much time to post on here.

4.) We beat the champions of England who weren't just playing their kids 3 weeks ago. Or have you all forgotten?


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Performances and results are totally irrelevant in friendlies and is the main reason I stopped going to them years ago.


We may well be only 2 games into the season but nothing has changed except the clientele which I am sad to say operates in a very familiar pattern.


I would like to think that after a few more games we would be up to speed and making progress, however, after last nights debacle I see a long tunnel with no light at the end!!

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As I'm getting fed up with the same posters moaning about this or that after 2, yes that's right 2 league games and a cup-tie. I thought I'd introduce a where no negativity is allowed. Maybe it's the fact that I'm on holiday, but Im feeling quite happy.

1.) At this point last season we had 0 points, we are 1 point better off. (Excuse me whilst I go and cartwheel down the road, back in a minute…)

2.) Despite the bookies having us finishing in the relegation places, there are a few teams who are going to be worse than us and we will be fine. (After two games, you know there's going to be teams worse than us? Despite only winning 6 games this calendar year?

3.) The school holidays are almost over so some of the most vocal moaners will have some work to do soon, so hopefully they won't have as much time to post on here.

4.) We beat the champions of England who weren't just playing their kids 3 weeks ago. Or have you all forgotten? It was a friendly, means nowt.


Maybe at aimed that one or two of us that teach or work in schools? For such a supposedly intelligent guy doc, you are quick to dismiss people's misgivings as 'moaning'. Especially when you weren't even at the game.

Edited by oafcprozac
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As I'm getting fed up with the same posters moaning about this or that after 2, yes that's right 2 league games and a cup-tie. I thought I'd introduce a where no negativity is allowed. Maybe it's the fact that I'm on holiday, but Im feeling quite happy.

1.) At this point last season we had 0 points, we are 1 point better off.

2.) Despite the bookies having us finishing in the relegation places, there are a few teams who are going to be worse than us and we will be fine.

3.) The school holidays are almost over so some of the most vocal moaners will have some work to do soon, so hopefully they won't have as much time to post on here.

4.) We beat the champions of England who weren't just playing their kids 3 weeks ago. Or have you all forgotten?

One extreme to the other? We don't know that No.2 is correct yet. Re. No.4, it was a friendly; it means nothing.

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I assume Number 3 is a dig at me and Prozac!


We aren't 'doom and gloomers' : we just have eyes and can see the :censored:e that is being served up in front of us, and has been served up since Feb 2011!


It's been :censored: since I moved back up north in 2004. To be fair apart from a brief spell in the late 80s to mid 90s it has all been pretty :censored:.

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It's not only me and you dissenting Paddy, there's a growing number of fans where the penny has dropped with Dickov's inability to put out a team capable of giving the fans what they want, we know we're not world beaters and never likely to under the present ownership but what we do demand is decent football, and maybe a few goals from time to time. BP1960 has forgotten more than most of us will ever know and he is spot on with his comments.


There where guys sat round me that I don't know from Adam, all critical of Dickov, same when we stood at the top of the RRE at the end, it was similar at MK, the worm is turning. Time for Dickov to show he can get us the 51 points we need.

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a team that doesn't win their first game away against strong promotion hopefuls who made the play offs last season are obviously in trouble.


everyone knows it a FACT that a team that don't win their first home game by dominating from start to finish never win promotion and are ultimately :censored: for the rest of the season and will undoubtedly be relegated!


so keep your happy clappers to yourself!


Dickov out!

Corney out!


and if we don't win comfortably on Saturday against a team also from last seasons playoffs I will never go again!


ffs Dickov! put Brown who none of us have ever seen play a competitive game at right back and move the experienced right back Byrne to centre half..... that's the answer to all our problems! everyone can see but you!

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We've had these same grumblings about the manager's "inability to put out a team capable of giving the fans what they want" since Joe (first time) if not before. Even during Joe's good spell I regularly heard "He's playing his favourites" whilst sitting in the Chaddy.

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Dominated from start to finish? How many shots on target did we have? How many saves did their keeper make, how many times did we put good crosses into the box? How many times did we surrender possession when under zero pressure?


I think Spain's tippy, tappy style has warped many people's judgements of what dominating a game is. Tippy tappy :censored: in your own half is not dominating a game…even PD in his post match interview, alluded to that.

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4 points from the first 3 games would be alright for me, something to work with and points to reflect the standard of opposition.


Okay I'd have expected the win to come last night, but a win on Saturday and this board will be a lot different and we'll have won a game against better opposition that Walsall. We're Latics - we won't win every game, and might not win on Saturday, but I'm going to give them a chance until Saturday evening.


If we play the same and are equally as disappointed then I'll criticise, but we're at the start of a season with 44 games to go. We'll be fine!

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Dominated from start to finish? How many shots on target did we have? How many saves did their keeper make, how many times did we put good crosses into the box? How many times did we surrender possession when under zero pressure?


I think Spain's tippy, tappy style has warped many people's judgements of what dominating a game is. Tippy tappy :censored: in your own half is not dominating a game…even PD in his post match interview, alluded to that.


who said we dominated last night?

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It's not only me and you dissenting Paddy, there's a growing number of fans where the penny has dropped with Dickov's inability to put out a team capable of giving the fans what they want, we know we're not world beaters and never likely to under the present ownership but what we do demand is decent football, and maybe a few goals from time to time. BP1960 has forgotten more than most of us will ever know and he is spot on with his comments.


There where guys sat round me that I don't know from Adam, all critical of Dickov, same when we stood at the top of the RRE at the end, it was similar at MK, the worm is turning. Time for Dickov to show he can get us the 51 points we need.


By Dickov's own admission he want's a play off spot this season....would you really be happy with another 51 points. We've been treading water for far too long as it is!!!

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a team that doesn't win their first game away against strong promotion hopefuls who made the play offs last season are obviously in trouble.



everyone knows it a FACT that a team that don't win their first home game by dominating from start to finish never win promotion and are ultimately :censored: for the rest of the season and will undoubtedly be relegated!



so keep your happy clappers to yourself!


Dickov out!

Corney out!


and if we don't win comfortably on Saturday against a team also from last seasons playoffs I will never go again!


ffs Dickov! put Brown who none of us have ever seen play a competitive game at right back and move the experienced right back Byrne to centre half..... that's the answer to all our problems! everyone can see but you!



Your sarcasm is ridiculous. Many people expected defeat against mk.


But last nights performance against a side as poor as Walsall was not acceptable. It dusnt mean well play that bad all season, people are just saying IF they do they'll go down. I think well up our game and finish 15th ish. But this forums a place to vent our anger about that performance and we are?


I don't EXPECT us to go out and batter a very good Stevenage side or were doomed? I just want a better performance that were capable to doing, if we lose 1-0 but we've give it our best and created chances so be it. Least we tried!

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IMO if after 10 games we are in the bottom 4 not scoring goals and making mistakes at the back then fair enough, get into the manager and the team and some of these "moans and groans" will be totally justified.


after 2 games though.....one against a promotion fave and against a team that are very similar to ourselves I think its a bit early for the fat lady to singing


i dont consider myself a "happy clapper" or a "moaner", i like to keep a level head and try to call it down the middle which I dont think you can after 2 games.


we have no money to buy big and thats not going to happen this season so whats the answer for everyone, another new manager? thats not been the answer previously


give it 10 games and look at it then

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I don't EXPECT us to go out and batter a very good Stevenage side or were doomed? I just want a better performance that were capable to doing, if we lose 1-0 but we've give it our best and created chances so be it. Least we tried!


If that happens then people will come and complain that we are wasteful and if that's us doing our best we're doomed. Doomed!


I don't know who fans think we are but why are Walsall being so derided? Maybe they'll do OK this year and a point will turn out to be a good result. Last time Stevenage tottled up to BP and grabbed a point the result was panned by those on here but in the end, looked like one of our better points of the season. I'm sure there are many Walsall fans pissed off that all they mustered was a point at :censored:ty Oldham and that was only because of a balls up from one of their midfielders.

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