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M'Changama's fast at an end

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Guest Scratch2000uk

If that's the case, then he quite clearly didn't play as well as some are saying he did, maybe it suited their own agenda by dismissing your original post as some sort of religious attack?. I didn't research what games he had played while fasting either Phil, i just expected that those who said he played better were refering to the latter two games and had either witnessed it or at least had some evidence to support it.

Then again, there are many examples of over reactions on OWTB mate i should have known better.

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Guest Scratch2000uk

PSSS = Hitler. Done.


There is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever DEBATE was in progress; the coupling of this corollary with the initial statement of the law proves every threaded discussion to be finite in length. This principle is itself frequently referred to as Godwin's law. It is considered poor form to raise such a comparison arbitrarily with the motive of ending the thread. There is a widely recognized corollary that any such ulterior-motive invocation of Godwin's law will be unsuccessful.



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The name, "Godwin," will only set him off again, please don't.eam.


Are there any Morman footballers? They'd presumably have to either wear long shorts or tuck the bottom of their magic underpants up. Either way I wouldn't expect it would impinge on their performance so on that basis I would have no objection to having one in my t

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Fasting is clearly not a problem? Must be why Olympic athletes were postponing their fasting for later in the year then.


What the :censored: has this got to do with Atheism, apart from the fact that I am one?


Have you even read this this thread and my objections to the kind of comments you just made, or are YOU just trolling with YOUR high brow?



f ngfu, jhmnbjk hmbnhjhmbnm jhnmjhbn jmhbnjkmn n vbhnghfr5t5t45

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Fasting is clearly not a problem? Must be why Olympic athletes were postponing their fasting for later in the year then.


What the :censored: has this got to do with Atheism, apart from the fact that I am one?


Have you even read this this thread and my objections to the kind of comments you just made, or are YOU just trolling with YOUR high brow?

f ngfu, jhmnbjk hmbnhjhmbnm jhnmjhbn jmhbnjkmn n vbhnghfr5t5t45


Apologies, I was just mopping the tea I spat out over my keyboard.


You are playing a game, and it's clearly starting to get to you.


I believe Gregan was a Breatharian, certainly helped him keep his weight down.

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Is it Corporal Jones? It certainly carries the Hallmarks.

Let's see.


Many who profess themselves to be Atheists actually hold equally illogical and dogmatic beliefs, such as some mythical, "Peak Oil," level. This bears all the traits of a Doomsday cult and is slavishly followed and defended by it's devotees in a similar way.

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Apologies, I was just mopping the tea I spat out over my keyboard.


You are playing a game, and it's clearly starting to get to you.


I believe Gregan was a Breatharian, certainly helped him keep his weight down.

I'm surprised even you resort to this kind crap. It "gets to me" when people acuse me of a mind state I do not hold, agree with, nor have stated or implied. The debate I can handle....




You are playing a game, and it's clearly starting to get to you.


is pure childish bull:censored: of the highest order. And the kind of thing you should be discouraging, but instead you choose to partake in.

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is pure childish bull:censored: of the highest order. And the kind of thing you should be discouraging, but instead you choose to partake in.


:lol: :censored:sake. If you can't deal with it - on a football forum - there's the :censored:ing door...

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:lol: :censored:sake. If you can't deal with it - on a football forum - there's the :censored:ing door...

So this is endorsed behaviour for this site is it Rummy? If you don't like childish behaviour, including from the admins, then get the hell out?


Maybe I should throw a few cheap shots out there. Maybe you can be a Nazi, Stevie J can have ties to terrorism, Mark59 can be an anti semite, and 24TH can be seeking a theocratic state. It doesn't have to make sense, but hell....it a football forum. Let's every have a mud slinging match.

Edited by PhilStarbucksSilkySkills
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a ) Didn't he fast for only Sheff Wed and MK Dons, and for both those matches he was garbage? b ) Again it's an irrelevance to my points. As you say, it's about playing to potential. c ) give me hard evidence that another player isn't preparing for any matches sufficiently to play to his potential (such getting drunk the night before a game) and i'll happily discuss the rights and wrongs of his conduct too.


I don't care whether M'Changama played :censored:tily or brilliantly while he was fasting. A man must have his creed, and :censored: you for saying he shouldn't or can't. Getting pissed the night before the game isn't a creed.


So this is endorsed behaviour for this site is it Rummy? If you don't like childish behaviour, including from the admins, then get the hell out? Maybe I should throw a few cheap shots out there. Maybe you can be a Nazi


...and you lose, formally. I can't believe you resigned like that after the elephant trap laid in the posts about Godwin's law. You were stubborn for a while and then...bam. Caved in, just like that.


Stop being so touchy as well. You react like you've been hit with a thrown brick when people have merely tickled you and blown in your ear.


Now. Tell us all about your atheism. I can be persuaded. Seriously.

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If you had 1 chance in 4 years to perform at your best for the highest prize in your sport, the losses, which in terms of eating might be marginal, but are likely to be more significant for drinking, wouldn't be worth it. Especially when you can make up any lost days later in the year.


What you haven't shown is any evidence that by getting his calorie consumption outside the hours of daylight effected Youseff's performance. Everyone else has basically said he played well so are not bothered by it. Marathon runners will often not eat before they run, instead opting to have a lot of carbohydrates the day before. If Youseff had a lot of carbs for breakfast whilst training and then managed to train all day he could still have some energy left at the end of training to last him through to his evening meal. As he probably would have been tired due to having gotten up early to eat I wouldn't mind betting he had a sleep after training anyway.


As has already been said he didn't fast against Milton Keynes and when we played Wednesday it was dark for a lot of the game so he could eat/drink slightly normally.


Lots of people don't eat lunch as they don't have time or can't afford it, they still manage to function.


Where is your evidence that by getting your calorie intake in 2 big meals as opposed to 3/4 meals in a day affects athletic performance?

Here's one for you:



In addition:


The glycogen depletion that inevitablty results from 16 hours of fasting is bad for high intensity exercise. Glycogen stores are only finite, so loading in the mornings is only going to have a limited effect, any excess he eats will just be stored as fat and only used by the body at the low/moderate intensity required for fat burning. Within a few hours his glycogen stores will be depleted again.


Remember, metabolism is not about all calories being equal. Fat is useless whenever heartrate is high. Only the blood glucose levels derived from your limited glycogen stores will help you along with any creatine you have left. When this runs out, you have a big problem. This, by the way, is why endurance athletes "hit the wall" after a period of time.

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