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Thatcher...And the minute's silence


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  1. 1. Should Latics hold a minute's silence for Maggie

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By posting it in a thread which has descended into an argument about Thatcher, you involved yourself in it!


But I like the song too, can never get enough FT. If you've not already seen him you should check him out live if you get the chance. He's in Manchester on Wednesday and Leeds on Friday.




I've seen him around 8 times


Watched him for the first time in The Fenton in Leeds in 2005. Didn't know who he was and was just drinking in the pub when he was playing upstairs so went to watch.

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To be fair she did inflict misery on millions of hard working people. Also, Mark Thatcher's a bell end anyway.


A lot would say that her policies were the only response possible to red robbo etc who really destroyed British Industry by holding the country to ransom, with their strikes, pushing un-sustainable demands on British companies making them incapable of competing with the up and coming powerhouses of the world at home and abroad. The damage to the working people was already done

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Interesting little poll that


I'm Left liberatrian economic Left/right -1.12 political -1.85 Fairly central but I expected myself economically to be abit more right wing according to that I should go and live in France again and vote for Fancois Hollande as he has exactly the same political beliefs as me

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You can say what you like about Thatcher, but she inspired some great music


Definitely but let's credit the artists for that and not the government.


Some of my favourites






<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/zcv3McUVyAo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Have a listen to the Exploited's Maggie not sure if they like her or not though.

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No, being processed through the streets of London in a full military parade and having most of the world's heads of states in attendance doesn't sound anything like a state funeral...

May as well be accurate. It's a ceremonial funeral, not a state one. Semantics perhaps but true.

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Here's that political test if anyone's interested:




Some of the questions are obvious in terms of whether they're referring to socialism vs capitalism but others are far more subtle. Give it a go, you might be surprised where you end up.

I came out about 3/4 to the bottom right of the bottom right. Which is actually more centrist than I actually am on either side! I couldn't really give an answer to some of the questions, or I knew that my honest answer would confuse the score. For example, I know that some corporations will act like bastards, but that's not to say what I think the best thing to be done about it is
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They had a part to play by mismanaging the second most important financial centre in the world. However more significantly, when the global recession hit Brown had spent all the money and already put us into a spiral of debt, ensuring we were hit much harder than many other countries. He then compounded that by paying ridiculously over the odds to buy out the banks. If he had somehow won the 2010 election and continued to throw good money after bad we'd now be queuing up with Greece and Cyprus begging the EU for a bail out.


Labour bankrupted the country in the 70s, the 2010 election just about stopped them from doing it again. They must never be allowed a third chance.


Bollocks!!!! Tory lies. They are guilty of not reversing a process of liberating the financial markets that was started and continually reinforced by successive Tory governments. If Labour had stuck their oar in they'd have been accused of interfering with the second most important financial centre in the world and stopping our great wealth creators from carrying on.

If you don't understand that the international financial institutions are to blame then you understand nothing. Equally, if you don't understand that Tory governments started this process then you know even less. Oh, and the problems in the 1970s were also due in no small part to an international oil crisis. Finally, the 'great' reform of the Thatcher government, ie monetarism and cuts in public spending started in the last couple of years of Labour (eg White Paper on Public Expenditure).

I only hope the Blair Brown decade, the best in British political history, is recognised by 'state' funerals!!! I won't hold my breath.

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I only hope the Blair Brown decade, the best in British political history, is recognised by 'state' funerals!!! I won't hold my breath.

When you include false accounting (PFI, unfunded pensions), Blair and Brown were spending 5% more than they took in tax even at the height of their inflationary boom. This is the fact that will not go away.
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Here's that political test if anyone's interested:




Some of the questions are obvious in terms of whether they're referring to socialism vs capitalism but others are far more subtle. Give it a go, you might be surprised where you end up.


I finished in exactly the same position as the Dalai Lama...I therefore assume he's a Latics fan. :)

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No it was totalitarian communism.

The Soviet Union never claimed to be Communist, that was the stage they expected to reach after they stopped needing to plan things and the society would function anarchically. They had a department planning for when they expected it to happen. In a strange quirk, the last targeted date was 1984!
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When you include false accounting (PFI, unfunded pensions), Blair and Brown were spending 5% more than they took in tax even at the height of their inflationary boom. This is the fact that will not go away.

And lets not forget that Blair lied about WMDs in Iraq, leading to the deaths of 179 members of the armed forces/MOD staff.

Edited by bossrocks
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When you include false accounting (PFI, unfunded pensions), Blair and Brown were spending 5% more than they took in tax even at the height of their inflationary boom. This is the fact that will not go away.


The fact that won't go away is the disgrace that was Thatcherism. The notion that the Tories somehow delivered the 'nation' from darkness is a total lie. The south-east enjoyed benefits,the rest of the country suffered. The union will break up because of Thatcher. The housing crisis is down to Thatcher. The great liberalisation of the City was due to Thatcher. The failure to help the de-industrialised areas in the north was due to Thatcher. The centralization of power and affluence on London and the south is due to political decisions.


The north created the industrial revolution and the wealth of the nation. The south has never been as creative or uniquely dynamic. It is a region of leeches which has destroyed the British nation. Move the public sector out of London. It can cope. Invest in areas out of he south. The south is incredibly arrogant. Britain is being ripped apart. This is part of Thatcher's legacy. The main element of her legacy is a nation based on a culture of greed, materialism and selfishness. The south celebrates. God bless the north.


Capitalism creates incredible inequalities. It has in-built unemployment and underemployment. Over 200 years of it! On average we have drifted into recession every seven years over that 200 years. Wonderful. It is a system that has never worked for anyone except the few. This isn't socialism, it's a fact. It's a system which doesn't deliver full employment, a liveable wage or equal opportunity. It is morally corrupt. The Tory policies are evil. Forcing People forced out of their homes! Royal palaces paid for by tax payers with huge number of empty rooms! A government claiming everyone should work without guaranteeing a job with a liveable wage! How do do you really justify that system?


A bit of state financial management which you blame on Labour is frankly ridiculous compared to the bigger picture. New Labour was based on a non-ideological managerial creed. Thatcher,however, took politics to a level which continues to rip the nation apart. She is the worst PM ever.

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The fact that won't go away is the disgrace that was Thatcherism.


She is the worst PM ever.

I suspect we aren't going to see eye to eye on this, not that I am in any way a doe-eyed advocate of her. It is totally wrong though to suggest that she had no support from the working classes or the North however. Granted a lot of public sector workers weren't for her, but that aside she polled pretty well.
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Sorry, i forgot to mention the ridiculous sell-off of Gas, Electricity Water, Oil etc., all at discount rates,and all designed to supplement national income,all designed to finance tax cuts for the wealthy. Makes the pension issue a trivial pile of :censored:.

Morally corrupt pile of :censored:e!

God bless Tony-Gordon.

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Sorry, i forgot to mention the ridiculous sell-off of Gas, Electricity Water, Oil etc.,

God bless Tony-Gordon.

Really? It's a good trick to sell a loss making business for a profit. And just how poor were those services back in the day? Months for an appointment and nobody gave a :censored:.


,all designed to finance tax cuts for the wealthy.

God bless Tony-Gordon.

The wealthy paid massively more tax after the top rate of tax was cut to 40%. That's why Tony and Gordy didn't move it back until the last few day of Government as a cynical ploy to embarrass their successors.
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