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Announcement: Trust Oldham Fraud Case

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Fair play to you Mike for posting that and taking it on the chin. It's going to be :censored: for a while but life is a journey, we've all made mistakes and all had to ask for forgiveness for one thing or another, just got to hope that you don't get the hanging magistrate on the 23rd.


Now what you should have done is skim the pennies off financial transactions, nobody notices those.....

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I have nothing personal against Mike and all posters will be aware that the Trust had little option to proceed given that we are dealing with fans money. Fair play to Mike for posting on the site. That takes a lot of courage.



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I am shocked, and what has been lost for a mere £2,400 is incalculable.

That said, and others have said, you never know what state of mind people get too where £2,400 is worth risking losing so much for.

That is not to say £2,400 is not a lot of money, it is, but not worth risking what has been lost.


Best of luck Mike, I don't know you from Adam, but I hope you never get back to where you felt the need to do what you did.

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Fair play for coming on and giving your side to the story, so to speak, Mike. I think many people on here can relate to feeling financially desperate. I took a few risks ten years ago myself when I was first living on my own. Not to a breaking the law level, mainly betting heavily risking the money to pay rent and scared myself slightly in doing so. I can definitely relate to similar.


I think the fact that you've come on, given your side of things gains you a bit of lost respect in my opinion. Hope you can manage to put this behind you.

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Nobody should be praised for doing something criminal. And 'praised' isn't really the right word for admitting it and seeking to make amends, but it is at least a step in the right direction. However, my comment was more about the responses of others.

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How can someone be praised for admitting to being a criminal...


Lee, I dont think anyone is doing. It's wrong what Mike has done, he admits it's wrong and right now he is paying the price. A very heavy price with his own self guilt and sense of shame. Right now I bet his world feels a very lonely place, for that alone he needs some support.


Come the 23rd the powers that be will deliver his judicial pinishment and quite rightly too. Once that is spent he is a free man to re-build his life.

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Out of interest, Why do newspaper articles always post the perpetrators street address? Surely thats comprimising the safety of the accused family?

It's in the public domain, and in many cases it will stop random people of being suspected of being the guilty one. Everyone knowing you did it is a large part of the sentence, at least for those who regret what they did.
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I can confirm on behalf of playershare that no money was taken from playershare funds. Playershare and the trust have two seperata committees and different banking structures.

I hope Playershare whilst separate is learning from the Trust's mistakes around governance and controls? Not to suggest for one second that anything is afoot.

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Smoke, fire etc.


Wonder who the other person is. Not speculating and don't want people to, but if the police interviewed them then there must have been due cause.

Trust me, the police need very little excuse / evidence to go through someone's door & lock them up, only to release them without charge 20 hours later! It happens all too frequently I can assure you.

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I hope Playershare whilst separate is learning from the Trust's mistakes around governance and controls? Not to suggest for one second that anything is afoot.


No need to scare monger, it couldn't happen the same.

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I don't see anybody praising what he's done or how criminal it was?

Read what I said again. I didn't say praising what he's done or how criminal it was. I said praising him for admitting he was wrong.


"It takes a big man, Mike."


Nope, it takes a :censored:ing criminal...

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I hope Playershare whilst separate is learning from the Trust's mistakes around governance and controls? Not to suggest for one second that anything is afoot.

I think it's natural to learn from mistakes, whether your own or somebody elses. To give an example, we had a smaller issue surrounding sponsorship monies a while back as most people know. We learned from that and changed our procedures accordingly. If, at our next meeting we decide our banking procedures need looking at then this will be addressed as i believe the trust have done for their own procedures. Playershare accounts are available for anybody to see if they wish to do so and are 100% transparent.

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Didn't trust Oldham inspect the books, found something a bit dodgy then reported it to the police. It's all well and good apologising and admitting guilt, but chances are he had no option as there was enough evidence against him. I've seen people on here get put to task for bare minimum, this guy steels public money but hey what a guy.

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Read what I said again. I didn't say praising what he's done or how criminal it was. I said praising him for admitting he was wrong.


"It takes a big man, Mike."


Nope, it takes a :censored:ing criminal...


Personally, and I'm not saying this because I know Mike, I thought it took a fair amount of cojones to actually come on and explain himself, in which during it he held his hands up and is accepting any punishment heading his way. The easy option would have been to disappear from view and hide, which I'm sure most people in his situation would have done. What he did showed to some extent he cared enough to do that and I think it's fair to see the general response (aside from yours) has been pretty positive.


Now, whether he would have done had he not been caught is another matter and perhaps open for debate. It's not nice being in a situation under enough financial worry to need to do this and I'd like to think this was the case rather than pure greed being the motive.

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Personally, and I'm not saying this because I know Mike, I thought it took a fair amount of cojones to actually come on and explain himself, in which during it he held his hands up and is accepting any punishment heading his way. The easy option would have been to disappear from view and hide, which I'm sure most people in his situation would have done. What he did showed to some extent he cared enough to do that and I think it's fair to see the general response (aside from yours) has been pretty positive.


Now, whether he would have done had he not been caught is another matter and perhaps open for debate. It's not nice being in a situation under enough financial worry to need to do this and I'd like to think this was the case rather than pure greed being the motive.

I wouldn't call his post an explanation of himself at all. I would call it an apology though. And a pull on peoples heart-strings. For some, that will work. For others, it won't.


EDIT: I would also add that until sentenced, he most likely won't be able to explain himself and why he did it.

Edited by boundaryblue80
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