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Anyway, since LL has other things on his mind ( :shakeit: ?) I thought I'd say that the cat is on the road to recovery. No blood on the thermometer today apparently.


I've heard LL singing the praises of his new house - obviously it is much livlier than the old one, although it sounds a bit Barrymore! :ass1::shock:

Just as long as it hasn't got a swimming pool, eh?

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So just to re cap on LL's night in :wink:


At this point, a Very Gay Colleague, who was hammered, went outside for a cigarette


I went off to find him some clothes


Who was at that point stripped off down to a disturbingly small pair of soaking wet pants, and was mincing about completely unabashed.


I spent a good 30 minutes mopping and wiping


I had to manhandle him to make him lie down on the settee.


All good fun.


..........indeed :blush:



Exile you now working for The Sun ?? :shock: Great piece of journalism :grin:

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Guest sheridans_world
So just to re cap on LL's night in :wink:


..........indeed :blush:

Exile you now working for The Sun ?? :shock: Great piece of journalism :grin:


Exile forgot to get a direct quote of the aftermath though. Kind like. 'So LL did you enjoy last night?'


That would have rounded the journalism off quite nicley..

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lol :grin: where :huh: there :nnnng: ...........very worrying quote LL :ohno:



:lol: :lol: :lol:


Anyway just to make some of you feel really old, it did me so I thought I'd pass it on.


Get yer bunting, yer flags, yer tables out into the street cover them in cakes, jelly, lukewarm pop, paste butties and have a street party.


Why?? I hear y'all cry, well 30 years ago today, (yes 30 years old timers) it was "Silver Jubilee" day**, gaw'd bless her Maj and all that.


How times flies when one is having fun.



** I know this not cos I'm a crazed royalist but because I'm readin Michael Palins Python Years diaries, and he includes an entry for 7/6/1977.


30 years, sighs, it was all fields round 'ere back then :)

Edited by StipeTripe
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:lol: :lol: :lol:


Anyway just to make some of you feel really old, it did me so I thought I'd pass it on.


Get yer bunting, yer flags, yer tables out into the street cover them in cakes, jelly, lukewarm pop, paste butties and have a street party.


Why?? I hear y'all cry, well 30 years ago today, (yes 30 years old timers) it was "Silver Jubilee" day**, gaw'd bless her Maj and all that.


How times flies when one is having fun.

** I know this not cos I'm a crazed royalist but because I'm readin Michael Palins Python Years diaries, and he includes an entry for 7/6/1977.


30 years, sighs, it was all fields round 'ere back then :)




Silver Jubbly day 30 years ago.


After my Dad died and our kid had been to Spain to pick up some of the more personal stuff, he came home with loads and loads of photo albums.


There is a picture amongst that lot of a 9 year old Wilson dressed in a blue Tics shirt, and white shorts but with red socks on!


I remember nagging my Mum for weeks to get me a pair of red socks and she wanted to know why.


My primary school had deemed it a day of the wearing of red, white and blue; the blue and white were easy, red was a problem though as we had white socks in that kit, and were still in tangerine away from home.


Eventually my Mum gave in and took me into Rochdale and I bought (from my spends) a pair of red footy socks from that shop that used to be at the bottom of Drake Street - I think it is a mobile phone shop nowadays.


I was actually thinking about it the other night to be honest, though I didn't realise the date.


I was watching Beeb 1 and the 'Seven Ages of Rock' programme and it was about the Blank Generation. There are at least three posting on here who were up and running out of nappies by then. Whilst just missing the whole punk thing, I am certainly a child of that era and seeing the Pistols floating up and down the Thames certainly brings a smile to my face every time.


Not that I am advocating the Pistols as punks all time best band btw, as I have grown older I just appreciate the anti royal gesture (I would string the lot of them up). Good to see some early Clash stuff on there too, the first punk band imo to have a real political agenda, never thought of White Riot in the sense that Mick Jones put it across before. Last but not least, The Buzzcocks at the Lesser Free Trade Hall - fantastic viewing from my favourite punk band of all time.


For all you young 'uns out there that didn't get the chance to visit, the Free Trade Hall and its and smaller sibling were the best venues on the planet to watch live music at. I remember being totally awe stricken the first time I went into both of them knowing what great bands had trodden the boards there.


The sound was just fabulous too.


Does anyone know what has actually happened to the FTH? I know the Halle used to play there until they got their (for pop and rock music) hollow empty place. I have a feeling it is now the Midland Hotel, but that just doesn't seem to be right, though it does seem to be in the right place.


Maybe the senility is catching up!





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:lol: :lol: :lol:


Anyway just to make some of you feel really old, it did me so I thought I'd pass it on.


Get yer bunting, yer flags, yer tables out into the street cover them in cakes, jelly, lukewarm pop, paste butties and have a street party.


Why?? I hear y'all cry, well 30 years ago today, (yes 30 years old timers) it was "Silver Jubilee" day**, gaw'd bless her Maj and all that.


How times flies when one is having fun.

** I know this not cos I'm a crazed royalist but because I'm readin Michael Palins Python Years diaries, and he includes an entry for 7/6/1977.


30 years, sighs, it was all fields round 'ere back then :)

Who'd have thought thirty year ago we'd all be sittin' here drinking Château de Chasselas, eh? :drinking:

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Guest oa_exile

Blimey Derek , The Free Trade Hall ! ,that takes me back.I remember seeing AC/DC there in the late 70's , 1977-78 ?

Also saw a few others also 1978 onwards UFO......


Got me also thinking about where it was.............Midland Hotel not a bad guess though >>Free Trade Hall<<



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Blimey Derek , The Free Trade Hall ! ,that takes me back.I remember seeing AC/DC there in the late 70's , 1977-78 ?

Also saw a few others also 1978 onwards UFO......


Got me also thinking about where it was.............Midland Hotel not a bad guess though >>Free Trade Hall<<




What do you mean not a bad guess?????


Not the right one, but certainly the right area. Dan will point me in the right direction I am sure.


While I worked at Colgate I used to get off the tram at St. Peters Square and something always nagged at me about the Midland.


Back to TFTH. My best night there, well there are three if I may, but two are connected.


Being a guest of the band to watch the Bunnymen in '86, the night before the gig they had a friends only night in the Lesser, then obviously the gig the night after where they absolutely took my breath away with their power. Sadly, the second last time I ever saw Pete, but great times all the same. In the seventy odd times I have seen them it is still one of my favourites. On a Bunnymen night out it was only beaten once.


My second was seeing the fabulously bizarre Sugarcubes there, Bjork was at her height of lunacy then. No matter what anyone thinks of her now, to be able to do a 2 hour set on the back of one 40 minute LP was some going. Obviously it helped that she took the stage and (apparently as I don't speak the language) sang about how to make gingerbread men in Icelandic for 40 minutes. Fabulous night out.


Bjork, yeah I still like her, nutty as a fruitcake, but always pushing the boundaries and (I know lots won't agree with this) the voice of an angel.






Edit: I did actually forget the most famous moment ever for the FTH.


It was when Dylan was branded a traitor for donning an electric guitar, which can be clearly heard on the concert recording.


Personally, I don't think he ver made a better decision.

Edited by DerekWilson_1968
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Due to a colleague leaving and a subsequent reshuffle, I've basically got to reapply for my own job :angry:


If successful I will get a pay rise. :mmm:


And I'm secretly the person setting the tests that will decide who gets it :deal2::awooga::dance:


I'm usually really crap at managing my own career, I'm damn chuffed to have played a blinder for once

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Guest oa_exile
What do you mean not a bad guess?????


Not the right one, but certainly the right area. Dan will point me in the right direction I am sure.


It wasnt a bad guess , it is now the known as "The Radisson Edwardian Manchester Hotel"

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Eventually my Mum gave in and took me into Rochdale and I bought (from my spends) a pair of red footy socks from that shop that used to be at the bottom of Drake Street - I think it is a mobile phone shop nowadays.

Good Guess Wilson. Although it's not hard seeing as every shop in Rochdale is one of the following, Pound Shop, Card Shop, or a Phone shop.

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Hello, just thought I'd pop in and add to the total.


Heard Gordon Ramsey say that British cherries were "reassuringly expensive", wtf !! Why have they become so expensive. It got us thinking in a nostalgic way of being kids and having cherries (spitting the stones out as far as possible, or as accurately as possible at others). I remember getting them off the fruit and veg man on Middy market, before the new roads and Arndale, he'd have them wooden fruit boxes crammed with them, and they weren't "expensive". Anyway I had a quick look as to how and why the humble British cherry became "reassuringly expensive" (public service educational broadcasting on OWTB eh :) )


Found this

The acreage of cherry orchards in Britain has fallen dramatically. English cherries covered a staggering 18,000 acres in 1951. By 2004 it was a little over 960 acres. One reason is that growers, now predominantly in Kent and Herefordshire, have traditionally grown enormous oak-sized trees that make harvesting laborious and dangerous.


So thats it, Silver Jubilee last week, cherries this, oh and it were all fields round 'ere back then, like 1977 only more !


Oh and don't anybody try to deny that they have hung two cherries on a stem over their ears as a child, dangling like a pair of old mans gonads after a hot cup of tea's been spilt in the lap.

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Jimi, did I walk past you in Manchester the other day? Sort of around half five, heading up Oxford Road, near the Palace Theatre, on Monday and possibly other days too this week?


Granted we've only met once for about 20 minutes in a pub last year, or more likely due to my own senility, my memory of exactly what you look like is somewhat blurred. I didn't wanna say 'ello in case it wasn't you, but next time assuming you would recognise me, feel free to stop me by any means you wish.


(Good opportunistic cheating for the 00 by the way.)



So, I've started my new job in Salford Quays. Other than the fact you can see Old Trafford from the window, everything is going just fine. :grin:

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Jimi, did I walk past you in Manchester the other day? Sort of around half five, heading up Oxford Road, near the Palace Theatre, on Monday and possibly other days too this week?


Granted we've only met once for about 20 minutes in a pub last year, or more likely due to my own senility, my memory of exactly what you look like is somewhat blurred. I didn't wanna say 'ello in case it wasn't you, but next time assuming you would recognise me, feel free to stop me by any means you wish.


(Good opportunistic cheating for the 00 by the way.)

So, I've started my new job in Salford Quays. Other than the fact you can see Old Trafford from the window, everything is going just fine. :grin:


Quite probably NT. I work on Oxford Road and walk into town every night at about that time. Apart from today, had the day off and finally bought me season ticket. Congrats on the new job too.

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Was gonna stick this on the other big 'un but it deserves it's place in the sun.


Been back at work reading meters since Wednesday after my jollies up in Scotland and in 3 days i have seen 2 naked pensioners, one of each gender.Yes,you read that right.It's not what i would class as a perk of the job and is not something i necessarily want to see when i am a pensioner myself never mind now at the age of 43.


Wednesday,first day back step forward pensioner number 1,wandering up the lobby to the front door which had a big clear glass panel in.She's wrapped in a towel which she chooses to rearrange directly in front of said glass panel and me before opening the door.Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. :redcard:

:redcard: :redcard:

Today knocked on another pensioners door,he looked through the bedroom curtains and obviously decides as it's another bloke knocking at the door it's perfectly acceptable to answer the door stark bollock naked. :sign0094:


Is it pensioners naturist week in Oldham and i've just not heard about it or have pensions shrunk that much in real terms they just can't afford clothes. :unsure:

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