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Everything posted by nzlatic

  1. As Blatter has brought this up again and it's going to get some media coverage, I was just wondering what the general take on it was? Personally I'm dead against it. I can deal with goal line as it's an absolute that is resolved instantly and isn't open to interpretation. But as for reviewing decisions in the middle of a match I can't see how it can work at all. I stand to be corrected, but I can't think of any other sport that uses video technology that can go for ages in between stoppages. Rugby only uses it for tries I believe when the play has already stopped. If this proposal goes ahead you could have a contentious penalty decision, then a few minutes of play carrying on, maybe even someone getting sent off for a professional foul, then when play stops we go back and review the penalty call. Replays are often inconclusive so there'd be a long stoppage whilst it was looked at umpteen times and then what'd happen to the red card if they went back and gave the penalty? Too much open to abuse and causing unnecessary stoppages. Be interesting to hear other people's take on it though. Or if there is a way of doing it that doesn't ruin the game.
  2. Good stuff, enjoy it, it'll be amazing. Despite being a huge fan since the mid 80s I've never actually been to a race. Cost more than anything. Planning a trip to Spa next year though.
  3. Lucky enough to have won VIP tickets and all expenses paid trip to the Monaco GP?? Nope, unfortunately not!! Congrats, that's a great prize to win! I've been for a mooch round Moncao on a non-GP weekend before and it was very exciting for a big F1 fan. Great to walk round the historic corners and through the tunnel. Probably not so exciting for the non-fan that was with me - basically just bits of red and white curb in a street.
  4. Think it ran its course years ago. Awful show.
  5. Wants championship or above. From soccer am this morning.
  6. Exactly. Plus by having him train with us and trying to develop a good bond with other players and manager he might over time be tempted to drop down a division and play for us. Something he'd probably just say no to if asked outright before allowing him to step onto our hallowed training pitch.
  7. *puts hand up* Sir, that's not what my calculator says.
  8. Littlejohn wiped out Pogs with a pretty late tackle, it just felt at the time that was going to have a huge effect on promotion hopes what with Miskelly being in reserve. Hated him after that.
  9. I hope it's just niggles that are rested rather than experimenting with players and formation. We're on a small upward curve so we need to maintain that as much as possible. Going off recent injuries that may need resting that could be Brown in for Wilson and Dayton in for Forte. Then maybe Winchester (and his alleged suspect fitness!) to come out in favour of the new guy and Poleon instead of JCH. I think we need to keep the back 4 as unchanged as possible though.
  10. Based on what? He's scored 7 league goals in 45 games. Don't think we'll get anywhere near that unfortunately. The main thing is that if he goes he's replaced asap.
  11. What's a reasonable fee for him? Can't see how it be more than the 250/300k mark.
  12. It was my first game of the season so I'd be interested to know from regulars how the players performed in comparison to other games so far? Of the ones that seemed to be the main talking points this season, here is my take: Liam Kelly - very tidy game. Broke up Doncaster possession a fair bit and looked to get attacks started. Covered a lot of the pitch. Was quite impressed overall. Elokobi - dominated all day. They didn't get a look in and he was one of the main reasons. There have been a few questions about how suited for centre back he is but I had no doubts after that. Looked to be trying to guide everyone else too. JCH - did some excellent things, but also some poor things. The back heel that led to the Winchester chance was brilliant. I'd like to see him take a step back so he can attack the ball when heading. A lot of the time he just seems to do a token jump rather than actually contest it properly. He's too young to do the full season up top by himself without it doing him damage. Linked with Philliskirk well at times, could work better with more time together. Winchester - forgot he was on the pitch until just before half time. Thought he was fairly quiet for a lot of the game but really came into it in the last 30/40 minutes. From then on he was brilliant - all over the pitch, involved in just about every attack, taking players on and looking to drive us forward. He looks a real prospect on that form so should be playing every game and sitting down to sign a new contract! As for the others, James Wilson was immense, Brian Wilson was tidy and efficient, same for Jones, Mills. Philliskirk looked good when higher up the pitch and Forte is just a constant threat with the right support. A very good performance, but helped massively by the early goal which must have been perfect for the Johnson game plan. The worry is how we react to going behind.
  13. I had a pretty good view of it and it was a definite pen for me. It was clumsy more than a clear cut foul but definitely took him out and wasn't near the ball. Despite the video suggesting otherwise!
  14. What's better for him for the next month? 5 mins in 1st team every now and again and no reserve games or 5/6 games in the conference north? Might help him get back to full fitness quicker and get a couple of goals too.
  15. Quite. I'd like to know where is "better"? How many countries in the world don't have some kind of deep rooted racism/sexism/capitalism/elitism/poverty gaps or similar horrible traits? Don't necessarily disagree with a lot of what beag_teeets has said, just don't see how Britain is any more or less fooked up than most other countries in the world.
  16. I think we'll come up Short on Saturday unfortunately.
  17. Fair enough. Charlie Mac didn't work out maybe because he was far from his family and having a few injuries didn't help. But he did miss a few good chances too so I'm not convinced he had 20 goals in him. I definitely agree about Rooney, his record suggested he should have done much better. Not sure what happened there really and maybe if we'd stuck with him he'd be benefitting now. But the consensus at the time seemed to be that it was good news we got rid of him. Until he started scoring for Aberdeen then it was a terrible decision!
  18. I find it hard to hold on to hate these days, can't be bothered really. But there have been 2 great footballing crimes recently: MK Dons allowed to steal a club's history and place in the football league and Man Utd being allowed to sack off the FA Cup for some pointless world club thing that did nothing but boost their marketing overseas. MK Dons top the list for me. Horrible.
  19. Especially not if he's the fitness coach too.
  20. I don't really get your point. Are you saying that a better striker than what we have wouldn't do those things I said and wouldn't have converted any of those 4 decent chances at Preston? Or wouldn't create any openings for themselves or make better runs that create more chances? Or just that we've had good strikers and they didn't score so it must be Johnson's fault? Personally I would have kept Rooney but sometimes players and clubs don't click for whatever reason. It's happened with plenty of others - O'Grady, Davies etc have had better form elsewhere. But Beckett, Hughes and Porter have all had great spells with us. Bit of luck and timing needed.
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