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Everything posted by TheBigDog

  1. Yup and Sheron too I think… both will miss the next league game
  2. This for me - we have a chance of building towards the playoffs and, if done correctly, a chance of winning the playoffs. Lets approach it that way huh.
  3. There was also the free kick that brought a brilliant save from Hudson?
  4. I’m up for this one tomorrow and expect to see a much improved attitude from the players tomorrow. I also want to see two strikers up front for Latics - please.
  5. Who was the striker nicknamed ‘Jigsaw’? (*) * goes to pieces in the box …
  6. I tried putting the Latics Mind questions to ChatGPT … it couldn’t answer a single one aiaiaio…
  7. Lundstram was subbed as he was carrying an injury from an earlier challenge. Hopefully okay this weekend. Ward is back in training and is available this weekend. Raglan should come in as Hogan will be out for at least two games As for Dickenson, Gardner, Willoughby, Nuttall, Freeman… your guess is as good as mine
  8. If that was the case, then he should switch sports I reckon…
  9. Exactly. One up front worked on Saturday but it clearly wasn’t working last night - I am surprised that Mellon didn’t change it tbh
  10. Mellon was careful to talk about 'we' in the post match interview - and rightly so in my opinion. I'm not writing him off after two games, that would be foolish, but as bad as the players were last night, I think Mellon has to take some share of the responsibility for the performance. That first half was as bad a half as I have witnessed this season. Right from the first minute we were simply not at it. He said in his post match that we did not match their running - very true. Yet again we watched our team outrun, outthought and outplayed by the opposition. I thought he knew how to get the best out of Norwood... yet he played him as a lone striker and allowed the team to pump high balls to him. It didn't work. There was a point during the first period when Kay was down receiving treatment and the players grouped around the manager - a time to reset perhaps? Nope, more of the same followed. He persisted with his 4-1-4-1 away from home at the bottom of the table team. He had Fondop and Reid on the bench - neither were used. Also - he has come in and apart from McGahey and Hope (both Paul Murray changes) he has persisted with the same players that we have seen stutter and fail all season. Shelton and Sutton should not be starting and Sheron is average at best. What other options does he have? Ward, Gardner, Dickenson are injured as they would have brought more energy but the players last night were collectively woeful. Then there are the question marks around Raglan, Willoughby, Nuttall and Freeman. Mellon and his assistant, Brabin, will know all of the above and far more. They need time but they also need to get to work sharpish. I do not want to see another performance like last night ever again.
  11. Let’s face it.. tonight was a horror show and it’s hard to take and even harder to understand. We started slowly and just never threatened all night. It’s nights like these that I hate everyone of them
  12. It IS being streamed - its just that the games seem to be listed in a random order.
  13. For those of us not able to make the game, it will be on National League TV.
  14. He’s going to continue working as Sporting Director for New Saints FC what’s that all about?
  15. I note from the statistics that we have not had a penalty this season - it got me thinking…who would be our penalty taker if we did get one on Saturday?
  16. Missed a pen that saw us lose to Fylde though….
  17. I don’t get why Raglan (who has looked ordinary) continues to be picked by some ahead of Hogan? Hogan has been top drawer since ST took over imho
  18. An argument that you would definitely lose … sides target our right side because they know that we are weak there - Sutton is no fullback
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