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Everything posted by slystallone

  1. But this one has working knees, and as a bonus; isn't a bit of prick? I'm pretty pleased with this, ish. As NewBlue says, he's one of those lower league players who you kind of think is a bit :censored:, but then you find that you notice them during games and they cause problems. He's scored enough goals for his various sides over the years to show he does no the route to goal, and - he will add something to the side with his pressence and physicality. Not a stellar signing, but a solid enough one that; when all is said & done; does add to & improve the squad.
  2. I'd agree a horrible precedent was set with Barry's pursuit and signing of Lee Hughes; one which TBH i think has forever sullied our club. But - IMO, we'd plumb new depths if we signed Evans. We wont though, so its a moot point really...
  3. It's a "meh" derby isn't it? When you've watched us play the likes of North West sides such as Man Utd, Man City, Blackburn, Wigan, Bolton, Burnley; heck Liverpool and Everton too, all at a high level - it's a struggle to get enthused about playing Rochdale in League One. Yes it's a local one, and yes, basically - that's a real draw for many (me included there) as its so easy to get to this away game. But as for deep seated bitter rivals? Nah. But that could change; all it needs is for 'Dale to stay in this League for a while; and unfortunately us too, and we'd then see this as a regular fixture. A few nasty challenges or some bad blood on the touchline and who know's? I'll still struggle to get excited about it mind, to the extent where i'm 'hating Rochdale'.
  4. No. Absolutely not. Ditto Pukka, I didn't want Lee Hughes and I don't want Ched Evans. Surely he'll be back at Sheff United, they're a minging enough club to have him back aren't they?
  5. I agree. I went for Mike Jones too. Really drives us on from midfield: a very positive player, his first touch and movement is always a forward one. But it was one of those games where pretty much every player was a 7 out 10 mimimum, and Tidser, Philliskirk, Wilkinson, Mills, B Wilson, J Wilson all could stake a claim. Also agree on B Wilson. Mr Consistency at RB. He's the solid, organised, unspectactular but effective player we needed in there; he's been one of LJ's better dips into the market i'd say, a very decent & solid player so far for us.
  6. It's Diengs' place to lose now isn't it surely? He played well last night, back that up with another good performance on Saturday, and Kusunga will be back to the bench - surely? He (Kusunga) is more than likely to regret leaving for his Angola games I'd have said...
  7. I thought Kelly had a lot longer on the pitch than 3 mins plus added time? Hmm, stand corrected. I dont wear a watch though, I use the moon and stars: they told me he came off around the 70mins marker?? I'll let you have a word and tell them if they are indeed wrong then... But my point still stands; far too early for bold claims of greatness after 1 performance...
  8. Well, true to form; someone will need to be. Its either him or J Wilson; arguably our only real saleable assets really?
  9. Yep, me too. Surprised to see posters picking him out for praise last night TBH. Whilst he wasnt awful, nor was he that effective either. Solid enough i guess, but for every clever turn or bright movement; he'd then back it up with a "typical dayton" mard-arse loss in the tackle or fall over. Still unconvinced...
  10. Bull:censored:. Thwy had a really decent 10min spell in the 2nd half where they took it to us, for the 1st time mind. After that, we came back into it. Their 90th minute equaliser was against the run of play. The beligured ramblings of a manager who is facing a tough spell - lots of money spent on the squad, but little return so far. He wont be there too much longer IMO...
  11. Enjoyed that tonight. But i echo a few posters: we need to learn to kill games off, or alternatively, see games out. If we'd have been more clinical in front of goal, whilst we were well on top, dominating and bossing it, we feasibly could have been 4 or 5 up. If it stays only 2 - we need to see that out - letting that comfortable lead slip was really poor IMO; and - as others have said, if that was a league game, we all be absolutely fuming at throwing away 3 points. Thank goodness for the JPT's penalties salvation. BUT - lots of really good positives to take away - i dont think anyone had a bad game really, all were very solid 7 out of 10 minimums. B Wilson, Jones, Tidser, Wilkinson & Philliskirk all had cracking games; upping to 8's & 9's. Some of the fringe players did very well, and showed we have decent options if & when injuries and suspensions start to bite.
  12. Actually, that's reads harsh on the lad. It's not meant to be, i thought he played well. But seriously? After 2/3rd's of a game...
  13. If he was truly hurt by it, he wouldnt have been able to do the triple axel with pike several times. Horrible tackle mind - but for me, Jones's reaction afterwards is more horrible. More than a bit Twatty really...
  14. That'll still be 6 more than Wilkinson looks like getting...
  15. Jeff Stelling has just said its 3 straight losses and 0 goals scored for them, lost 2 - 0 to Aldershot today...
  16. Good away point that IMO. Think most would have taken that if offered at the start of the day. Keeps the run going Happy days
  17. Can't believe this thread has got to this many posts and no other ST has mentioned the half time hand jobs and gold encrusted chicken balti pies. They're the only real reasons i continue to sign up for my ST...
  18. I'm a bit old school in terms of boots maybe, but something just isnt right about a CB playing in <delete as per> pink / yellow / bright blue / purple / white / gold....etc boots. To be fair - i'll just about allow a tricky winger to get away with & have fancy boots at a push, but last weeks game; only Kelly for us; and McCallister (spl) for them had black boots on. #amf - as Harry would say eh?
  19. Boots. Its all about the boots. Jones has yellow and Kelly doesnt i dont think...
  20. Reserve / youth side watchers: do we not have a young defender who's ready to sit on the bench? They wouldnt be starting - James Wilson & Timmy Dieng would be; but surely if its a mere question of having back-up on the bench for a couple of games until Kusunga comes back, rather than using a loan, that'd be the way to go wouldnt it?
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