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Everything posted by slystallone

  1. Mills will be Left Back, and quite rightly. He's picked up after a slightly iffy start, and is now playing really well: and - Big George is not fit yet. LJ mentions on the official site that he's had a set-back, and is again 10 days or so away.
  2. Between Philliskirk, Kelly & Dieng for me. Went with Philliskirk in the end. It's nice to have to think about these again, there's been 4 or 5 serious options per game recently...
  3. I'm amazed he didnt give a penalty away and see red for his wrestle on that young Scottish Lad Sheff United have; Scougal is it? He picked him up and launched him to the ground. I hope he tries that with Jabo, and throws his back out...
  4. It's not quite up & under Sunday League Hoofball, but - feck me, it's not far off. "Direct" does them a compliment. Its :censored: it up to Hanson, and hope he gets a knock down to McClean or Yeates or Morais. McCardle, Davies, Routis, Darby...being kind, they're just cloggers. Organised? Yeah. Drilled? Yeah. Direct hoofs to Hanson? Feck yeah. They'll test us with it though. We've not played an ugly, dirty hoof side yet really - be interesting to see how we fair....
  5. I hope we win. I really do. Purely for the fact that Phil Parkinson is their manager. And I hate Phil Parkinson.
  6. I'm not his biggest fan, but credit where it's due, along with basically the rest of the side; Dayton had a very good game last night.
  7. TBF, I think many on here - me included - questioned Kelly's start - and it was more than just 2 pre-seaon games too; it was a good few into the league campaign as well. BUT - and i'm in this group - plenty saw that it was most likely down to match sharpness and match fitness, after his long injury lay-off. Or we hoped it was. Because, well - he was actually toss wank early season. It turns out - thankfully - that it was match fitness & sharpness. Now he's regained that, he's a very solid, dependable, and talented League One central midfielder. People who questioned his start here - when it was a bag of arse - shouldnt now be being put down IMO. Its what a message board is all about, and plenty, like me, are now saying we're glad Kelly is in our side and glad he's doing well. I dont see the angle here?
  8. Said the same thing at the game after his 2nd. It's a weird feeling, but - when he's clean through, you just have confidence in him finishing it. 2 more smart finishes from him, and 10 goals by 21st Oct is a great return; especially as he's played a number of his games from wide left. Fingers cross his glass knees stand up for the season. If they do, he'll be a shoe in to reach 20. A 20 goals in a season attacking player for us? Wow - it's been a while!
  9. Cracking performance that. Exactly the type of performance we haven't been able to play out for a number of years. A cold, wet & blustery Tuesday night game; against a side on a poor run. It would have been a nailed on 0-1 loss not too long ago. It's great credit to LJ and his team, and to this bunch of players that, it never really looked in doubt right from kick-off. We were better than them in all areas. Their goal was a fluke; wicked deflection. Chubbs wasn't troubled all night, and bar a punch to clear a cross; he had nothing to do at all. So much to take from the game, great performances all across the side, but - for me, the stand out of the match was our pressing, our hassling and our work-rate - especially from the front lads. Forte, Jabo and Philly all put one heck of a shift in tonight, and really led from the front. Forte's 1st goal was a real reflection of the pressing those 3 did to Coventrys backline. Backed up by the midfield lads, Kelly in particular, and a very solid and impressive back 4. Great win that, and roll on Saturday. For me, man of the match was a real close run thing; with many options for it, but it came down to either Dieng or Philliskirk for me; and i've plumped for Philliskirk.
  10. Ha! I remember that too. Pretty sure it always seemed to be Andy Barlow who got the "lay on the floor, with your arm stretched out and your finger tips on the ball" dead ball position, to help Halworth etc with goal kicks and free kicks for offsides etc Heady days...
  11. It still looks a really soft penalty. But i think the crucial thing is the angle of the TV Camera - it's poor. From that angle though, the footage shows zero contact and it looks a dive actually from Philliskirk. Now i'm not saying it was. Actually being there might make a difference, and as I said earlier in this thread, I wasnt there. So all i've got to go off are the higlights. And those highlights shows its a really soft one. We were due one though, we've had plenty of stonewall ones turned down over the last few season - its about time we got a dubious one.
  12. I said ahead of last week, that the next 3 games (;as they were then) would be a real marker of exactly where we are as a side. Chesterfield are a well organised and set-up side, who play decent stuff and have the previous season's promotion momentum behind them. We got a cracking away point vs them, and played well. Coventry are one of the strange sides in our divison: on paper, they've got a very competitive starting X1, but i watched them on sky earlier on in the season, and they had several key players not playing; and their squad players / reserves didnt look upto much. They're not in the best of form either. It's a game we should - should - be looking at for 3 points if we seriously want to start looking even higher in the league. Bradford then comes, and again, it'll be a tough one. They're a minging side to play against, all long balls up to Hanson. But, they've Yeates, Clarke and Morais who can all cause a threat too. Again, if we're serious of doing anything other than the usual scrap with relegation, it's exactly the type of game we need to win. Come Saturday night, if we've taken 7 points from 9 from the 3 games; it's a huge statement of where we're heading. On this form - it's doable too. Good times...
  13. Why? The last 2 worked out so well? And Andrea Mancini was a simply inspired signing...
  14. What's patronising about my post pal? He is a Championship quality player, he's plays in it.?
  15. Its also slightly out of date isnt it? The Welsh lad has signed up for Wigan hasnt he?
  16. Rubbish. Surely bu virtue of the fact he's playing in the championship, and has been for 3 season(?) makes him a Championship quality player? And he is...
  17. Right. Didnt go and now just seen the goals on the sky+ football leage goals..... Is it only me who doesn't think it was a penalty? I cant see any contact at all from their lad on Philliskirk? Soft.* * but i'll take it!!! Edit: just realised it wast Evatt who "fouled" so edited him out.
  18. Basically this /\ So - no specific players mentioned, with no specific clubs identified who are "buying" then? So, conjecture again then? Lets see what Jan transfer window brings shall we before cries of same old Latics, always a selling club' start to ring out* * we will always be a selling club mind, and i thought every fan knew that its the way it works?
  19. Which 2 players are being sold * then in the Jan transfer window? * alledgedly sold i should pressume
  20. I'm with Pukka, my views at the time and to this day mirror his posts in this. I was fuming when we signed him. I hated the fact it was my club who were the ones to sign him up. I thought the adverse media attention it brought to our club affected us then; and its aftermath is IMO still felt today. I was sat in the stand away at Burnley when a decent number of our crowd gave him a standing ovation and chanted his name as he walked across the pitch jn his club tracksuit, a day or so after his release and i was appalled - i actually got into a very heated arguement with a group of our fans over it. It never sat right when he played and scored; i was happy we'd scored sure i was, but it was always mared by the fact that it was him who had scored it. And dont get me started on those who mirrored back at him his :censored:e dance routine after scoring.... It hugely affected the club signing Lee Hughes; whether Barry admits it or not, it did. I'd argue it continues to affect us to this day. Signing Ched Evans would be a repeat all over again, but you could argue, with what he's done; even worse. even forgetting about the moral and ethical side of things, it would affect us even more at this stage with all the commercial deals being formed.
  21. Still hope he spoons it over... Still gutted when he doesn't!
  22. His move to Brighton's worked out well then so far? EDIT: Robins would have worked with him at Barnsley wouldnt he? That may well be the link. EDIT 2: we've got Jabo - he's out big man up top isnt he?.
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