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Everything posted by Hometownclub

  1. I agree, we've got 99 problems but Wilson ain't one of em.
  2. Excellent read, a very accurate assessment of our pretty hopeless situation.
  3. Oh I don't know, I know 2 bookies who went out of business.
  4. Bloody hell, you've certainly managed to put a positive spin on that rumour.
  5. Me too, I thought his lack of pace would be a serious drawback for him (I certainly know my stuff).
  6. 600K, I think that's someway off the mark, whatever it is it will be undisclosed. Either way he's as good as gone.
  7. Me too, much preferred it, the owl looks really annoyed on the new one.
  8. I understand what your saying regarding the risks of taking Baxter back, personally I would sooner take the risk over Baxter (given his undoubted quality), than sign Erwin, if it was a straight choice between the two (which I'm sure its not).
  9. In my opinion, Baxter is totally different class as a footballer to Erwin.
  10. Baxter by a country mile. Erwin is not in the same league as a footballer.
  11. i could definitely see that as a possible stumbling block.
  12. I thought Bertrand did alright in his loan spell with us, I'm not saying I thought he would be a future regular starter in the Premier league and get capped by England, but I wouldn't say I wasn't overly impressed by him. Anyway i was just expressing an opinion.
  13. I didn't judge him on one game but on the entire length of his loan, hence I said "I remember Amos being on loan with us and not being overly impressed" I specifically remember him having a nightmare in the Southampton game, hence I said " especially the Southampton game" So to summarise I wasn't overly impressed with him during his loan period with us.
  14. I remember Amos being on loan with us and not being overly impressed, especially the Southampton game. Pass
  15. I'm hopeful we can achieve a mid table finish this year, instead of the usual season long relegation battle.
  16. He was a real constant at the club through the decades, a true club legend and Latics through and through. He will be greatly missed. RIP Gordy.
  17. Steve Please enter me for next season and then split the rest between OWTB and Playershare. Cheers
  18. Keven Keegan Phoenix from the Flames This was my personal favourite Phoenix from the Flames.
  19. I'd put Wigan in, for being so unoriginal they can't even think up their own nickname, wankers.
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