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Everything posted by Wardie

  1. Unsworth literally is the 'fly in the ointment'.
  2. Our strike force could possibly be the envy of every club in this league [bar Chesterfield] and the financial backing most definitely. I agree, to not blow these teams out of the water [ok, maybe a tad enthusiastic] is a huge, huge disappointment. I will agree that cohesion and knack for winning ways can take time but I cannot see any indication in which this scenario will happen whilst Unsworth is in charge of proceedings. I have no inkling of who could replace him, I leave that to those with more knowledge than myself. Just one thing, Latics are in this League on merit and find themselves on a par with the likes of Boreham Wood. Although I believe we should be perceived as a big fish in a small pond, we have no right to consider ourselves above the other teams. They will come to BP with the desire to take our scalp and the more it happens, the less of a "big fish" we become. Wins need to come, and fast.
  3. I think any fan would take a win, despite the performance being not so good but sub-standard performances, combined with losses, is maybe a tad too far for the paying customer to part with their money any longer. Football, to me, is a short burst of entertainment with a 50/50 chance of a feel good factor come the end of it. Perception plays a huge part and how much the club and the game is a part of any fan's life. I started watching Latics in the late 1960s with my brother, followed by a break, then revived with my two daughters. I am extremely lucky to still be here to actually complain about my beloved football club and cannot make the games these days. When the Rothwells purchased the club, I was relieved to see the Lemsagams usurped and a big part of my life given a fresh chance to flourish. To witness one man and his sheer incompetence undermine their benevolence is quite infuriating. I cannot get past his pre-season hyperbole, the investment in players who were "targeted" in the presumption that he had a plan and a style of play in mind which would be a definite upgrade on the previous season. It just hasn't happened, so far, and from what I can perceive, it never will. Do I dislike the man? No. Do I dislike his football? Yes. Do I think he will succeed? No. Do I want someone else to be given a go? Yes.
  4. For "fans" you mean the paying customers, who could just cease paying for a shit product, which is their prerogative. When a manager is given the backing and the resources to produce a good product then fails to do so, surely the customers will voice their dissatisfaction and cease paying for an inferior product. That in itself should be enough for the owners to take action to improve the product and satisfy their customer base. Frank says he knows nothing about football but surely to god, he can recognise a shit performing team from a good one? It's not rocket science, Unsworth is incapable of producing a team capable of a promotion push. You know it, I know it, we all know it. He has had his chance with phenomenal backing for this shite level of football..and failed.
  5. Bromley away next, they are five points and eight places ahead and won 4-1 at home yesterday against Maidenhead, who are on ten points. I cannot see any other result than the ones we are fast getting used to. Sick of Unsworth, sick of being let down time after time and becoming disillusioned by the inaction of a stubborn boardroom.
  6. It's about the club, not one man. If Frank won't sack him because he doesn't want to renege on his word, then he isn't putting the club first and foremost. Stupid, in my opinion.
  7. I will take the rub-of-the-green for once [no pun] but Dorking fans will be up in the rafters with that one and rightly so.
  8. I think VAR would have some of the ball not over the line. Who's that on the floor next to the goals?
  9. Nope, it would have no bearing on his tenure, as his job is safe as houses...the ones to be built on BP when he takes us to oblivion. Fucking drastic comment, I know, but that's how I feel right now.
  10. From his interviews I think we can see how he is rinsing the board into giving him more time. It must have been too warm for his Gillet.
  11. I hope he feels the embarrassment. He needs to but it won't change anything for the untouchable one.
  12. Is there a 'change your vote' option?...just asking for the twelve who voted to give him more time. Seriously, he needs to go.
  13. He may have been shaking his head for a completely different reason. Hopefully he has had enough because everybody else has.
  14. Ok, Latics didn't lose but it's yet another weekend without anything to build even a slim hope upon. The were goals aplenty in the league today, so if he points to the heat then he is a fucking joke. Dorking will be extremely happy with that and really could have walked away with all three points. Norwood must be fucking kicking himself, having to play in Unsworth's futile team, what a waste. All that pre-season hype for fuck all! He's not ever going to turn it around without some kind of miracle but he will remain exactly where he is. Just go, FFS!
  15. A slow erosion. The guy appears to be a clueless manager. Goals flying in all over the place, except BP.
  16. They are just a Zeitgeist. "Upset" and "angry" probably being more accurate.
  17. When Dorking exert their "five minutes of pressure" and the team crumbles, the fans get restless, the piss boil begins and the "Unsworth out" chants ring around three quarters of the ground, we will all be relishing another ruined weekend. He's going nowhere. Latics are going nowhere. I don't think The Sword of Damocles exists over BP.
  18. I've never booed or been abusive [ok, maybe the odd referee] but change has to be instigated somehow and the voicing of disillusionment or whatever we want to call it, is perhaps a natural beginning. In the end though, only the powers that be can actuate change.
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