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Everything posted by Wardie

  1. Yeah, big company like hummel aligns themselves with a tinpot club that hasn't got more than one season left in it. As if. hummel is a ethical company and that is something to be embraced, in this day and age. Give the club some credit...for once.
  2. Whatever the truth may be, the more I read your posts, the more I think you are a wind-up merchant.
  3. Give over...given the Latics recent form, they will not be looking forward to it...change is in the air.
  4. It's exciting. It's frustrating, given the points thrown away. It's football!
  5. I think any slender chances Latics had, went with the bore draw at the weekend. You're right though, nothing to lose by going for their throats.
  6. Although I appreciate what you are saying, 'Great' can mean size but also historical existence or superiority. We can bandy words around all day but perception will win out.
  7. Fold the club? That's utter bollox. It's getting more and more like Twitter on here. What does it really matter who thinks one club is "bigger" than another...most probably every football fan thinks their club are bigger because their club means more to them than any other. History, past glories, training facilities all mean nothing to the shifting sands of football. If Mansfield do gain promotion and Latics knock them out of the FA Cup next season, it will be considered the metaphorical 'giant killing'. That's football for you, it's all about the here and now.
  8. No promotion for them at BP and obviously, Mr Bipolar...whoever he is...appears to think that Oldham Athletic are a bigger club than Mansfield Town. Fact is, they are not. people like that need to realise teams get promoted on merit, not past glories.
  9. Last five games Swindon: LLWDD Oldham: DLWWW Purple patch? Some fans are making unnecessary excuses already.
  10. Good grief, it seems like football is going to implode on itself in a tangled web of financial intrigue and suspicious activity.
  11. Ah, one of those strange twists that football likes to taunt us with.
  12. Let's just say, hypothetically, that this is the case and Latics win every game between now and the end of the season, or most of them. Would you still want him to stay out of 'assisting' in team selections|?
  13. They were probably not interfering in Scholes' team selections etc. and he just realised he had made a huge mistake in accepting the job, so he went. Why would Wild accept the role again, if this was the case the last time he took charge? I don't think he would and I also don't think he was obliged to...he actually wanted to.
  14. Today was a great result, even though Colchester's promotion wheels have come off somewhat of late. A pity that some late goals make the slim play-off hopes even more so but who is going to complain with PW's results? I would say that Lemsagam is going to offer Wild the job and he could do no worse than apologise to the fans, admit that getting Scholes in was a hope of boosting the club's profile and attendances and that, in hindsight, he acted with haste. Whatever it was that rookie Scholes brought to the club, it clearly didn't work and Wild is using his deep reserves of experience to ensure the season ends on good terms. I honestly do not expect Latics to finish in the play-offs but as long as they are knocking on the door, then it keeps things bubbling over and ensures at least a positive finish.
  15. Once they get to four nil up, then no. It would take a good deal of fortune but not impossible, yet.
  16. Flip sake. I need to go away from the computer more often!
  17. Hence my saying that you are not wrong to feel that way. It's all subjective.
  18. I remember going to Macclesfield, my youngest daughter decided to go on another coach with her mates. It broke down and she missed the match. Latics lost, anyway, so not much changes, apparently.
  19. I understand what you are saying and if this is the case, then ultimately, he has to succeed. It's just a case of how, when and what he 'succeeds' in doing.
  20. The only people who can put the "community" feeling into it are the fans and they can do it despite the owner and his failings. It can be in the form of protest [which, it seems, they cannot agree on] or to just be fans together and vocally support the team on the pitch. I'm sorry, but in my opinion it is about the football, as that is what the fans go for and pay to watch. When I first began supporting this club, I went purely for the football, I didn't have a clue or an interest in what the directors were doing or the ins-and-outs of the club staff. I didn't care, it was just about the football, being entertained, being part of the crowd and hopefully winning. By the way, I am not "hurting". Frustrated at times, maybe, but it is football, only football and it occupies my Saturdays and sometimes my Tuesday evenings. I am not saying you are wrong to feel how you do, however, not everybody is the same. You need to realise that.
  21. Fantastic that Latics are winning but Iverson "saved us"...isn't that what he is there to do, stop the ball from going in the net?
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