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Everything posted by Stainrod

  1. Interesting that so many people support the continuation of the youth scheme but question th quality of the talent that has come thought it???
  2. You know, I listened to the Brentford commentary on Latics Player. It seemed to me that we played some decent football, had much of the possession and whilst they felt confident that they could hold on to the win felt that we had a few good spells of pressure, sounded like Winchester ought to have equalised just before HT for example. I couldn't make this one but are we being hard on the team because it is yet another home defeat? did Brentford look that comfortable? Sounded like we did create a number if chances that on another day could have gone for us - same old story? Their commentators felt the main difference was Donaldsons finishing!
  3. Definitely consider Donachie, where is he now?
  4. Agree, too many C bombs, this is a really good message board, lets keep it that way
  5. Leeds in that season when they were deducted 15 points at the outset?
  6. That said Sly it was Furmans cross for both the missed Smith chance and the disallowed goal!
  7. Maybe this was an idea that Dickov himself put to Corney! He's held up his hands and said he got the staff wrong, lets go again with a new back room team. Just a different twist on what might have happened.
  8. Looks to me like he took a risk and gambled that the defender would make a mess of it, he did, he got his chance, he scored. That's what natural strikers do. Lets give him a chance.
  9. There are still a lot of out of work managers but relatively few jobs to go for. That must mean we would get some interest , whether we could afford them is another matter but surely some of these managers just want to work to get back into the game and the public eye? A bit like Derbyshire in the playing sense i suppose.
  10. Montano to start for me. Grounds like a duck out of water on Saturday, kept drifting infield and providing no width BUT he is our best left back and should return there. Harsh on Brown? No, he looks a little lightweight to me and prone to panic.
  11. Dickov is always almost too respectful of the opposition. He is always saying 'this will be a tough game'. They shouldn't all be seen as tough, a home game against a struggling side shouldn't be tee'd up in the same way as say Sheffield Utd away. Change the language and let's be more assertive, positive etc and tell the players we will win as Shrewsbury are not that good!!
  12. Doubt he would come but he'd put bums on seats, attract decent players and wouldn't accept less than100 percent.
  13. Wabara, Croft, Derbyshire and Baxter. They are now failing to deliver on a regular basis. Have we put our loanees on a pedestal? (Appreciate Baxter is a short term contract)
  14. There seems to me to be far too many people (media and within the game) that want to make racism an issue. To my mind there is no finer example of blacks being accepted into a profession than football. With so much money involved all players have to prove themselves on merit. Any given Saturday in the Premiership can see up to 40 percent of first team players are black and are there because they are deemed to be the best for the job. On the basis that say only up to 10percent of the population is black then it could be argued that the sector is over represented. The Rooney law then seems to insinuate that circa 40 percent of coaches should be black/coloured which to me doesn't make sense as again coaches are and must be appointed purely on merit regardless of colour. I acknowledge that racist name calling has no place in the game but it is difficult to argue the much wider issue that the game has a culture of racism when so many black footballers have made a very positive impact on the game and reap considerable rewards for dong so, how can the game be racist?
  15. Victoria ground / Britannia Stadium Burnden Park / Reebok Roker Park / Stadium of Light Baseball Ground / Pride Park etc.etc.etc. All these stadiums had their doubters, I'll bet very few fans would want to go back. Stadiums evolve and generate their own history, BP was new once! Time to move on, can't wait for the old main stand and the Chaddy to come down eventually (and I have stood and sat in the Chaddy for 30 odd years). It's progress.
  16. So you wouldn't replace current BP with a stadium like that???
  17. The only time I have been to the stadium we got thumped 6-2 BUT I thought the stadium was great even though its waiting for bigger things. Comfy seats with lots of leg room, much better watching experience than Boundary Park. Don't think too many would refuse that stadium where ours sits now! Might be in a minority here but I think fans criticise the stadium because of the way the club has evolved which is a bit misguided.
  18. Andy Sweeney was on the fringes of the first team around 1973, a winger, could be him?
  19. Thought he was very ordinary yesterday which was a surprise, need more from him over the next two games if he is to retain his reputation.
  20. Just got 5, really surprised, thought I'd done well!
  21. Oh, I meant to add that the partnerships between fullback and winger on both flanks are now working really well and make for some really entertaining and fluid football. Grounds is the best left back we have had for some time and Wabara is a class act. Croft and Montana are going deliver some great moments for us this season. Can't believe we are hanging around the bottom half of league one, why did it take so long to gell?
  22. I was there too. Sat just behind Dcikov and co amongst the Kiddie fans ~ their overall feeling was that there was a significant gap in quality (as should be expected of course) and the pace of our team was admirable as was much of the precision of the football we (at times) played. This is a good latics side, as good a first 14 as I can rememeber for quite a while. Outstanding for me Croft, Baxter, Montano, only disappointment was Derbyshire today, full marks for effort as usual and held up the ball very well at times but by his high standards felt he didn't feature as much as I'd have liked. There centre back Gowling (Fellani hairstyle ) got their man of the match award which I think was fair as he played Derbyshire very well. Only other points to highlight 1) not convinced yet by Brown at full back 2) didn't see the point of bringing Montano off for Furman as this then invited Kidderminster on to us, they should have had a penalty and who knows what might have happened then. Overall a convincing victory and a good/enjoyable match. Kidderminster gave it a go and fans near me were suggesting that they had clealry raised their game today.
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