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Everything posted by LaticsChris

  1. You'd certainly hope so. However it will need to be BIFFO assessed before we can judge it's success.
  2. They can't really drop the main stand straight away. There are changing rooms etc that won't be in the new stand (presumably intended for the new main stand in the long-term scheme).
  3. If I remember rightly there was a vote a good few years ago about changing the 'home' end to the RRE, obviously the RRE lost out. However after a few years of home fans occupying the RRE on a regular basis after the demolition of the Lookers another vote could end in a different result. Worth a try if you ask me. Of course if I dreamt that that vote happened half of the above is nonsense.
  4. Ah yes I see. The boy has clearly seen the light of truth a little too late.
  5. Exactly! Defence is the best form of attack...at least at home and with our style of play.
  6. This a thousand times. Schmeltz is certainly one of those players that can frustrate fans, particularly defensively, but we've seen already this season that he scares teams. If he's on the wing opposition full backs will think twice about getting too far forward in support of their own wingers. And we saw last night that if we do get overrun down the wing Johnson won't be afraid to change it early on.
  7. Shrewsbury Town 1-2 Latics (1-1) Philliskirk 4,370
  8. The poor thing will be feeling lonely. It'll soon cheer up when it's baby brother turns up next door though.
  9. I'd be really happy to contribute from time to time. I'm glad someone's decided to have a go at reviving such an idea Rummy. I know from previous threads that there are a few talented designers amongst our fanbase. It would be great if those guys could get on board to create clever cover pages in a similar vein to the Lewes FC match posters seen here. Little touches like that might make the fanzine a little more collectable, possibly increasing the circulation. Just an idea, like.
  10. Providing we stay on the referee's good side this could be a great time to play Gillingham, having been dumped out of the cup by Brackley Town last night. Having said that there's always the counter argument that they will be really fired up now. Tricky one to judge.
  11. So Freeman has played for Derby, Forest & County. That's some triumvirate! I'm not sure if it should make him the most hated or most popular man in the East Midlands though.
  12. IWM North is a good visit if you like that sort of thing. MOSI as well.
  13. I must admit Bove's challenge looked worse in real time than it did on the highlights. It was still halfway up his shin though, straight red without question.
  14. Something tells me he'd have quite fancied that In all seriousness though, yeah, that really surprised and pleased me. I've been saying to my mate that he's not as daft as he can seem and I'm glad he proved me right there.
  15. I voted Philliskirk. This is one of those matches where, despite doing more things 'wrong', (i.e. losing the ball a couple of times, maybe misplacing a pass) Philliskirk gets my vote over Smith - who also had an excellent game - because he influenced the game much more. I thought his work in bringing others into the play last night was really fantastic, not to mention he managed two goals (though should have had three!).
  16. You could always spot a new signing when they stood over the ball ready to take a penalty as Sheridan sauntered laconically from the centre circle to depose him.
  17. It is weird, but I tried to make my list the top five 'moments', that is the feeling they gave in that split second. As for best 90 minutes Liverpool can't be touched for me (missed out on the '90s thanks to the inconvenience of being a burping farting child for the majority) but that equaliser against Everton just reignited my belief at the absolute last possible second, having resigned myself to defeat.
  18. Whilst I don't know which paper you were reading I would suggest this is because Union is the more mainstream sport. In this area and Bradford, however, League is the bigger sport. Hence the attempt to accommodate the fans of both. Besides, the Autumn Internationals aren't 'friendlies', they're more like the football international matches in the days before lots of substitutions and withdrawals. They mean a lot.
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