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Stagger Lee

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Everything posted by Stagger Lee

  1. What was the outcome of the Swindon / adam rooney dispute BTW? Did Rooney get any compensation from them?
  2. But apart from an entertaining football team, goalscorers, a stadium with 4 stands, pies and stotties galore, and an excellent website, what have Blyth Spartans got that we haven't?
  3. Thought it was a set up for a joke A couple of Greeks walk into a bar ........ Upboats available for the best joke
  4. Vic Halom - one of my first hero's Simon Stainrod - more of a Rodger Wylde lad myself but most would agree with you Andy Ritchie - defines the word 'legend' Jon Bowden - WTF?????? a relative of yours or having a laugh and giggle?
  5. 7:50 in the morning down here and i cracked up laughing, woke the missus up!
  6. That coventry goal was a stunner, if you have to concede a goal then rather it is one as good as that.
  7. If you think it has been taken out of context - and i have read all your posts in this thread several times, mainly in disbelief, then feel free to clarify further. You use the term - 'lesser desirables' in the context of wanting them priced out of football. Please expand on the trait you mean by undesirable.
  8. So do you have any links to studies showing that your opinion, that the poor are more violent / smelly / ugly at football matches, has any basis in fact? At what price range do you suggest that all these undesirables will stop turning up to games at Oldham?
  9. So you are claiming that the poor of this world are just dumb, uncouth hooligans with personal hygiene problems and that Oldham Athletic should only encourage those from a higher social economic bracket because they will all be eloquent, presentable, well mannered The peasants are revolting? *sigh*
  10. Bring back standing in one stand only is a great idea. I suspect that the many new safety considerations might mean that the chaddy end would have to be rebuilt to allow it.
  11. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/competitions/premier-league/3037207/Philip-on-Saturday-A-great-career-cut-short.html http://footballslostprodigies.com/2012/06/26/coming-soon-wayne-harrison-the-original-wayne-rooney/ The links above gives a bit of his background, the wiki page is bollox very sad news - My best wishes to his family
  12. 5am Christmas morning down here, just got back from night shift and will soon hop in to bed for an hour or so before the kids wake me up - I's the calm before the storm! Give yourselves a gift this year Hold your loved ones close, contact the ones who are far away, forgive those who have wronged you and let yourself be loved. I sincerely wish all you Oldham fans the very best Christmas. Peace
  13. Is there a 'where are they now' thread? If not someone needs to start one
  14. yep - they are forming a queue for Plummer right now instead of Tarko
  15. I only saw Wabara a few times but I thought he was good. who was the young fullback who made his debut in the last game of last season\?
  16. And yet has scored 7 goals in 24 appearances - not the worst record i've seen from an Oldham striker
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