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Everything posted by Oafc1895

  1. A petition against the B team league http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/the-football-association-say-no-to-b-teams?recruiter=93221360&utm_campaign=signature_receipt&utm_medium=email&utm_source=share_petition
  2. How is playing League 3/2 football going to prepare young'uns for international football. Its a competly differenet ball game than the tippy-tappy style of internationals.
  3. Well done to Stevie and Bristol for running the damn thing & DC New blue for their consistancy. For next season can we use England's World Cup matches as Pre-season but letting it count for the league?
  4. Is it just me that wouldnt be bothered if he was 3rd choice with someone else to come in along side Wilson?
  5. Not our ex BUT Notts County's number 7 (Grealish), the one with no shin pads, just come on for Villa at the Ethiad. Saturday hes up against Connor Brown, Tuesday he's up against Pablo Zabaleta. Should be a piece of piss in comparison with Saturday.
  6. how many coaches do we need? soon we'll have that many we'll be renting them out to swanns.
  7. Carlise http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/27293985 Greg Fleming on there. Any takers?
  8. At least we managed to salvage a draw
  9. Doing what. Cleaning the seats in the background?
  10. Sussex 1st 298 (103) Smith 3-69. 2nd 216-5 dec (68) Chapple 2-45 Lancs 1st 191 (82.4) Davies 59. 2nd 19-0 (8.4) Horton 14* Points; Lancs 8 Sussex 12
  11. It's alright saying to get rid of Dayton but he's under contract so if we don't sell him we have to pay him out go his contract which IMO is a waste of money because he is a good player and has been unlucky this season with injuries.
  12. I think it will be very close again down the bottom with the play off team + dale, scunny and Chesterfield coming up with those that finished 16 and below. Also it wouldn't surprise me if Barnsley and Yeovil dropped like a stone a la Bristol. IMO 10+ teams could be in a relegation dogfight in 11 month time. Next season could be more of a challenge than this.
  13. We have played both MK Mongs and Roverum haven't we? Robinson and Blobby have to be up their.
  14. M'voto scores an own goal against QPR He'll be back at BP next season with Barnsley.
  15. Isn't macdonald under contract for next season?
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