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Everything posted by AlanGrovesFanClub

  1. Yes, thank you for that, I was just looking it up. Here are a few words from the great Andy Ritchie to confirm out story! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/competitions/premier-league/10801133/Premier-Leagues-greatest-escapes-in-the-players-own-words.html
  2. My memory is crap. Perhaps I'm thinking of the replay!
  3. His attitude was unquestionable...and he took great corners!
  4. We do have some real twats, but not as many as in the glory years. I remember one guy screaming and screaming at Neil Pointon all the way through a match that he shouldn't be taking the corners because "you're f*cking shit, you are Pointon". That's the same Neil Pointon who scored 2 goals direct from corners. I would have set the guy straight but he was about 6'6" and seemed like a total pyscho, so I decided to take the safer approach and try to block out the sound of his voice. He had a very loud voice, and I failed.
  5. or Benyu? or Ollie Banks? or Danny Boshell? [sorry, oh Mighty Bosh, but...] ah, the golden years...
  6. Benyu was utterly, utterly useless. And Tope was almost as bad.
  7. Imagine being sad enough to do all that fake account shit, that's the real point. I know that these things seem obvious to some, but I don't think we should call people "thick" just because they don't look for sad wanker behaviour behind every interaction - in a way it's quite endearing that they are still assuming others to be good and honest.
  8. If you can't even be arsed to make up a rumour what are you doing on here?
  9. If you can find a copy of the offer that we turned down to take him for free then you may possibly (with hindsight, and assuming that we had the money and leeway in our FA budget to take on his contract at the time) be correct.
  10. You seem v confident. Great news which I hope means takeover approved too.
  11. He was very good that day. As a city dweller you seem to have settled on "country mile" as your go-to go-large adjective! I approve. PS: if anyone is thinking of saying that "country mile" can't be an adjective cos it's 2 words then could they please resist. No names mentioned...
  12. I thought that was Stagger Lee / Oldham Mumps* * delete as necessary
  13. That explains where he was then - not chosen. Maybe a few more can move on, such as son of Banksy, and we can get some good additions. A takeover, that's what we need now!
  14. His imagination apparently, although which one we aren't sure. He seems to have multiple accounts - see above.
  15. Thanks for posting this. As we have 3 other midfielders on the bench I don't really understand the need to bring back Banks and add a 4th. Great to see Kyeremeh back, could be like a new signing. McLaughlin must have picked up a knock? Like everyone else, I'm wondering what happened to Osei.
  16. Erm, the embargo is against players coming IN. Edit: otherwise it would be like Hotel California!
  17. Sorry everybody, but whenever I see the title of this thread I always think of this...
  18. Can someone please confirm that they've got all their luggage and everything, and that the transfer from the airport went well? I can't rest...
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