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Might aswell get use to it now !

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The problem is though while everyone who comes from the area knows all of the little intricacies about what belongs to where, which boundary goes where etc, people from further afield will always include Salford, Oldham, Bury, Sale, Stockport etc. as Manchester.


I come from a small town near Runcorn, before leaving home I would never dream about referring to myself as from Runcorn. However no one has heard of it when I say where I am from, so sometimes I use Runcorn as a marker, some people haven't even heard of Runcorn so I have to say I am from near Chester/Liverpool/Manchester.





Try me......

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Let's have it right, Oldhamers are not Mancunians we are "YONNERS". <_<




There's nowt worse than an Oldhamer pretending to be from Manchester. Makes me cringe.


Doesn't matter where I am, if someone asks me where I am from I say Oldham and if they don't know where that is they're not worth talking to.


Spot On There.

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Hasn't Manchester, like everywhere else, got a place in the 21st century whether it likes it or not? You don't hang out with councillor Pat Karney and his chums, by any chance, do you?


In what way does any of this constitute progress, though? Progress towards what?


Ancient Rome, for example, had world class facilities for the time, all of them well-used and popular, but had no sense of and made no claim to be progressing towards anything.


Loads of unwashed barbarians flocked to it, imitating Roman accents though.


PMSL! Anyone who says you don't have a sense of humour needs their eyes testing. Brilliant.

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When asked where I came from, I used to say "Oldham" and then I would add "in Lancashire near Manchester" for people unsure of the town's location. Then Big Joe brought us the 'glory years' and I no longer had to explain where the town was situated. To say Latics put the town on the map was an understatement. East Staffordshire Borough Council is twinned with Blantyre, Malawi and, to my amazement, visitors from there talked to me with fondness about the cup exploits of Latics, which they had followed from back home. We were the second team of many people, because of the attacking style of play.

People still know where the town is, but these days they struggle to remember which division Latics are in.


Really as when I spent 2 months in Blantyre, Malawi I had no idea it was twinned with East Staffordshire Borough Council. Nor did any of the Malawians have a clue as to who Oldham were. Just because something happened to you once doesn't make it true for everyone. You probably find that those Malawians who can afford to come to England can also afford to look up stuff on the net, have radios and TVs whereas most Malawians can't really do any of that.


Getting back to the point made by JSS when is a square not a rectangle- never all squares are rectangles. I was good friends with a lass from Wigan at uni and she didn't have a clue where Oldham/Rochdale were (and she must have been reasonably clever to do what she was doing at the uni I was at then). Most of the time when asked where I come from I say Manchester but sometimes that becomes Lancashire- especially when talking to someone from t'other side of hill, occassionally I get into more specifics when I realise the other person has the foggiest clue where I'm on about. Oldham can be in Manchester, not in Manchester, in Lancashire, or just be in the North to loads of of people. Its just really a name Oldham itself won't move just because someone is preoccupied with it being in Lancashire/whereever. Easyjet says Luton is in London but try telling that to someone from Luton.

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Really as when I spent 2 months in Blantyre, Malawi I had no idea it was twinned with East Staffordshire Borough Council. Nor did any of the Malawians have a clue as to who Oldham were. Just because something happened to you once doesn't make it true for everyone. You probably find that those Malawians who can afford to come to England can also afford to look up stuff on the net, have radios and TVs whereas most Malawians can't really do any of that.


Getting back to the point made by JSS when is a square not a rectangle- never all squares are rectangles. I was good friends with a lass from Wigan at uni and she didn't have a clue where Oldham/Rochdale were (and she must have been reasonably clever to do what she was doing at the uni I was at then). Most of the time when asked where I come from I say Manchester but sometimes that becomes Lancashire- especially when talking to someone from t'other side of hill, occassionally I get into more specifics when I realise the other person has the foggiest clue where I'm on about. Oldham can be in Manchester, not in Manchester, in Lancashire, or just be in the North to loads of of people it only really matters to pedants with too much time on their hands. Easyjet says Luton is in London but try telling that to someone from Luton.


Not surprised the Malawians took an interest in Latics, didn't we tour there in the 60s?

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Not surprised the Malawians took an interest in Latics, didn't we tour there in the 60s?


Possibly but the number of Malawians alive that remember is slim- and the one I've met properly will certainly know who Oldham are and where it is since he worked for my Dad, may well have worked at the Royal Oldham and may even have been to a Latics game

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Really as when I spent 2 months in Blantyre, Malawi I had no idea it was twinned with East Staffordshire Borough Council. Nor did any of the Malawians have a clue as to who Oldham were. Just because something happened to you once doesn't make it true for everyone. You probably find that those Malawians who can afford to come to England can also afford to look up stuff on the net, have radios and TVs whereas most Malawians can't really do any of that.


... it only really matters to pedants with too much time on their hands. Easyjet says Luton is in London but try telling that to someone from Luton.


So none of the Malawians you spoke to knew of Latics, but the ones I spoke to did. I said I was amazed at that fact. I didn't say ALL Malawians knew of Latics. You could pick an argument in an empty house! :ranting:


Saying (accuracy) only matters to pedants with time on their hands is like saying getting a diagnosis correct only matters to underworked doctors! :shock:

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Here's the final word: Failsworth is in the borough of Oldham, although at an outer fringe. It has never been part of the city of Manchester.


However, much of the Failsworth population, possibly a majority, has Mancunian origins. Thus, it is culturally (for want of a better word) Mancunian.


All we need to know, in the end, is that no more than about 5% of Failsworth residents (if that) will ever wholeheartedly support Oldham Athletic.


This figure (drawn from where I have no idea) would qualifiy Failsworth as a hotbed of support in the borough.


All the more reason to go.


Happy to see you supporting the move Corp. Always 'progressive'.

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Not surprised the Malawians took an interest in Latics, didn't we tour there in the 60s?


They weren't aware of that. Their knowledge came from the Cup runs we had, which made news around the world. After all a Second Division team beat the reigning champions, and that doesn't happen very often.

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So none of the Malawians you spoke to knew of Latics, but the ones I spoke to did. I said I was amazed at that fact. I didn't say ALL Malawians knew of Latics. You could pick an argument in an empty house! :ranting:


Saying (accuracy) only matters to pedants with time on their hands is like saying getting a diagnosis correct only matters to underworked doctors! :shock:


Yeah I could pick an argument in an empty house- who said that :grin:. Did the Malawians visit you or did you visit Blantyre? As part of the point I was trying to make was if I wanted to impress someone I find out a bit about them first and look up some of their interests I doubt there are many Oldham fans living in Burton not related to you. Could it be that they looked up some stuff about Oldham before they came in books which are the most recent they have but would still be out of date, in order to impress you? How can you make the sweeping statement that we were the second team of many if loads of people have never heard of us?


Oh and for your second point the diagnosis isn't the be all and end all. It helps but it isn't necessary to treat the problem. Influenza type A variant H1N1 and swine flu get treated the same- because they are the same it doesn't matter what the name is and frankly judging by reports doesn't need treating in half the cases. Medicine is often about knowing what something isn't as opposed to what it is and acting accordingly.

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Never really got this nonsense, Oldham is a town in Greater Manchester. As is Stretford, whilst it's fun to claim United aren't from Manchester, they are. As are Oldham Athletic. Very few people talk about Manchester as in the actual city of Manchester...'Manchester' is synonymous with Greater Manchester.


I'm not from the city of Manchester, I am from the Stockport metropolitan borough...but I think of myself as being from Manchester and am proud to call myself a Mancunian.


Get the chip off your shoulder, Oldham is in Manchester and you're a Mancunian. Live with it :wink:



:ranting: tit

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There's nowt worse than an Oldhamer pretending to be from Manchester. Makes me cringe.


Doesn't matter where I am, if someone asks me where I am from I say Oldham and if they don't know where that is they're not worth talking to.


100% agree... ...unless the Oldhamer in question happened to be in a Greek island night club during the height of the "Madchester" movement and pretending to be from Manchester increased his chance of getting off with some seriously hot totty... :lol::wink:

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Yeah I could pick an argument in an empty house- who said that :grin:. Did the Malawians visit you or did you visit Blantyre? As part of the point I was trying to make was if I wanted to impress someone I find out a bit about them first and look up some of their interests I doubt there are many Oldham fans living in Burton not related to you. Could it be that they looked up some stuff about Oldham before they came in books which are the most recent they have but would still be out of date, in order to impress you? How can you make the sweeping statement that we were the second team of many if loads of people have never heard of us?


The Malawians were visiting Burton as part of the twinning arrangement. We only met by chance and got round to talking football, which led to my amazement about them knowing about Latics. They had no idea they would meet any Oldhamers in Burton.


I've just realised what's up doc! When I said they were the second team of many, I wasn't talking about Malawians, but people over here who previously had not known where Oldham is.


It's a bugger when I have to justify my stories. It's not as if they are to be published in the Lancet. :grin:

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Never really got this nonsense, Oldham is a town in Greater Manchester. As is Stretford, whilst it's fun to claim United aren't from Manchester, they are. As are Oldham Athletic. Very few people talk about Manchester as in the actual city of Manchester...'Manchester' is synonymous with Greater Manchester.


I'm not from the city of Manchester, I am from the Stockport metropolitan borough...but I think of myself as being from Manchester and am proud to call myself a Mancunian.


Get the chip off your shoulder, Oldham is in Manchester and you're a Mancunian. Live with it :wink:


Why don't you go share your views with some other mancs then. I'm from oldham and i ain't no manc FULL STOP. Now pull your pants down so i can hear you better sir.



Let's have it right, Oldhamers are not Mancunians we are "YONNERS". <_<


+1 thank you sir :grin:



There's nowt worse than an Oldhamer pretending to be from Manchester. Makes me cringe.


Doesn't matter where I am, if someone asks me where I am from I say Oldham and if they don't know where that is they're not worth talking to.


glad to see there are some people with sense on here :grin:

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The Malawians were visiting Burton as part of the twinning arrangement. We only met by chance and got round to talking football, which led to my amazement about them knowing about Latics. They had no idea they would meet any Oldhamers in Burton.


I've just realised what's up doc! When I said they were the second team of many, I wasn't talking about Malawians, but people over here who previously had not known where Oldham is.


It's a bugger when I have to justify my stories. It's not as if they are to be published in the Lancet. :grin:


Cool- when was this as it may be generational as well? I'm not arguing I'm interested as like I said in one of my previous posts the only Malawian I met who knew about Oldham lived and worked in (for a significant period with a Oldham fan) and around the Oldham area around that time anyway so I'd be surprised if he doesn't know.


I said many moons ago that there were a fair few Malawians playing for their national team who looked like good buys for someone like us- considering they have now qualified for the African Nations Cup they may even be of a high enough standard to not have Keith Gumbs esque work permit problems. Plus lots of them will be cheap as the SA league (where most of them play) doesn't strike me as being money driven as much as our league. I'd be delighted if we could develop a Malawian fan club to go along with our Cayman contingent.


Justifying your stories- its not the matter that I don't believe you but you painted a picture which seemed wholly inaccurate to me having lived in the town you mentioned for 2 months and I thought it best to give a more balanced view.

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