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For the long term ST holders

For the long serving ST holders  

237 members have voted

  1. 1. How long have you been a ST holder?

    • 1st Time
    • 1-5 Years
    • 5 years+
  2. 2. Will you be renewing next season?

    • Yes, regardless of manager
    • No, regardless of manager
    • Only if we change manager
    • Undecided
    • No, but for other reasons (not manager)

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65 season tickets holders is a good percentage for a poll.

AS to the manager being the cause

20% have stated they won't renew.

20% are undecided.

so between 20-40% drop. Although some has hsaid they may change their mind as the deadline approaches.


Those figures should give Guy Marketing Guy and the TTA somthing to think about though.

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I clicked undecided.


If we are relegated to League Two it will almost definitely be a no. In fact as I have said in previous polls, my support for the club would probably be vastly reduced if we were to drop to that level.


If we stay up, then I will have a decision to make. Not a chance am I putting up with the dross we have seen this season though.


I will probably go with the approach of see who the manager is, see who he signs/releases before May 28th, and then make a decision.

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Over 5 years. Won't be renewing. Sick of all the negativity. I can't even drink to drown it out as I drive the masses!


Believe the club is being run into the ground and I don't want to be emotionally attached when it happens.

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If you dont mind can you write a comment stating how long youve been a ST holder (just from the options will do) and what you have chosen for the second question please?


Season ticket holder for 20+ years.


I'll probably renew regardless.

I think the players are better than our current position (which doesn't reflect well on DP) and if we get through this season we can move on and hopefully upwards.

I'm positive....or deluded, you decide.

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+5 years (will actually be my 21st successive St) and will renew no matter what - I support the team through thick and (more often) thin.


The England bet offer makes it a better option than previously (considering laying England bet to get guaranted cheaper Season Ticket).


Histortically I got my first season ticket to ensure I could attend big games (laughable these days) but kept it going out of habit / saving money on the price per game. These days I am convinved if I didn't have one, I wouldn't have the motivation to go regularly and pay on the door - so its a must have now.


Also - its a bit of a 'badge of honour' being a season ticket holder at a lower league club, expeically when discussing football with the "Sky TV" Premiership fans.

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5+ years and renewing regardless. Il go no matter what, even if we plummeted down into the non league (which some argue we will anyway). I can't explain why, its just that feeling. Cant blame those who dont wish to renew either because of crap football or it costs too much (a combination of even). Hope its not long til you've gone insane again and rejoin the ranks :grin:

Edited by Oafc88
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5+ years and renewing regardless. Il go no matter what, even if we plummeted down into the non league (which some argue we will anyway). I can't explain why, its just that feeling. Cant blame those who dont wish to renew either because of crap football or it costs too much (a combination of even). Hope its not long til you've gone insane again and rejoin the ranks :grin:



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season ticket holder since 1991,wont be renewing next season if dp is still in charge,sick to death of leavin the ground early so many times this season under that negative clown,sorry its just the way i feel ive never known it as bad ever...

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I voted at lunch time but didn't have time to type what and why.


I am a 30+ year season ticket holder, but I won't be getting one next season, not because Penney is the boss, purely due to the fact that it bores me to tears.


I'm much further down the road than Prozac, I have just about given up over the last 2 seasons. I went to ten games at BP last year, and only been to five or six this season (both as a ST holder), financially it doesn't make sense, on an entertainment level - well, I would rather stick pins in my eyes, the ground is a complete sh1thole - soulless, with an atmosphere thinner than the moon and the facilities are akin to those of a workhouse.


I think that the owners are taking us for a ride and on the lookout for the first train out of Dodge, the majority of the players are inept beyond words.


As the club had gone to the dogs over the last few years, any remaining enthusiasm I had for it has gone. I keep an eye out for the results and come on here to see what is going on, but other than that, I don't even bother listening anymore, whereas a few months ago I would do.


I went to Exeter so that I could tick a ground off the list; I got drunk, had a laugh with mates and wasn't remotely interested in what was going on in front of me on the pitch. That Exeter went one in front gave me the perfect excuse to leave.


The last home game I went to was Tranmere in January and I walked at half time.


Like many of the players, I am past caring. If (or should that be when?) we get relegated I can finish off the 92 watching Latics, then I suspect that will be me done.


I have put the miles in, cried myself to sleep when we were going down the pan and did everything and more that I could financially and time wise to help them in their time of need.


I am lucky though, at least I saw the good times, I don't want to be around when the inevitable worst becomes inevitably true. The club is already dead in my eyes and our saviours have killed it. It just needs putting out of its misery to complete the whole sorry saga.



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I've had a ST for more than 20 years. undecided at the moment.

I have literally dreaded having to go this season. a feeling I've never experienced before no matter how poor it's been in the past.

the ground is now a joke, the 'atmosphere' non existent, the football from Oldham (& just about every other team I've seen) frankly pathetic.

crucially for me, my friends & family have now drifted away from it & I go in my own. it's become a painful, tedious experience. I have taken no joy from this season at all.

I feel no affinity whatsoever for this group of loanees & journeymen. they are indistinguishable from the opposition.

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The number of shorter term season ticket holders sugests very few new fans are being added. Not just this season but over the past 5.


Marketing Guy has one hell of a job to do with the free when we win the World Cup promotion.


How to add new season ticket holders as the old ones drop away.

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I had a season ticket for about 10 years before this season but I might get one next season purely because of the England offer, I like a gamble!


I wont be getting one after that until/if we move to the new ground. I hate coming to BP to watch football, its just full of negativity and misery through the combination of the fans, players, the decaying structure itself etc.


Sadly, I think if we don't move then the club will go to the wall because the fans have given up the fight, including me sadly.

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I voted at lunch time but didn't have time to type what and why.


I am a 30+ year season ticket holder, but I won't be getting one next season, not because Penney is the boss, purely due to the fact that it bores me to tears.


I'm much further down the road than Prozac, I have just about given up over the last 2 seasons. I went to ten games at BP last year, and only been to five or six this season (both as a ST holder), financially it doesn't make sense, on an entertainment level - well, I would rather stick pins in my eyes, the ground is a complete sh1thole - soulless, with an atmosphere thinner than the moon and the facilities are akin to those of a workhouse.


I think that the owners are taking us for a ride and on the lookout for the first train out of Dodge, the majority of the players are inept beyond words.


As the club had gone to the dogs over the last few years, any remaining enthusiasm I had for it has gone. I keep an eye out for the results and come on here to see what is going on, but other than that, I don't even bother listening anymore, whereas a few months ago I would do.


I went to Exeter so that I could tick a ground off the list; I got drunk, had a laugh with mates and wasn't remotely interested in what was going on in front of me on the pitch. That Exeter went one in front gave me the perfect excuse to leave.


The last home game I went to was Tranmere in January and I walked at half time.


Like many of the players, I am past caring. If (or should that be when?) we get relegated I can finish off the 92 watching Latics, then I suspect that will be me done.


I have put the miles in, cried myself to sleep when we were going down the pan and did everything and more that I could financially and time wise to help them in their time of need.


I am lucky though, at least I saw the good times, I don't want to be around when the inevitable worst becomes inevitably true. The club is already dead in my eyes and our saviours have killed it. It just needs putting out of its misery to complete the whole sorry saga.





Derek - your view of Latics changed when you got married. Simple.


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And no Yorkshire useless prat is gonna stop me either :angry:

As I'm not a ST holder I haven't posted on this thread before, but this is the spirit for me. I really wish that people wouldn't spend half the game telling the manager to get out of the club, for the reasons that I don't think it helps the team during the match or the general atmosphere in terms of making BP a place you would want to spend your leisure time if you were 50/50, but even those that do sing it - if it's OUR club, why are you thinking of letting a here today gone tomorrow manager stop you?

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Season ticket holder for 5+ years. but i won't be renewing if Penny is still the manager. This is the first season i can remember where i've had to force myself to attend matches as i've had absolutely no hope that i would end up watching anything resembling entertainment. I'll attend the first few matches next season to see how things go and keep my options open.


I've never been so depressed watching latics as i have been this season. Every year there has always been some kind of optimism even if we were playing poorly, this year every last ounce seems to have evaporated, and i just can't see any light at the end of the tunnel with the current management team.

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5+, will renew regardless. I was there during the good times, I've been here during the bad times. I will continue to be here regardless of what the future brings - if I wanted guaranteed success, I'd go watch one of the Manchester clubs.

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