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Rui Miguel

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Listening to Dickov's interview on player I'd say yeah pretty much. Dickov said that a wage had been agreed in Portugal after he'd impressed whilst training with us over there. He came to the club for a week or so to see how he could cope playing over here. Anyway when it came to signing he "moved the goalposts" with what he wanted.

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Yes, the deal's dead - wanted his wages net as in he wanted to pay nicht tax...

If the club really wanted him they could have told him to set-up a limited company and they could pay his wages into that which would mean a business to business transfer which is taxed at 10%, or something similar. That's how Yaya Toure and the like get paid at City and they pay a fraction of the tax they should do. But frankly, if a professional footballer and their agent(s) don't know how reduce their tax bill legally more fool them, it's not as if that sort of thing hasn't been newsworthy for the last few years.


I'm quite glad the club decided not to bother with him though, if he wanted to pay as little tax as possible.

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If the club really wanted him they could have told him to set-up a limited company and they could pay his wages into that which would mean a business to business transfer which is taxed at 10%, or something similar. That's how Yaya Toure and the like get paid at City and they pay a fraction of the tax they should do. But frankly, if a professional footballer and their agent(s) don't know how reduce their tax bill legally more fool them, it's not as if that sort of thing hasn't been newsworthy for the last few years.


I'm quite glad the club decided not to bother with him though, if he wanted to pay as little tax as possible.


My understanding was he'd agreed a deal then turned round & said he meant that's what he wanted AFTER tax not gross.


He'd still be paying tax.


Most foreign players want this due to our complicated tax system I believe

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My understanding was he'd agreed a deal then turned round & said he meant that's what he wanted AFTER tax not gross.


He'd still be paying tax.


Most foreign players want this due to our complicated tax system I believe

would love to know what figures he was talking. Shame really, his performance at Fleetwood excited my greatly. Won't do is any harm with Simpson nearing are main man tho.
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would love to know what figures he was talking. Shame really, his performance at Fleetwood excited my greatly. Won't do is any harm with Simpson nearing are main man tho.


What do you reckon - about £2000 a week?


Would that be about £3000 before tax & NI?


If so, there might still be scope to meet him in the middle.

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would love to know what figures he was talking. Shame really, his performance at Fleetwood excited my greatly. Won't do is any harm with Simpson nearing are main man tho.


all he did was play a few one - two's and run around, not one shot on target or an assist


granted he had one assist against City....I didnt go so cant say how he performed there


the way things are at the club, they should keep the power in any negotiations, the minute a player or agent starts demanding.....tell them to get :censored:ed


I wont lose sleep over him going back to Portugal.

Edited by palmer1
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all he did was play a few one - two's and run around, not one shot on target or an assist


granted he had one assist against City....I didnt go so cant say how he performed there


the way things are at the club, they should keep the power in any negotiations, the minute a player or agent starts demanding.....tell them to get :censored:ed


I wont lose sleep over him going back to Portugal.

agree with most of this. Just thought he looked a handful. In fact he didnt look a handful he was. Still hes gone now and I'm looking forward to seeing some raw pace.
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That sounds like a bit of an excuse from them. Our tax system is hardly complex unless you've got investments and multiple sources of income.


I believe it is compared to most countries. If not complex, certainly different.


Don't think it's an excuse, moreso a way of comparing like with like.

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That sounds like a bit of an excuse from them. Our tax system is hardly complex unless you've got investments and multiple sources of income.

Whilst I agree it's an excuse, if you lived in another country the non-Dom tax rate might be considerably less than our non-Dom tax rate and if we truly want the EPL to be the best league in the world, which is a debate for another time, then tax loopholes are required to be used.


There is a significant loophole they've had to introduce for the Olympics which might be valid but I think only applied to money earned outside the UK- which was recently changed wrt taxable income.

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