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New Stand Proposal to go before Planning Committee

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I wouldn't worry about Sheffield United, they'll be fine.


I'm no expert in Business running but if you can't fill office space close to Sheffield city centre then we may encounter a few problems down the line being outside Oldham. Just a concern, though I've heard the NHS might be interested

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2,300 seats + corporate attendees in the various suites and boxes.

Plus seats in the janitor's office for conferences.


Hope this goes ahead without too much grief, it will give us a lot of hope for the future to see the construction taking place I think.

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Looks good and will be nice to have a 4 sided stadium although the capacity of the stand is pretty irelevant here,its about generating some desperately needed icnome,i dont think there will be anyone coming in with cash,if there was corney would have got someone by now.

Im more worried about this seasons fight for league 1 survival

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Looks good and will be nice to have a 4 sided stadium although the capacity of the stand is pretty irelevant here,its about generating some desperately needed icnome,i dont think there will be anyone coming in with cash,if there was corney would have got someone by now.

Im more worried about this seasons fight for league 1 survival


I agree.

This game Saturday is a big one, if you ask me (you didn't ask me but so what aha). If we lose, there's going to be alot more pished off than there is now. If we win and put on a good performance then it will make a few people abit more satisfied.


As for the new stand, it will maybe quiet down away fans from singing 'Oldhams a s***hole I wanna go home'. :grin:

I'm not assed one bit about the capacity of the stand as we can't even fill 3 sides so we don't want it too big because it'd just look stupid. We just need a safe, steady and clear future and we can do that by generating income.

I'm not getting my hopes up though until I can see it up! :grin:

Edited by AnthonyOAFC
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You know I sat there the other night in the RRE and thought to myself "the missing stand aside is Boundary Park all that bad? Once we get the new stand built, it will once again be a proper old fashioned football ground."


Yes it also needs some major TLC but in these days of identikit grounds it may but a dump, but it's a unique dump.



On the flipside, i'd knock it down and rebuild it tomorrow if it helped us compete!

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