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Lee Johnson changing players' dietry approach

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New Oldham boss Lee Johnson will draft in diet experts to take his players to the supermarket in a bid to show that every little helps.

The 31-year-old is reshaping the Boundary Park club from top to bottom – and he wants to make sure his charges know exactly what is on and off the menu by having experts join them in the aisles.

“We want nutritionists to come in and take some of the younger lads shopping and show them what they should and shouldn’t be eating,” he said.

“We want to educate players on how to live right and make sure that they know what it takes to become a top-level athlete.”

Johnson, who travelled the globe throughout his playing career to pick up techniques in preparation for a managerial role, added that he had also implemented a code of conduct.

“We’ve drawn up a fines system and the money we raise from it will be going on new equipment and also to a charity – it won’t be going on a night out for the players,” he said.

Johnson is acutely aware of the financial difficulties facing the League One strugglers.

For his first match in charge, a 3-0 victory against Hartlepool United, he wore a club jacket complete with gaffer tape covering the initials of its previous owner.

“We are looking at employing experts on a part-time basis,” he said. “We have to be creative at Oldham. Some will come in for a day and work with the players.

“We also need to learn and develop ourselves as staff by going on courses and learning new techniques.”

Johnson, who has already implemented a new, high-tempo training regime and playing style, has set his targets on bringing similar improvements off the pitch.

“We need to raise the standards everywhere," he said. “We want to punch above our weight in every department.

“The physio needs more equipment. Again, we have to be creative in how we do that but we need to raise the bar.”

Revamping a football club takes time and Johnson revealed he has relied on understanding from his wife, Nicola, with whom he lives in Cheshire with the couple’s five-year-old daughter Isabella.

“I’ve hardly seen my missus which is terrible,” he said. “But hopefully that will change. We are trying to set the wheels in motion so that we can have a regimented system.

“Tony Philliskirk (head of youth) works all the hours God sends too. We want to get to a point where we are able to spend more time coaching the players."

Johnson, who revealed that he has had a message of support from Liverpool boss Brendan Rodgers, is currently preparing his side for a busy Easter period.

That sees a trip to promotion hunting Swindon Town on Good Friday followed by the visit of Colchester United on Monday.

He believes his men can win both games and put further daylight between themselves and the drop zone.

“They have been flying in training and have impressed me. They are looking sharp and that has got me excited.

“Swindon have spent a lot of money. They are a big, fit, hungry side going for promotion and, whilst I am not saying we are safe, it will be a great education for us to take into next year when hopefully we will be in their position.”

Johnson, who added that he currently has no plans to bring in a number two or add to his playing staff, was wrapped up in a bobble hat and scarf at a freezing Chapel Road for Tuesday’s reserve clash with Hull City.

And he added that his toughest challenge could be coping with the notorious Oldham climate.

“It’s something I’ve not adjusted to yet,” he joked. “I’m going to have to invest in some thermals.”




Interesting. I'm told Chris Iwelumo is enjoying his new, nutritious and healthier meals...



Edited by SholverBlue
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1.) Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist, the protected term is dietitian. He needs a dietitian as all dietitians are nutritionists but not all nutritionists are dietitians.

2.) Whilst getting some of younger players better educated about the good things to eat is to be applauded. He needs to not forget the older ones too, Croft, Baxter, Wes and Cisak are all not exactly slim.

3.) He doesn't need to be taking them round a supermarket to do it either. In fact a supermarket is probably not a very good place as he and the squad are likely to get pestered, they are quite noisy and not conducive to learning.

4.) Getting in external experts is probably not all that cost effective, having been in more than a few lectures given by dietitians. It is far from rocket science and I'd think a few people on this board could do the job and be willing to be paid less.

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1.) Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist, the protected term is dietitian. He needs a dietitian as all dietitians are nutritionists but not all nutritionists are dietitians

2.) Whilst getting some of younger players better educated about the good things to eat is to be applauded. He needs to not forget the older ones too, Croft, Baxter, Wes and Cisak are all not exactly slim.

3.) He doesn't need to be taking them round a supermarket to do it either. In fact a supermarket is probably not a very good place as he and the squad are likely to get pestered, they are quite noisy and not conducive to learning

4.) Getting in external experts is probably not all that cost effective, having been in more than a few lectures given by dietitians. It is far from rocket science and I'd think a few people on this board could do the job and be willing to be paid less.


Baxter and cisak arnt young players? Jesus who are these youngens he's taking to the supermarket? The under 9's?

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Baxter and cisak arnt young players? Jesus who are these youngens he's taking to the supermarket? The under 9's?

I thought he was mainly talking about the players on the fringes; like Dan Taylor, Winchester and Millar. Baxter I'll grant you but Cisak is older than over half our squad, in football terms he isn't what you'd call a young player, even more so in our squad.

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In a Scarborough chippy yesterday. Somebody having cheese on their chips. These people are sick.

Absolutely nothing wrong with Cheesy chips; it's a very good late night post drinking snack. (Albeit a not very healthy one). It's no Parmo though.

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Absolutely nothing wrong with Cheesy chips; it's a very good late night post drinking snack. (Albeit a not very healthy one). It's no Parmo though.

I put these people in the same envelope as those who put gravy on fish. Fish moistness comes from mushy peas. FACT.

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whats this bread roll thing? d'ya mean a muffin?

I prefer the term "muffin" unfortunately with all the "americanism" in the English language, the most used term is bread roll (a small round loaf for one). We should disown anything American (even football club financiers) and be our own country. Re-open the pits and send the kids down, God save the King.

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Slow down a little, fish and gravy is what makes a man of you.

Stop! Stop it now. This is the thin end of the wedge. If we don't watch it we'll have ultras coming over adding mayonnaise, and then what? I wouldn't be surprised to see those darned Asians putting curry sauce on.

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Stop! Stop it now. This is the thin end of the wedge. If we don't watch it we'll have ultras coming over adding mayonnaise, and then what? I wouldn't be surprised to see those darned Asians putting curry sauce on.


Actually, the ultras can bring curry ketchup, that stuff is to die for

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